Food Safety
Food Safety is a peer-reviewed open-access electronic online journal of English published quarterly by the Food Safety Commission of Japan (FSCJ). Since the first issue was published in December of 2013, this journal has been regularly published on broad fields of sciences on food-related risk assessments. The aim of the publication of Food Safety is to gather and disseminate scientific and technological information in the field of food safety on human health, and thereby facilitate the development of science and technology for risk assessments of foods. The journal publishes original articles, short communications, and reviews covering broad areas of food safety related to the risk assessment of foods as well as risk assessments conducted by FSCJ. The scope of Food Safety covers: (1) pathogenicity or toxicity of biological, physical, or chemical agents concerning food safety; (2) occurrence of biological, physical, or chemical agents in the food chain with emphasis on food safety; (3) epidemiology or control of food-borne illnesses; and (4) safety evaluation of novel foods  including nanomaterials, genetically modified organisms, etc. In addition to these areas, papers on the methodology of risk assessments concerning food safety are encouraged. We are grateful to the contributors for supporting the publication of the journal, which will advance the development of science and technology for food safety. This journal is assigned to Digital Object Identifier (DOI)-Cross Reference.
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255 registered articles
(updated on July 27, 2024)
Online ISSN : 2187-8404
ISSN-L : 2187-8404
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Volume 5 (2017) Issue 3 Pages 75-97
Possible Role of Phosphatidylcholine and Sphingomyelin on Fumonisin B1-mediated Toxicity Read more
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