IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
Online ISSN : 1745-1361
Print ISSN : 0916-8532
Regular Section
Design and Implementation of a Simulator to Emulate Elder Behavior in a Nursing Home
You-Chiun WANGYi-No YAO
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2023 Volume E106.D Issue 6 Pages 1155-1164


Many countries are facing the aging problem caused by the growth of the elderly population. Nursing home (NH) is a common solution to long-term care for the elderly. This paper develops a simulator to model elder behavior in an NH, which considers public areas where elders interact and imitates their general, group, and special activities. Elders have their preferences to decide activities taken by them. The simulator takes account of the movement of elders and abnormal events. Based on the simulator, two seeking methods are proposed for caregivers to search lost elders efficiently, which helps them fast find out elders who may incur accidents.

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