Online ISSN : 1884-6823
Print ISSN : 1341-8157
ISSN-L : 1341-8157
宗 健
ジャーナル フリー

2017 年 2017 巻 97 号 p. 136-145


This study is an analysis of the effects of behavior-thinking style on rent arrears in private rental housing in Japan. This study aims to identify the cause of rent arrears in a discussion of housing safety nets using questionnaire data concerning rent arrears. The main findings are as follows. 1) The behavior-thinking style is different between people who have rent arrears experience and those who do not. 2) The results of logistic regression analysis show that factors of behavior-thinking style affect rent arrears. 3) The results of the path analysis show that factors of behavior-thinking style affect rent arrears. 4) The reason for rent arrears is very different for people who have rent arrears experience and those who do not. 5) People with few financial assets are prone to rent arrears. 6) People with experience of rent arrears are delinquent in mortgage loans, tuition loans, credit card loans, and so on. The conclusion is that the main cause of rent arrears is not income but behavior-thinking style.

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