IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
Online ISSN : 1745-1361
Print ISSN : 0916-8532
Regular Section
DNN-Based Low-Musical-Noise Single-Channel Speech Enhancement Based on Higher-Order-Moments Matching
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2021 Volume E104.D Issue 11 Pages 1971-1980


We propose deep neural network (DNN)-based speech enhancement that reduces musical noise and achieves better auditory impressions. The musical noise is an artifact generated by nonlinear signal processing and negatively affects the auditory impressions. We aim to develop musical-noise-free speech enhancement methods that suppress the musical noise generation and produce perceptually-comfortable enhanced speech. DNN-based speech enhancement using a soft mask achieves high noise reduction but generates musical noise in non-speech regions. Therefore, first, we define kurtosis matching for DNN-based low-musical-noise speech enhancement. Kurtosis is the fourth-order moment and is known to correlate with the amount of musical noise. The kurtosis matching is a penalty term of the DNN training and works to reduce the amount of musical noise. We further extend this scheme to standardized-moment matching. The extended scheme involves using moments whose orders are higher than kurtosis and generalizes the conventional musical-noise-free method based on kurtosis matching. We formulate standardized-moment matching and explore how effectively the higher-order moments reduce the amount of musical noise. Experimental evaluation results 1) demonstrate that kurtosis matching can reduce musical noise without negatively affecting noise suppression and 2) newly reveal that the sixth-moment matching also achieves low-musical-noise speech enhancement as well as kurtosis matching.

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© 2021 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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