Online ISSN : 1884-5495
Print ISSN : 0371-5345
ISSN-L : 0371-5345
塩山 洋Arthorn SanpanichMansor B. H. M. Saman
ジャーナル フリー

2001 年 2001 巻 197 号 p. 92-95


Intercalation of EuCl3 and TbCl3 into graphite was carried out by contacting graphite with powder of EuCl3 or TbCl3 in the presence of chlorine. The observation of products by XRD showed that the extent of chlorides intercalation could be controlled through adjustment of the pressure of chlorine; increasing pressure tends to increase the extent of intercalation. In the case of EuCl3, the extent of intercalation varies to show a stage transition. On the other hand, TbCl3 intercalation gives a mixture of stage 2 graphite intercalation compound (GIC) and remaining graphite, where the extent of intercalation is revealed by the ratio of stage 2 GIC to graphite. The difference in the behaviour of intercalation could be attributed to the mobility of the chloride in the graphite interlayer.

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