Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Online ISSN : 2435-9262
Volume 3, Issue J1
Displaying 1-2 of 2 articles from this issue
  • Gen HAYAMIZU, Makoto FUJIU, Junichi TAKAYAMA
    2022 Volume 3 Issue J1 Pages 1-7
    Published: 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: June 08, 2022

    Domestic local air routes are declining. In response to this decline, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism evaluated regional aviation routes as "a major role to play in regional revitalization and tourism-oriented nations, and is expected to maintain and revitalize them." "Study Group" is being held. The background to the de- cline of local air routes is competition with the developing Shinkansen network. There- fore, in this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey targeting Fukui Prefecture, which is the area before the opening of the Shinkansen extension. Therefore, using the SP survey, we analyzed the residents’ intention to use the aviation and Shinkansen. We also conducted a questionnaire survey in areas where competition with the Shinkansen occurred, and clarified the importance of transportation selection criteria for each area. In addition, the characteristics of Fukui Prefecture were considered by comparing the results with Fukui Prefecture, which is the main target area of this study, in other areas.

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  • Gen HAYAMIZU, Makoto FUJIU, Junichi TAKAYAMA
    2022 Volume 3 Issue J1 Pages 8-17
    Published: 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: June 08, 2022

    Due to the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen, the number of users on the Komatsu-Haneda route is decreasing. In the Hokuriku market, Fukui Prefecture, which is about to extend the Shinkansen, is also regarded as an important area for developing new demand for the Komatsu-Haneda route. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey targeting Fukui prefecture, which has a low aviation utilization rate and is about to open for extension. Using the data obtained from the questionnaire survey, we focused on "aviation image" as one of the factors behind the low aviation utilization rate. As a result, five items in- cluding "anxiety about traveling by air" and "the hurdle as a vehicle seems to be high" were extracted as image items that are likely to affect the intention to use air. Similar results were also obtained from the transportation selection behavior after extension, which was clarified by the SP survey.

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