IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
Delay Insertion Based P2PTV Traffic Localization Considering Peer's Relaying Capability
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2017 Volume E100.B Issue 10 Pages 1798-1806


Recently, P2PTV is a popular application to deliver video streaming data over the Internet. On the overlay network, P2PTV applications create logical links between pairs of peers considering round trip time (RTT) without physical network consideration. P2PTV packets are shared over a network without localization awareness which is a serious problem for Internet Service Providers (ISPs). A delay-insertion-based traffic localization scheme was proposed for solving this problem. However, this scheme sometimes leads the newly joining peer to download streaming traffic from a local neighbor peer which has only scarce upload bandwidth. This paper proposes a novel scheme of delay-insertion-based traffic localization in which the router estimates relay capability to each relay peer candidate and leads the newly joining peer to connect to a neighbor peer with sufficient performance for relaying video data. Parameters were evaluated for the optimized condition in the relay capability estimation process. In addition, experiments conducted on a real network show that our proposed scheme can prevent the newly joining peer from downloading video data from peers with insufficient relay capability and maintain video quality close to normal in a P2PTV system while ensuring efficient traffic localization at the level of the Autonomous System (AS) network.

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© 2017 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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