Yoshihiro SEJIMA, Hironori TAKIMOTO, Yoichiro SATO, Ken MATSUDA
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: August 05, 2015
Face color plays an important role in enhancing empathy in human face-to-face communication, and supports recognition of human emotions such as delight and sorrow. However, these effects cannot be applied to people with a color vision deficiency, who differ in color vision compared to people with normal color vision. Therefore, it is essential to investigate differences in the role of face color in perceiving human emotions. This paper focuses on face color in color vision deficiency, and the experiments evaluate the influence of face color on perception in people with normal color vision and a color vision deficiency. In addition, we evaluated differences in emotion perception between people with normal color vision and people with a color vision deficiency. The results demonstrate that orange improves perception of delight.
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2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: August 11, 2015
This research reveals attractiveness factors of Washi-paper as photographic paper. Washi-paper is Japanese traditional paper that have been used every area of Japanese people's life. This study reveals the attractiveness factors of Washi-paper by the following four processes. First, sensory evaluation was performed for three kinds of paper, namely, photograph printing paper, plain paper and Washi-paper. Second, a study was conducted to see if images printed on Washi-paper seem attractive as compared to those on conventional photograph printing paper. Third, surface texture of each paper after printing was measured by micro-figure measuring instrument (surface roughness profiler). Finally, the attractiveness of Washi-paper was analyzed based on the relations between sensory evaluation and physical measurement of surface texture.
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2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: October 09, 2015
This paper proposes a method of selecting respondents who can appropriately answer a question to eliminate mismatches between the questioners and respondents at Question and Answer sites. The proposed method uses the number of appearance of respondents and the score based on the distance between the factor scores of a question and an answer already posted. Nine factors of impressions for statements have experimentally been obtained. Factor scores have been estimated through multiple regression. The possibility of detecting respondents capable of appropriately answering a newly posted question has been examined. The proposed method is based on this observation. It is experimentally evaluated by comparing it with the methods based on average scores and distances through precision and recall. It is shown that the proposed method outperforms others. It is also shown that the proposed method could successfully select the respondents that are more than almost averagely appropriate to a question.
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2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: October 09, 2015
This paper describes linguistic features of generally unreadable person names, which are defined as “
KIRAKIRA names,” and proposes a method to detect
KIRAKIRA names based on the features. Through the discussions, the following eight features are founded as the linguistic features of
KIRAKIRA names: 1) Too many Kanji characters, 2) Too many syllables, 3) Multiple usage of a common Kanji character, 4) Kanji variants are used, 5) The pronunciation of Kanji is generally unknown, 6) Too many stroke count for Kanji, 7) Mismatching of gender between a person and the name, and 8) The pronunciation of name equals an imported word. Based on the features,
KIRAKIRA names are automatically detected by using Support Vector Machine. The experiments to detect
KIRAKIRA names were conducted for 10,000 names. The results of the experiments showed 81.79% accuracy, 76.89% precision, and 91.84% recall.
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- To Typify the Psychological Phenomenon of “Kawaii” -
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: October 15, 2015
This study reports the results of a subject investigation that was conducted on the cause and effect of the phenomenon known as “kawaii.” To experience that something is “kawaii” is a psychological phenomenon; however, it has not been clarified what type of causes lead to this type of effect. Due to the existence of several opinions regarding what comprises “kawaii,” it is difficult to entirely clarify the topic. Three group interviews were conducted with a total of 30 subjects. The laddering method devised by D. Hinkle was used as the question form, and 15 stimuli were used for the investigation. The causes were classified into “shape,” “behavior or expression,” and “personality ”; the effects were classified into 20 social needs and 16 emotional categories. Regarding the effects of “kawaii,” “happiness” was considerably selected followed by “affiliation” and “nurturance.” Moreover, the relationship between the causes and the effects was further understood.
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- A Study on the Effect of Motion in Manzai -
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: October 15, 2015
This paper proposes an automatic robot
manzai (comic dialogue) generation system. In the proposed system, input sentences such as a tale, story, etc. are converted into a
manzai script composed of
boke (stupid joke) and
tsukkomi (comeback). Then, two humanoid robots play the
manzai taking roles of a funny man and a straight man, respectively. Their motions are determined from the motion database based on a verb in the utterance. The contributions of the paper are the following three points; a proposal of the novel system for an automatic robot
manzai generation which can accept a normal story, convert it to the
manzai script and play the
manzai: verification of the usefulness of motions in the
manzai to make it funnier by experiments: indication of the effectiveness of the proposed system by experiments.
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Yasuhiro KUMAOH, Toshio ANDO, Mihoko SUZUKI, Makoto YOSHIDA, Nobutaka ...
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: October 21, 2015
The structure of the complex interaction affects “feeling of comfort” in melon. In the regional melon is branding, “desire to purchase” is important in
Kansei evaluation. The purpose of this research is to make clear the relation “brain waves” and “desire to purchase” by analyzing the results of
Kansei evaluation in regional melon. Because the complex interaction with evaluations is influenced by the characteristic to Melon, and the trend of purchasing evaluations is different, it is necessary to analyze the interaction with Principal Component Analysis, Graphical Modeling, measuring of brain waves, and Discriminant Analysis. The sample is different four kinds of regional melon and on the hammering test. The results suggest that the structural analysis with Graphical Modeling, measuring of brain waves, and Discriminant Analysis is useful in creation of regional branding.
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2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: October 21, 2015
The purpose of signboard is primarily up to indicate the store or company name of that exists in the location where you want to post it. In addition, other general advertising purposes (companies, products, people of talent, and movies, etc.) can be considered. However, there is a variety of purposes, usual route, display of the evacuation route, etc. (some are also referred to as a guide plate), such as the sign for the warning (including, for example, signs that are used during the road construction). In noticing the existence of such a signboard, under some influence from there depicted designed (including characters and the like), a person is considered to move to a specific action. Therefore, such a series of operations may be regarded as a “stimulus” → “thinking” → “action”. For this reason, signboards can be considered as one system. In this paper, by capturing the environment surrounding the signboard, including the people as one of the system, using the concept of production system, we propose a new point of view and its model to the signboard design. This model is based on the basic idea for a person to design as “intrigued by” the curiosity and interests saw the signboard.
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2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: October 21, 2015
Recently, many types of robots have been developed for not only industrial manufacturing but also interacting with human. Robots designed for human-robot interaction are expected to have the ability of communicating with human smoothly. In this paper, we propose the character giving model for
KANSEI robot. This model makes robots individual-beings that are varied with each user. We aim to develop more humanly and empathetic robots by using this model. Robots dynamically get their own characters based on the tendency of user's behaviors which are classified into two dimensions: dominance-submission and acceptance-rejection. Through the interaction experiments between human and the robot with the proposed model, we confirmed that proposed model could give various characters to the robot, and the character, which was given through the communication with a user, suited for each of the users.
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Miyako TAKAMATSU, Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Tatsunori MATSUI
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: November 09, 2015
The purpose of this study is to show the characteristic of “pause of time interval” that is put into the speech when Transliteration-Person reads books out to visually impaired people. Transliteration-Person needs to express also what kind of structure it is as well as to read symbolic language on books out. It may be presumed that “pause of time interval” plays an important role such that auditory sentence structure makes similar to visual sentence structure. So, we focused on punctuation marks and made an experiment comparing 5 skilled Transliteration-Persons with 4 beginner Transliteration-Persons. The result of our experiment shows that “pause of time interval” for punctuation marks is paralinguistic information putting in their speech to construct auditory sentence structure, because the skilled Transliteration-Persons put in their speech different “pause of time interval” to play 2 different type of sentence structure.
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2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: November 09, 2015
People who are hard of hearing have difficulty hearing life sounds necessary to live indoors. Therefore, various products are available to support them. Nevertheless, these devices are insufficient in terms of convenience and cost. For those reasons, we propose a system that identifies sounds related to daily life activities. We have developed the system as a software application for use with a mobile terminal such as a smartphone. We conducted an evaluative experiment to verify its identification performance. Results confirmed that it can identify life sounds of ten types with high accuracy: over 90%. As described herein, we also present results of the performance evaluation experiment of the developed system. Additionally, we discuss challenges for development of the current system from a practical perspective.
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Keiichi YASUDA, Wataru SHIRAKI, Hitoshi INOMO
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: November 13, 2015
Due the fact that the decision to execute repair works is made by determining the repair priority through its importance and health conditions, thus focusing mainly on the safety and cost profit, there is a lack of indexes to evaluate whether the repair plan to extend the structural life agrees to the inhabitant's Kansei or not. In this study, in order to propose a method reflecting the inhabitants' Kansei in repair plans, the inhabitants' aesthetic evaluation is reflected and additional judgment of whether the Kansei index is satisfied or not were considered. As a method reflecting the inhabitant's Kansei in the repair plan, defining the Kansei compatibility was considered by: (a) considering the design concept at the project design stage and (b) redefining the inhabitant's kansei at the point where the repair necessity decision is made, were considered and enquires on an actual bridge were carried out and verified.
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2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: November 13, 2015
This paper clarifies the effect of color on the impression produced by a character, as well as its perception difference between men and women. In our experiments, we selected four letters (B, H, N, O) as we consider they represent the different groups categorized by shape that they belong to. These characters were colored in black, blue, green, red, and yellow to be evaluated through 24 impression word pairs. The results showed a significant impression difference between men and women. It was also shown that the impression produced by the characters can be expressed by three factors: Elegance, Liveliness, and Potency, though the appreciated importance of each factor on character impression varies between gender. In addition, we focus on specific impression word pairs having gender differences. These are “Cheerful-Gloomy,” “Bright-Dark,” “Hard-Soft,” “Optimistic-Pessimistic,” and “Shallow-Deep.” Intensive comparison of the impressions felt by men and women suggest a different perception tendency experimented by each gender.
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Kazutoshi FUKUI, Shunsuke ISHIMITSU, Hayato NAGOSHI, Takahiro YAMANAKA
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: November 20, 2015
Japan is presently aging more rapidly than anywhere else in the world. Concurrently, the number of patients suffering speech disorders is increasing every year, and the incidence is higher as age increases. Those suffering from speech disordered face problems with communicating in daily conversation. They are often able to communicate with speech substitutes, but these typically do not provide a sufficient sound frequency range to be understood in conversation. Therefore, we proposed a speech support system using body-conducted speech recognition. This system retrieves speech from body-conducted sound via a transfer function, using recognition to select a sub-word sequence and its duration. In this study, we demonstrate the effectiveness of producing clear body-conducted speech using a linear predictive coefficient instead of a transfer function. We estimated interval information by heuristic method to divide body-conducted speech into syllables as in past study. In this study, we used continuous sub-word recognition automatically. To confirm the improvement in synthesized speech, a jury test and articulatory feature analysis were employed.
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2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: November 13, 2015
This paper proposes a fashion design and coordinate generation system that takes account of impression of clothing and user's
KANSEI. Fashion coordinate consists of a shirt form, an outerwear form, and their color schemes. This system is composed of three main parts: An impression estimation part, a shirts and outerwear design and coordinate part, and a modification part based on user's evaluation. In the impression estimation part, impression of an inputted adjective, i.e., an impression value, is estimated using impressions spaces of clothes shape and color schemes. Based on the results of the impression estimation part, the parameter values of shirts and outerwear, and the color scheme are determined, and the initial candidates of fashion design and coordinate are presented to a user. In the modification part, based on user's evaluation of presented design and coordinate, the target impression value is updated on impressions spaces and parameter values of modified fashion design and coordinate are calculated. The modification procedures are repeated until a use is satisfied with presented fashion design and coordinate. Experiments are performed in order to confirm the usefulness of the proposed system.
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Shino OKUDA, Katsunori OKAJIMA
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: December 08, 2015
The purpose of this study is to explore the preferable aging conditions of building facades in the preservation district for historical landscape. We took photos of six buildings which were built in the last ten years, and simulated fifteen kinds of aging facades of each building. Next, we conducted the subjective experiment on the evaluation of the building facades. Twenty female participants observed a facade image selected from 96 stimuli randomly, and evaluated it in terms of “oldness”, “unnaturalness”, “calmness”, “familiarity” and “preference”. The results showed that “oldness” is higher as the chroma value of the exterior wall is lower, and that the “oldness” is influenced by the quantity as well as the darkness of the luminance unevenness. In addition, “preference” of the building facade correlates with “calmness” and “familiarity”, and the aging facade of each building has an appropriate “oldness” for “preference”.
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Masahiro YAMAMOTO, Masafumi HAGIWARA
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: December 16, 2015
In this paper, we propose a moral judgment system. Moral judgment means right and wrong judgment. The proposed system consists of the extraction of moral words phase and the moral judgment phase. In the extraction of moral words phase, the positive words and the negative words are extracted based on the co-occurrence frequency of the learning data and the words in the polarity dictionary. In the moral judgment phase, first, the determination of whether the input sentence relates to morality or not is performed. Second, if the input is determined to relate to morality, the scoring based on the co-occurrence frequency of the input and the important evaluation expressions is carried out. In the experiments, we compared the proposed system with judgments by humans. As a result, it is implied that the effectiveness of the proposed system.
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- Investigation of Affecting Factors of Tourist for Traditional Tourism Area in China -
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: December 22, 2015
The purpose of this study is to clarify the tourists' demands for tourism spots where traditional resources were utilized in China. Different tourism spots with different development degree are chosen to research. “Classification and Regression Trees” analyze the affected factors on tourists' satisfaction. The results show that the traditional culture (such as the life style of the local residents and anecdotes of the celebrities) has quite an effect on the tourists' satisfaction. The dissatisfaction with the traditional landscapes (such as the traditional street landscapes and historical architecture) makes the tourists' satisfaction decrease. The traditional dishes, traditional products and infrastructure doesn't influence over the tourists' satisfaction. Based on the comparison between different tourism spots, it is suggested that the development of the theme park type that makes life culture disappear may decrease the tourists' satisfaction.
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Ryosuke KURODA, Ken MATSUDA, Takashi KUSUMI, Shoji TSUJI
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: December 22, 2015
Rapid urbanization and information technology has reduced human connection and a sense of regional community among local populations around the world. This may have led to a decrease in people's sense of belonging and feelings of fellowship toward their neighbors and towns. We hypothesized that one's sense of belonging and feelings of fellowship toward their town will increase after hearing the sounds of bells. Participants were asked to observe virtual scenes in which they heard the bell signaling every hour. We assessed how listening to the bell influenced participants' feelings of community membership and whether viewing particular scenes and the sound increased these feelings and participants' sense of belonging. Results showed that for scenes involving an overhead view of the bell, e.g., scenes that included facilities such as temples or churches, participants reported an increased immersive experience. as a result of the shared sense of time with their neighbors.
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Hiroyuki INOUE
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: December 22, 2015
Various types of robots have recently been incorporated into everyday human life, and interaction between humans and robots is predicted to increase. Consequently, it is important to model the Kansei that a human feels on observing the actions of a robot. However, precisely defining certain actions of a robot such as “cute operation” is difficult. In this paper, we analyze the relation between robot motions based on large-small and fast-slow actions and Kansei words. First, the motions of the pet type robot AIBO corresponding to large-small and fast-slow actions are defined. Then, the relation between those motions and Kansei words is analyzed using correspondence analysis. In addition, we analyze the effect that the scale and speed of robot motions imbue in human Kansei using analysis of variance.
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Naoki TAKAHASHI, Takashi SAKAMOTO, Toshikazu KATO
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: December 22, 2015
Websites of interior brands display many photographs of products that include walls, floor, and other furniture. Such photographs, known as
image photographs, have much information about the brand image because the colors of walls, floor, and furniture in a photograph influence the brand image. This paper proposes a method of extracting representative colors of interior photographs in the L*u*v* color space by using a hierarchical clustering algorithm and analyzes the characteristics and differences of interior brands with color features by using model-based clustering. Our proposed method can be used to describe the common characteristics of interior image photographs and differences between six interior brands (
Fritz Hansen,
karimoku, and
Muji). To measure similarity or difference between brand images, we constructed a brand image space with clusters of representative colors and obtained a relationship between six brand images.
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2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: December 28, 2015
This paper shows some results obtained from an investigation of consumers' impressions regarding 30 different chocolate shapes. Firstly, we conducted a factor analysis, and then two factors named as comprehensive evaluation factor and visual factor, are extracted. The first factor is relevant with human sensations, and the second one is related to novelty, showiness, and uniqueness. Next, we applied a cluster analysis to the results of the factor analysis. The clustering results revealed the structure of impressions regarding chocolate shapes in more detail. Especially, we affirmed that comprehensive evaluation factor is composed from two evaluation factors. We additionally made a visual map that is created by multi-dimensional scaling and a hierarchical clustering. This map enables general people to utilize the results for consumers' chocolate selections or product development. The future works of this study has two investigation challenges; surface textures and the investigation using real objects in a practical situation.
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Takahiro SHINKAI, Tetsuto MINAMI, Shigeki NAKAUCHI
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: December 28, 2015
In daily life, we can attend to multiple moving objects. For example, the drivers always pay attention to pedestrians, cars and so on while driving a car. Attention to multiple moving targets is an essential ability of visual system. Extracting information to which the driver pays attention may allow us to prevent the accidents caused by lack of attention. To investigate attentional status to multiple moving objects, steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) elicited by these stimuli when participants were instructed to track two moving targets among three. The results showed that SSVEP amplitudes differed depending on attentional states, meaning that it is possible to extract attentional states to multiple moving targets using SSVEPs. Future studies include estimation of the level of the subject's concentration to multiple moving targets using SSVEPs.
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- Proposal for Dynamic Evaluation Tool and Reports of Case Studies -
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: December 28, 2015
We assessed a quantitative evaluation method for workshops of learning for children at an aquarium. An “impression thermometer” was proposed for evaluation based on impressions of elation, fulfillment, and difficulty which children felt during the workshop. Child participants rated these three impressions four times at the end of each workshop process: staff lecture, water creature observation, craft or drawing, and reflections on the workshop. Evaluation results obtained from these ratings can clearly present dynamic and three-dimensional trends related to children's impressions of the workshop. Comparing results for evaluations between three workshops using the “impression thermometer” can indicate factors that affected children's impressions. The factors were activity for work, activity type (individual/group work), observation target, ease of activity, and ease of lecture. Those were taken as points of design and planning for workshops. More evaluations of the workshop using an “impression thermometer” would enrich learning for children.
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Tomonori YAZAKI, Kengo FUJITA, Yoshihiko TAKAGI, Sumaru NIIDA
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: December 28, 2015
In this paper, we describe a case study of improvements of mobile phone shops by using “Behavior Observation”. The purpose of this study is verification of the effectiveness of an improvement method of a mobile phone shop based on the Behavior Observation. In the case study, first, we clarify a buying behavior model of the mobile phone shops which consists of seven steps. Then, we design survey items and methods for each step of the buying behavior model. After that, these survey items and methods are combined and utilized as the improvement method of the mobile phone shops. In order to evaluate the improvement method, we applied the method for five mobile phone shops practically. After applying the method, customer traffic and sales increased in the shops. From these results, we experimentally confirmed the effectivity of the improvement method based on the Behavior Observation.
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Kenta OKUMURA, Shinji SAKO, Tadashi KITAMURA
2016 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 2016
Released on J-STAGE: February 26, 2016
Advance online publication: December 28, 2015
There is a complex phenomenon in the performance expression of Western music. It is difficult even for performers themselves to describe the causality of “score directions” and “instrument operation” clearly and objectively. In this paper, we propose a method that can help to elucidate the factors contributing to performance expression. It is based on a technique to obtain the systematized structure of the statistical models. The model associates the feature quantities of performance expression and the combination of simple musical directions that can be surely retrieved from the score. In this method, degrees to which those directions contribute to the performance expression are also defined. It allows the application of standard multivariate analysis techniques for comparative analysis of the expressions between performances. Evaluation showed the utility of the proposed method in contributing to an objective understanding of the factors that performers emphasized for control of expression in their performances.
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