We ponder the future (in die Zukunft sehen). Why do we ponder the future? It is because the future is an area that is undecided, open, and uncertain. Therefore, we ponder the future.
Still, the future is uncertain for us. Despite the fact that the future is uncertain, we ponder the future. This study, then, addresses whether there is any meaning for us in pondering the uncertain future. Specifically, the question is this: "what meaning is there for us to ponder the future?" In order to investigate this question, the paper examines
passages from
Man s Search for Meaning (Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager) by V. E. Frankl from the perspective of philosophical anthropology, shedding light on what it means for us to ponder the future.
The study shows that when we ponder the future, we form a situation that emerges from our daily life. Moreover, it is characterised by subtle and unremarkable expectation which is emotional (Gefühl) and related to our mood (Stimmung). It refers to an open situation in which a meaning is realised and autonomous decision making by each individual is required through experiential encounters among human beings and between human beings and the world. Under certain circumstances, we no longer depend upon the system of norms which corresponds to the view of human beings that has already been confirmed. Each time we ponder the future, cach time we continue to ponder the future, we renew our expectation, hope, and prayer. The meaning of pondering the future is found in this state where we do not let go of it while we give up on it.