Online ISSN : 2434-835X
Print ISSN : 0386-9598
50 巻, 1 号
  • 野々上 敬子, 平松 清志, 稲森 義雄
    2008 年 50 巻 1 号 p. 5-17
    発行日: 2008/04/20
    公開日: 2023/05/08
    ジャーナル フリー

     A questionnaire survey was conducted among 648 junior high school students in order to investigate the relationship between their life style (their impression of their general health and the use of IT equipment) and their academic records. Results showed students who participated in club activities more than three times a week, attended cram schools, or had regular eating habits, enjoyed their school life, had better academic records. The long-time use of audio-visuals or mobile phones made their scores lower. Female students were more likely to report a lower impression of their general health than male students. Female students who claimed they had a lower impression of their general health had significantly lower academic records. This implies that appropriate advice on life style is important for junior high school students.

  • 法橋 尚宏, 小林 京子, 高木 亜希子
    2008 年 50 巻 1 号 p. 18-26
    発行日: 2008/04/20
    公開日: 2023/05/08
    ジャーナル フリー

     小・中・高校に就学しているプラダー・ウィリー症候群児 (PWS児) の母親を対象として, 自記式質問紙調査を実施した. 質問紙は, PWS児と家族の基本属性 (PWS児の就学状況,PWSの症状,学校の理解など), 母親のQOLを評定するWHO QOL26, 家族全体の家族機能を評定するFeetham家族機能調査 (FFFS) 日本語版Ⅰで構成し, 92名の有効回答を分析した.

     PWS児の身体症状と非順応性行動の出現頻度は, 養護学校就学児のほうが普通学校就学児よりも有意に高かった. また, 養護学校に就学しているPWS児の百分率をみると, 小学生から中学生, 高校生と上がるにつれ て有意に高くなっていた. したがって, PWS児の症状の増悪が, 普通学校から養護学校へ転校する要因のひと つであると考えられた.

     学校の理解については, いじめに対する理解は養護学校就学児よりも普通学校就学児のほうが有意に低かったので, とくに普通学校においてPWSへの理解を深めることが課題であろう.

     PWS児の母親のQOLと家族機能には有意で中程度の相関が認められ, いずれも一般人口よりも低かった. 母親と家族全体に対する援助が必要であることが示唆された. 家族機能の分野別に検討すると, 母親のQOLはサブシステム (家族との相互関係が強い家族外のシステム) における家族機能と有意で中程度の相関が認められた. 友人や親族などのサブシステムからの支援やピアサポートの充実は, 母親のQOLに関係があると考えられた.

  • 斎藤 広美, 廣瀬 政雄
    2008 年 50 巻 1 号 p. 27-33
    発行日: 2008/04/20
    公開日: 2023/05/08
    ジャーナル フリー

     The purpose of this research was to investigate immunization state of measles or rubella in the students of university of education. This study involved 1250 first year students (524 men and 726 women) of the undergraduate and graduate schools who entered from 2003 to 2007 at Naruto University of Education. The subjects' ages ranged from 18 to 58. Measles antibody was measured in both male and female students in contrast to the rubella antibody in only female students. Past history of infection and vaccination was asked in paper questionnaire. These students signed an agreement regarding their participation. In 2003, the susceptibility of contracting measles was measured by the serum antibody titer using HI method (hemagglutination inhibition test), and it was measured by the HI method plus the IgG antibody examination by EIA (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay) in the undergraduate students from 2004 to 2007.

     The results surprisingly showed that a high antibody negative rate exists in 36.7% out of 1250 students by the HI method and it increased in the younger generations. The antibody negative rate in EIA method was as high as 8.9% in the 653 students. Above all, negative rate showed the highest score of 21.9% in 1987th birth group. This may account for the beginning of increase of the adolescence without measles antibody.

     The antibody of rubella was measured by the HI method, which showed a 6.3% of negative rate in all 602 female students. The ratio of the students with negative rubella antibody was correlated with the percentage of the students who had not received rubella vaccination. There was no difference in antibody negative rate between generations.

     As it has been thought that people had a lifelong immunity if they contacted measles or rubella once (or had the vaccination), no attention have been paid to the dangers of these childhood infectious diseases. However, the results of this study in addition to the recent prevalence of childhood infectious disease in adults or adolescence indicate that it is necessary to periodically check antibody levels since school is a group environment where infection could spread easily.

  • ~蘇州市と岡山市の生徒を対象として~
    楊 静, 門田 新一郎, 野々上 敬子, 平松 恵子
    2008 年 50 巻 1 号 p. 34-48
    発行日: 2008/04/20
    公開日: 2023/05/08
    ジャーナル フリー

     The purpose of this study is to obtain basic data on health education at schools in China. By choosing the first graders of junior high schools in Suzhou and Okayama City as subjects, the authors have surveyed health awareness, knowledge, attitude, and subjective symptoms, in relation with respective life style, and have obtained the results. In addition, interrelations of these have also been examined. The number of subjects for analyses was 443 students in Suzhou and 465 Okayama. The survey was conducted in June 2006.

     The outline of the results is as follows:

     With the comparison of life style, there are differences in many items such as time cycle of daily life, exercise and dietary habit. In Suzhou, compared with Okayama, more students go to bed earlier and get up earlier. There were, however, more students who do not exercise and skip meals. As for food intake, more students there eat vegetables, fruit, bean products, seaweeds and potatoes, and the score of their variety of food intake is higher. Also differences are recognized health awareness, knowledge, attitude, and subjective symptoms. In Suzhou, health awareness is generally higher, but its knowledge lower. Health attitude in regard to sleeping hours is higher, but with exercise and breakfast it is lower. A high frequency of complaints of subjective symptoms is marked, but less students complain of drowsiness.

     In Suzhou, students with greater health knowledge tend to have better health attitude and awareness. They tend to show lower complaint rate of subjective symptoms. In both of Suzhou and Okayama, students with good health attitude and awareness, and with less subjective symptoms can be found mostly among students keeping early hours, with exercise, better eating habit, and high score of food intake variety. Little correlation is to be found between health knowledge and life style habits.

     From these findings, it has been clarified that in school health education in China, higher health awareness and practicing healthy life style, fostering health attitude are highly recommended. It has also been recognized that improving knowledge and attitude on life style is expected to improve quality of life with junior high students. It is acknowledged that the improvement in this regard helps them practice healthy life style, enhance awareness, thus it results in reducing subjective symptoms.

  • 菊地 潤, 中村 泉, 樫村 修生
    2008 年 50 巻 1 号 p. 49-55
    発行日: 2008/04/20
    公開日: 2023/05/08
    ジャーナル フリー

     月経異常が多いとされる陸上中・長距離選手を対象に, 月経状態, トレーニング状況に関する調査および体脂肪量測定を行い, 月経異常の実態を把握するとともに, 陸上中・長距離選手における月経異常の競技的要因について検討を行った結果, 以下のことが明らかになった.

    1) 陸上中・長距離選手の体脂肪率は5.0%から25.9%に分布し, 平均体脂肪率は14.4%であった.

    2) 平均初経年齢は13.1歳で, 一般女性より遅延傾向が認められた.また, 半数以上の選手が初経発来前よりトレーニングを開始していた.月経周期の異常は全体の47.8%に出現し, これも一般女性より明らかに高率を示した.

    3) 月経周期が規則的な群と不規則+無月経の群では年齢, 身長, 初経年齢, 月間走行距離, 陸上競技歴の平均値に有意な差は認められなかった.また, トレーニングに対する主観的強度や競技レベルにも, 月経周期との有意な関連はみられなかった.しかし, 体重と体脂肪率では, 規則的群と不規則+無月経群に有意差が認められた.

    4) 月経周期の異常出現率は, 体脂肪率が低くなるのにともなって高くなる傾向を示し, 体脂肪率が20%以上あると月経異常を示す選手はいないが, 10.0%以下になるとすべての選手に月経異常が生じていた.また, 月間走行距離と体脂肪率には有意な負の相関関係が認められ, 陸上中・長距離選手における月経異常の発現は, トレーニングとして走る距離が増加し, その結果として体脂肪量が減少することと強く関連していることが示唆された.
