Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Online ISSN : 2186-1005
Print ISSN : 1341-1098
ISSN-L : 1341-1098
Featured articles
Displaying 1-6 of 6 articles
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  • Volume 28 (2022) Issue 4 Pages 239-248
    Surgical Management for Systolic Anterior Motion (SAM) of the Mitral Valve in Obstructive Hypertrophic Myopathy Read more
    Editor's pick

    February 2023 Editor's pick

  • Volume 27 (2021) Issue 2 Pages 84-90
    Preoperative Platelet to Albumin Ratio Predicts Outcome of Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Read more
    Editor's pick

    February 2023 Editor's pick

  • Volume 27 (2021) Issue 4 Pages 251-259
    Early Outcomes of Left Subclavian Artery Revascularization Using Castor Single-Branched Stent-Graft in the Treatment of Type B Aortic Dissection or Intramural Hematoma Read more
    Editor's pick

    February 2023 Editor's pick

  • Volume 27 (2021) Issue 2 Pages 91-96
    Single-Port vs Conventional Three-Port Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Pulmonary Wedge Resection: Comparison of Postoperative Pain and Surgical Costs Read more
    Editor's pick

    February 2023 Editor's pick

  • Volume 27 (2021) Issue 5 Pages 332-334
    Myocardial Aspects in Aortic Stenosis and Functional Increased Afterload Conditions in Patients with Stressed Heart Morphology Read more
    Editor's pick

    February 2023 Editor's pick

  • Volume 27 (2021) Issue 4 Pages 237-243
    Uniportal versus Multiportal Thoracoscopic Complex Segmentectomy: Propensity Matching Analysis Read more
    Editor's pick

    February 2023 Editor's pick

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