Online ISSN : 2433-1856
セッションID: P-47
P-47 Aculeineおよびその類縁体の構造解析(ポスター発表の部)
松永 智子酒井 隆一Martin B. GillLeanne Lash-Van WyheGeoffrey T. Swanson
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Aculeines (ACUs) are new peptide toxins isolated from the marine sponge A. aculeata collected at Iriomote, Okinawa. ACUs exhibited neurotoxicity through disrupting cell membrane and inducing robust influx of Ca^<2+> ions. ACUs are modified by long-chain polyamines (LCPAs) at the Nterminal amino acid. Amino acid sequence of the peptide portion of ACU-A was determined on the basis of Edman degradation, nucleotide sequence analysis, and peptide-mass mapping to be a 44-amino acid polypeptide. The peptide-mass mapping for ACU-B showed that it shares the same peptide portion with ACU-A. The nucleotide sequence analysis suggested that the Nterminal of ACU-A/B to be Trp, however; their structures were difficult to be elucidated because of a minute amount of peptides available and highly unusual modification by LCPA. In the present study, we isolated Nterminal fragments E and E' obtained from enzyme digest of ACU-A and B, respectively. We also found a novel LCPA derivative protoaculaine (1) that possibly represents the structures of the Nterminal portion of ACUs form the aqueous extract. Here we report the structure elucidation of those compounds.

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