The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Regular Contributions
Inhaled Air Trapping Effect of Japanese Bedding as a Risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy
Masato FunayamaSohtaro MimasakaKatsunori IwashiroRyohei Nozawa
Author information

1998 Volume 185 Issue 1 Pages 55-65

We assessed some Japanese bedding on the assumption of the effects of air trapping using an infant mannequin. The change of CO2 concentration in the airway of a mannequin head placed on bedding was continuously monitored using a CO2 analyzer during simulated breathing. To compare the level of CO2 dispersal among different items of bedding, CO2 half time (t1/2) values were used. The t1/2 values were calculated by measuring the time required for the expired percent CO2 to reach 1/2 the initial percent end-tidal PCO2. We also measured softness and resistance to airflow (R) of the same items. As for the bedding, 4 types of futon and several types of bottom sheets/towels were combined. The t1/2 value in supine position was 9.8 seconds. When the model was placed prone on futon, the t1/2 values increased to 14.1 seconds (hard mattress type) −17.2 seconds (soft cotton-like futon). With respect to present Japanese baby futon (hard mattress type), there may be a relatively low potential for rebreathing to occur, compared with soft futon. In every case, the t1/2 value was prolonged by the use of a towel spread on the futon. CO2 dispersal may depend not only on the softness of the futon, but also on the combination of bottom sheet/towel and mattress. There was no relationship between R values and t1/2 values. The potential of rebreathing increased in face down position among all bedding, and supine position was the best CO2 dispersal position.
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© 1998 Tohoku University Medical Press
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