2016 年 82 巻 833 号 p. 15-00449
Transmission demonstration experiment of 0.1-0.2THz beam was performed with transmission system consisted of polymer fibers of φ3mm×300mmL coated with gold metal. THz beam was generated by high power compact gyrotron designed output power of 0.25kW and measured output power at terminal of metallic cladding polymer fibers in the transmission system and the following results were derived; (1) It was demonstrated that maximum output power of the order of 0.84W through the polymer fibers was observed by SBD detector at input power of the order of 7.5W. (2) Loss factor α(dB/m) of PMMA and PEEK polymer fiber was obtained in the range of 150-850(dB/m) and exhibits frequency dependence in the range of 0.1-0.2THz. (3) Present transmission system with metallic tapered wave guide and φ2-3mm×60mm polymer fiber is applicable with 10% power transmittance for hyperthermia therapy.