Objective: To compare the effects of strontium substituted hydroxyapatite of different porosities on the biological behaviors of the osteoblasts derived from rabbit bone marrow in
in vitro culture.
Methods: Bone marrow was obtained from healthy rabbit,and then was cultured and induced into osteoblasts,which were compounded with Sr-HA and HA(as the positive contrast) ceramics of different porosities(50%,60% and 70%).The proliferation and differentiation of all the cultured cells were observed at different time points under inverted phase contrast microscope and scanning electron microscope(SEM) respectively. The activity of alkaline phosphatase in these osteoblasts was quantitatively detected.
Results: After cultured with Sr-HA with different porosities, the osteoblasts from rabbit bone marrow showed the biological and morphological properties similar to those of uncompounded osteoblasts. Sr-HA didn't show any adverse effects on the cell functions. In addition, Sr-HA with a porosity of 70% could facilitate the entrance of cells into the pores of the material.
Conclusion: Sr-HA is an optimal scaffold material for bone tissue engineering, which can be potentially found clinical application for bone defect repair. Because of the good connectivity of Sr-HA with a porosity of 70%, it has better effect on the growth of osteoblasts and more possibility of application as a scaffold material for bone tissue engineering than Sr-HA with other porosities.
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