Online ISSN : 2187-9761
ISSN-L : 2187-9761
小柳 健一野田 堅太郎大島 徹増田 寛之塚越 拓哉桒子 嘉美木谷 尚美
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2023 年 89 巻 927 号 p. 23-00128


When mascot suits or plush fabrics are used to cover a human-friendly robot, frequent sterilization may be required, depending on the use of the robot. However, the effects of such sterilization are not sufficiently understood. In this study, variations in the strength and color values of plush fabrics were measured and quantitatively evaluated following 50 cycles of sterilization by ethylene oxide gas (EOG). The fabrics were composed of boa fabric, which is commonly used in mascot suits and plush dolls, and cloth reinforced with polyurethane foam. The tensile strength and the elongation were measured by the tensile strength test for clothes or clothing seams, in accordance with the standard JISL1096. In terms of appearance, red-green-blue (RGB) color values were obtained from photographs taken under the same light conditions to evaluate the color tone. A friction test was used to evaluate the tactile sensation. These results showed that EOG sterilization did not notably affect the properties of the fabrics; however, a single cycle of autoclave sterilization degraded the fabrics. Notably, the boa fabric shrunk and hardened. Thus, EOG sterilization, which does not feature elevated temperatures, may be an effective sterilization approach for these materials.

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