Online ISSN : 2434-9054
Print ISSN : 1346-6224
洪 砺
ジャーナル フリー

2024 年 26 巻 1 号 p. 47-64


A considerable amount of high-quality research on the political participation of Chinese Muslim Intellectuals has been conducted. However, such research primarily focuses on the Republican era or the era after the adoption of Reform and opening-up policy. The MAO Zedong era, during which Chinese Muslim Intellectuals began to assume leadership over the entire Chinese Muslim community through regime cooperation, remains insufficiently discussed. MA Jian, who represents a milestone in Chinese Islamic education, can serve as a valuable focal point for addressing the issue. However, the existing literature concerning MA Jian tends to be retrospective and lacks scholarly analysis. Furthermore, certain historical facts are concealed by these texts to maintain a favorable image of MA Jian. Additionally, due to the requirement to conform to the official views and values of the regime, these texts lose objectivity. This article aims to examine the Mao era of Ma Jian by utilizing his writings, biographical sources, and other relevant materials to depict the circumstances of the Hui intellectuals who remained in Beijing during that time. Through this examination, a reevaluation of the strategy of regime cooperation adopted by Chinese Muslim Intellectuals will be pursued.


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