IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
Interactive Admission and Power Control Protocol for Cooperative Spectrum Underlay in Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks
Young-Keum SONGDongwoo KIM
Author information

2011 Volume E94.B Issue 10 Pages 2785-2795


In this paper, we present a distributed and interactive admission and power control protocol for spectrum underlay environments. The protocol enables distributed primary users (PUs) to estimate and adjust the level of tolerable interference as their transmitting powers evolve to a given signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) target. The protocol also guides the powers of distributed secondary users (SUs) to achieve their own targets while restricting the transmitting powers from SUs so as not to interfere with the PUs. This restriction of interference from SUs to PUs is an essential part of cognitive radio networks (CRNs) and is facilitated by sending a warning tone from PUs to SUs in the proposed protocol. The SUs that have frequently received the warning tones turn off their transmitters and so autonomously drop from the system. This paper proves that, under the proposed interactive protocol, every PU finally achieves its target if it is originally feasible without SUs and the transmit powers of remaining SUs converge to a fixed point. The proposed method protects PUs perfectly in the sense that all the PUs reach their targets after power control. Numerical investigation shows how safely PUs are protected and how well SUs are admitted as a function of protocol parameters, the frequency of warning tones, the number of SUs to be admitted and the number of active PUs.

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© 2011 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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