Cell Structure and Function
Cell Structure and Function is an international, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal publishing articles in all areas of molecular and cell biology. Published continuously online, the journal is fully indexed in MEDLINE, SCIE, Scopus, DOAJ and other major databases. The official English-language journal of the Japan Society for Cell Biology, CSF welcomes submissions from around the globe.

Aims and Scope

Cell Structure and Function is a fully peer-reviewed, fully Open Access journal. As the official English-language journal of the Japan Society for Cell Biology, it is published continuously online and biannually in print.
Cell Structure and Function publishes important, original contributions in all areas of molecular and cell biology. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts on research areas such as the cell nucleus, chromosomes, and gene expression; the cytoskeleton and cell motility; cell adhesion and the extracellular matrix; cell growth, differentiation and death; signal transduction; the protein life cycle; membrane traffic; and organelles.
The journal publishes five article types: Full Articles; Short Communications; Mini-Reviews and Reviews; Technical Notes; and Perspectives. Full Articles and Short Communications report original research not published elsewhere. The remaining article types can be summaries of previous research, but must add important insight or a fresh perspective.
The audience of Cell Structure and Function includes research scientists in academia or industry who work on cell biology or related life sciences, individuals working on the application of research in these fields, clinicians, students and other interested individuals. The journal strives to be an important outlet for the publication of excellent research and an essential part of communication in molecular and cell biology.

Journal Policies and Instructions to Authors

The journal's Instructions to Authors, which contain information about the Publishing and Editorial policies, Open Access and copyright, fees, and other information is available here.
The journal is archived in Portico; in the event the journal is no longer published, the journal's articles will be made available via this service.
Further information about the journal and the society is also available at the journal’s website.

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1,961 registered articles
(updated on October 22, 2024)
Online ISSN : 1347-3700
Print ISSN : 0386-7196
ISSN-L : 0386-7196
2023 Journal Impact Factor (JIF)
DOAJ Scopus Pubmed J-STAGE Data
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Announcements from publisher
  • This publication was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17HP2012.