IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications
Aims of IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications: 

   In order to convey to the world new technical information, and creative / original theories in the fields of electrical and Electronics Industry Applications, IEEJ started publishing "IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications" from July 2012 in English, bimonthly.       The members of Industry Applications Society, the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ), are very pleased to hear that the society is issuing IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, a bimonthly that is completely in English, from July 2012. It is with great pleasure that we invite engineers, scientists, professors, and students engaged in the fields of Electrical and Electronics Industry Applications to become members of the society and partake in its various activities. IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications is different from Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TEEE) and IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications (Japanese), and it is the official English journal of IEEJ Industry Applications Society. In order to convey to the world new technical information and creative and original theories in the fields of Electrical and Electronics Industry Applications, it is very important for the IEEJ Industry Applications Society to have a high-quality international journal. IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications is one such journal. However, it is published in Japanese and hence cannot be regarded as an international journal. Therefore, IEEJ Industry Applications Society intends to publish the journal in English from July 2012, bimonthly. The electronic version of IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, such as PDF files, will also be available on the website. Moreover, this open access journal, the official English journal of IEEJ Industry Applications Society, is available to all free of any download charges. Therefore, engineers, scientists, professors, and students worldwide can read IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications easily and quickly. The members of IEEJ Industry Applications Society, including me, hope that IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications will soon be the global favored journal of engineers, scientists, professors, and students worldwide in the fields of Electrical and Electronics Industry Applications.

Scope of IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications:

Power Electronics
- AC/AC Conversion and DC/DC Conversion, - Power Semiconductor Devices and their Application, - Inverters and Rectifiers, - Power Supply System and its Application, - Power Electronics Modeling, Simulation, Design and Control, - Renewable Electric Energy Conversion     
Industrial System
- Mechatronics and Robotics, - Industrial Instrumentation and Control, - Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control and Haptics, - Factory Automation and Production Facility Control, - Automobile Technology and ITS Technology, - Information Oriented Industrial System
 Electrical Machinery and Apparatus
- Electric Machines Design, Modeling and Control, - Rotating Motor Drives and Linear Motor Drives, - Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles, - Electric Railway and Traction Control, - Magnetic Levitation and Magnetic Bearing, - Static Apparatus and Superconductive Application  

 Publishing Ethics of IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications:  
     Code of Ethics on IEEJ IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications is a peer-reviewed journal of IEEJ (the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan). The publication of IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications is an essential building article in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support them. IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications has "Peer-reviewed articles support." It is therefore important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer and IEEJ (the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan).

International Editorial Advisory Board 

Jin-Woo Ahn Kyngsug Univ.   Hirofumi Akagi Tokyo Inst. of Tech.   Nicola Bianchi Univ. di Padova   Frede Blaabjerg Aalborg Univ.   Aldo Boglietti Politecnico di Torino   Dushan Boroyevich Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State Univ.   Tokio Martin Buss Technische Univ. Munchen   Chandan Chakraborty Indian Institute of Tech. Kharagpur   Jaeho Choi Chungbuk National Univ.   Yaow-Ming Chen National Taiwan Univ.   Po-Tai Cheng National Tsing Hua Univ.   Ming Cheng Southeast Univ.   Bo Hyung Cho Seoul National Univ.   Mo-Yuen Chow North Carolina State Univ.   Rik W. De Doncker Rwth Aachen Univ.   J.A. Ferreira Delft Univ. of Tech.   Leopoldo G. Franquelo Univ. De Sevilla   Thomas G Habetler Georgia Tech   Grahame Holms Rmit Univ.   Yoichi Hori The Univ. of Tokyo   John Hung Auburn Univ.   Yousef Ibrahim Federation Univ. Australia   Thomas M. Jahns Univ. of Wisconsin Madison   Atsuo Kawamura Yokohama National Univ.   Johann Walter Kolar Eth Zurich   Peter Korondi Budapest Univ. of Tech. And Economics   Tsorng Juu(Peter) Liang N. Cheng Kung U.   Jinjun Liu Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.   Ren C. Luo National Taiwan Univ.   Kim F. Man City Univ.of Hong Kong   Nobuyuki Matsui Nagoya Inst. of Tech.   Kouki Matsuse Meiji Univ.   Kwang Hee Nam Pohang Univ. of Science And Tech.   Roberto Oboe Univ. di Padova    Kouhei Ohnishi Keio Univ.   Fang Z. Peng Michigan State Univ.   Alfred Rufer EPFL   Seung Ki Sul Soul National Univ.   Masayoshi Tomizuka Univ. of California, Berkeley   Valeriy Vyatkin Lulea Univ. of Tech.   Bogdan M. Wilamowski Auburn Univ.   Dehong Xu Zheijiang Univ.   Peter Xu Univ. of Auckland   Zi-Qiang Zhu The Univ. of Sheffield

Web of Science / Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Scopus (Elsevier) Ei Compendex (Elsevier) Copyright © The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved. Its Editorial Board is shown at
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(updated on February 16, 2025)
Online ISSN : 2187-1108
Print ISSN : 2187-1094
ISSN-L : 2187-1094
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