The 104th West-Japan Society of Naval Architects Meeting

Master Planning Optimization System for Cooperative Ship Assembling
ベンティン マークス濱田 邦裕北村 充
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 17


The basic idea and implementation of a Master Planning Optimization System for cooperative ship assembling is introduced and its design variables are discussed. The optimization is carried out by a SGA that is connected to a Simulation System by the use of several developed controllers. These controllers need additional information usual Simulation Systems do not need. Further, the structure of the used chromosomes and its design variables are shown together with the used genetic operators. At this stage of the developed prototype, the Optimization System is limited to the optimization of the overall production time (makespan). Necessary information for the optimization process is discussed as well as the limits of the presented system by means of presented applications.

© 2002 The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
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