Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
Online ISSN : 1884-5258
ISSN-L : 1884-0833
Volume 12, Issue 3
Displaying 1-11 of 11 articles from this issue
Original Articles
  • Tsuyoshi IDEGUCHI
    2013 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 361-367
    Published: 2013
    Released on J-STAGE: July 31, 2013
    The sensibility evaluation through the quantitative analysis has not yet provided an enough data concerning an appeal of essential charm and a concrete design. Therefore, we have used a method which covers both qualitative and quantitative analysis to develop a “bodily sensation music listening method.” At first, we have collected live impression words from our subjects who are listening to bodily sensation music, and then we have deciphered the meanings and structures of those words and classified them by using KJ method. Thus, we have made clearer the strength and weakness peculiar to this listening method. Next, we have carried out factor analysis for the live impression words by using SD method. Thus, we have extracted the impression structures peculiar to the bodily sensation music listening method more in detail, such as sound image factor, bodily sensation factor and the feeling of the subject by combining qualitative analysis with quantitative one. Finally, we have discussed the reason why such feelings of the subject was provided based on the results obtained by our method using both quantitative and qualitative analysis.
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  • Li LI, Toshio SHIMOKAWA, Kun YANG, Manabu KUROKI, Isao OYAMA, Shinichi ...
    2013 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 369-378
    Published: 2013
    Released on J-STAGE: July 31, 2013
    In Asian nations, which have reached high economic growth in recent years, development of urban transport infrastructure has been progressing rapidly. Because it is closely connected to urban life, it is important to build a transport infrastructure that has an appropriate balance between the function and quality of an urban environment. As typical developed and developing countries, Japan and China are facing the same problem in relation to streetscapes. In this study, considering the similar points in many ways such as culture, population, transportation infrastructure, etc., the target areas of Chengdu, China, and Tokyo, Japan, were selected and a questionnaire on familiar narrow streets was conducted in both places. The similarities and the differences of sensitivity on the streetscapes in Japan and China were understood with Wilcoxon test. Following that, conditional inference trees method was used to analyse the data obtained from the survey. It revealed that beautiful buildings play a positive role in the comfort and beauty of streetscapes while the bad pavement of sidewalk has the negative affect on the comfort and the beauty of streetscapes. On the aspect of affinity, in Tokyo, the quantity of shops has a positive affect and in Chengdu, the beauty of buildings plays the positive role. Besides those, the presence of obstacles effects the walking strongly both in Tokyo and Chengdu. Such fundamental knowledge revealed in this study will be a salutary lesson for the streetscape development.
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  • Katsumi ANZAI, Hiroto INOUE, Masao KASUGA
    2013 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 379-387
    Published: 2013
    Released on J-STAGE: July 31, 2013
    The purpose of this study was to find correlations among financial conditions and technology assets as a base to develop a technique that can assess overall management resources including intellectual assets. Small-and-medium-sized manufacturers' management resources relevant to technology assets were classified into three clusters using text mining: A. manufacturing techniques related to core businesses, B. design/idea assets, C. social values and future investments. Also, the degrees of profitability were shown to increase by the amount of possessing technology assets. On the other hand, the degrees of stability were shown to decrease in accord with the amount of technology assets. In particular, the stability tended to decrease by the amount of technology assets included in cluster C. Therefore, for the management resources relevant to technology assets which small-and-medium-sized manufacturers should possess, the order of priorities is different based on the degree of their business activity and development.
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  • Mitsuhiro YAMADA, Hiroki INOUE, Yuuhei NOZUKI, Sho-hei OHWADA, Fumie K ...
    2013 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 389-396
    Published: 2013
    Released on J-STAGE: July 31, 2013
    In various human motions, 1/fβ fluctuation has been observed, so that 1/f fluctuation has been utilized for producing human animation in order to make it more human-like and natural. The 1/f fluctuation has been also utilized for producing animation of natural scenes, control of artificial environment, or etc., in order to make them more natural. Chaotic 1/f fluctuation or non-chaotic one has been utilized, however, subjective comparison between them has not been studied yet. In this paper, hand-clapping animation utilizing them is investigated by subjective comparison. As a result, the case with chaotic 1/f fluctuation was more natural and human-like than the case with non-chaotic one.
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  • Atsushi TSUYA, Toshiya NISHIMAKI, Hiroaki OMI, Atsushi TANAKA
    2013 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 397-407
    Published: 2013
    Released on J-STAGE: July 31, 2013
    A music selection method appropriate for users' various situations is proposed in this paper by accumulating only information whether each music has specific impression or not. For its application, a method which predicts users' situations and create appropriate playlists automatically from their music selection is also proposed. Since the validity of the above two points were confirmed, an easy kansei evaluation by the existence of impression is very useful for the music recommendation.
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  • - A Case Study of Evaluation on Functions Provided by Anti-noise Umbrella -
    Mari UEDA, Makoto MORINAGA, Takanori MATSUI
    2013 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 409-414
    Published: 2013
    Released on J-STAGE: July 31, 2013
    In the field of sound environmental design, designers have concentrated their efforts on improving sound physical properties such as decreasing noise level or improving sound articulation and so on. However, the benefits provided by such improvements of sound physical properties are not necessary understood by the users except the visually impaired person or aged person. In order to clarify the benefits of sound environmental improvement, the contribution of the sound environmental functions to evaluation of product design is examined according to psycho-acoustical experiments, which is as a case study focused on an anti-noise umbrella. The anti-noise umbrella developed by authors provides quiet environment walking in the rain. Valuation of the umbrella is estimated by Contingent Valuation Method. It was found that the values of willingness to pay to the anti-noise umbrella increases and utilities were produced when the sound environmental function was shown clearly.
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  • Asuka MIYAKE, Chihiro YAMAUCHI, Keiichi MURAMATSU, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tat ...
    2013 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 415-423
    Published: 2013
    Released on J-STAGE: July 31, 2013
    Besides skills in musical expression, exact timing among music players is required in excellent performances. In order to synchronize each respective sound of music among players, they must use a variety of information. In case of four-hand performances on the piano or performances by a band, for example, information such as musical sounds, body movements and gazes is considered to play critical roles. In this study, we empirically investigated roles of the information as communication channels between music players. We conducted an experiment where pairs of players performed music with a constant tempo, one varying its tempo and one including a long rest on the piano. They played the three sets of music both in a face-to-face setting where they could watch each other and a back-to-back setting where they could not. According to the results of the experiment, we then proposed communication models of players in music performances.
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  • Masaki HYODO, Wataru KAMURA, Hiroyuki KANAI, Toyonori NISHIMATSU
    2013 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 425-430
    Published: 2013
    Released on J-STAGE: July 31, 2013
    In this paper, we investigated the optimum tactual motion for evaluating the texture of various materials. Panels were used to evaluate material texture of six samples, using both active and passive tactual motion, while using one, two or three fingers to conduct the evaluation. We measured the amount of the transmitted information by the information theory to evaluate material texture. We determined the applied force, the dynamical friction force, and the angle between the first finger and objects to understand the role of tactual motion with the experimental process. The results are as follows: (1) From the analysis result of the information theory, the soft/hard feeling was easy to evaluate by both tactual motions. (2) The correlation analysis showed a strong correlation between sensory evaluation and the active tactual motion. The material texture was determined by evaluating the applied force, the dynamical friction force, and the coefficient of dynamic friction.
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  • Takahiro NISHIMURA, Kouki DOI, Hiroshi FUJIMOTO
    2013 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 431-439
    Published: 2013
    Released on J-STAGE: July 31, 2013
    Recently, touch-sensitive screens have been used for various devices: smartphones, slate PCs, personal media players, etc. Specifically, tablet terminals with a touch-sensitive screen have spread rapidly in the fields of education, medicine, business, etc. However, it has been pointed that their operability is influenced by the difficulty in sliding a fingertip. This study is aimed at examining the influence of the surface condition of the display on the operability of tablet terminals. We measured the coefficients of kinetic friction between the tip of the forefinger and several screen protection films. Our measurements indicate that the coefficient of kinetic friction of anti-glare (AG) film was about one-third that of hard coat (HC) film. Then, we conducted an experiment using these films to evaluate the relationship between the surface condition of the display and the operability. The results show that the surface condition of the display influences the accuracy and speed of operation.
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  • Tsutomu WADA, Kouki DOI, Mayu KATAGIRI, Hiroshi FUJIMOTO
    2013 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 441-446
    Published: 2013
    Released on J-STAGE: July 31, 2013
    Raised striped-pattern has been used as a drawing expression of tactile guide map. We are lacking in quantitative data regarding raised striped-pattern for designing easily understandable tactile map. In this study, we investigated the influence of interstices among the lines on tactile discriminability of raised striped-pattern. Ten younger persons and thirteen older ones were asked to distinguish the surface roughness according to 4 categories by comparing 10 raised striped-patterns of different interstices among the raised lines, which were prepared on the basis of the results of previous study. From this study, we found that 5.0mm interstice was necessary for distinguishing different surface roughness and those older persons were somewhat inferior to younger persons in sensitivity of surface roughness.
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  • Nanami MIZUTANI, Michiyo ITO, Hajime IMAI, Syoko SAKURABA, Tsutomu UNN ...
    2013 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 355-359
    Published: 2013
    Released on J-STAGE: July 31, 2013
    It was impossible for hearing-impaired people to recognize common emergency information, such as the announcement or the alarm. To resolve this problem, NTT Facilities Inc. developed the emergency information system using the room lightings. This study was a basic design research aiming at development of the emergency system. We investigated the evaluations of lighting colors and flashing / lighting using free answer. Participants were asked to tell how they feel for white, yellow, red, blue, green and purple lighting and flashing of those. For the analysis, we used KJ method and correspondence analysis. As a result, we overviewed each light's characters. This method can be useful for basic design research.
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