The Journal of Economics
Online ISSN : 2434-4192
Print ISSN : 0022-9768
Volume 83, Issue 1
Displaying 1-2 of 2 articles from this issue
  • Shunji ISHIHARA
    2020 Volume 83 Issue 1 Pages 2-54
    Published: May 01, 2020
    Released on J-STAGE: September 01, 2020

    Svenska fattigvårdsförbundet is known as the influential pressure group which had played an important role in establishment of the poor law of 1918. Its activities for child welfare have also attracted attention because of its remarkable contribution to the development of child welfare in Sweden. But man has not sufficiently scrutinized for which purposes this organization was established or how and what kind of activities this organization had developed. In this article we try to grasp whole aspect of this organization through examining the problems this organization took and the activities that unfolded. In that way we want to elucidate which role Svenska fattigvårdsförbundet had played in the formation of the Swedish welfare state. First in this last part of this article we grasp how this organization participated in the establishment of the child welfare law of 1924. We also consider how it developed its activities through this process. And then we try to make a few remarks about historical significance of this organization’s activities to conclude our discussion.

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  • Considering the Publication of Hiroshi Ohashi, The Economics of EBPM: Policy Proposals based on Evidence (University of Tokyo Press, 2020)
    Yoshiro MIWA
    2020 Volume 83 Issue 1 Pages 55-122
    Published: May 01, 2020
    Released on J-STAGE: September 01, 2020

    In August 2016 Kozo Yamamoto was appointed Minister in Charge of Administrative Reform and appointed the author (Miwa) as his aide (hosakan) . After a short preparation period, the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy determined “the Basic Policy for Statistics Reform” in December. The Council for Statistics Reform Promotion was then created with the “Construction of Systems to Implement Measures for the Promotion of Evidence-Based Policy Making (EBPM) ” as its first agenda. With the activation of this Council, the government’s efforts to promote EBPM began, and has continued at an unexpected pace. The Economics of EBPM (Hiroshi Ohashi ed.) was published in February 2020, as the result of more than two years of effort that began with a conference project soon after the activation of the Council. Articles, with paired comments, are substantively varied.

    This article takes as its primary readers practitioners in charge of EBPM Promotion, including persons in charge of policy making for EBPM promotion. Policy decisions are determined in political process, and the present author has often taken part in that process. Based on that experience, he presents information necessary to understand and promote that process, to the extent possible without interfering with its completion.

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