86Sr ratios and the abundances of rubidium and strontium have been determined for 40 samples of Unzen, Tara and Kumamoto-Kimpo volcanoes, and Neogene basaltic rocks from the surrounding areas in Kyushu, Southwest Japan. The
86Sr ratios in these Quaternary volcanic rocks range from 0.70418 to 0.70509. In each volcano, almost all of the magma seems to be subjected to the assimilation with different
86Sr ratios during crystal fractionation. The
86Sr ratios of the Quaternary volcanic rocks are clearly distinguished between the northern part and the southern part of Kyushu region marked by the Shiobara-Beppu Tectonic Graben in the central Kyushu. The
86Sr ratios in the tholeiitic basalts, alkaline basalts and calc-alkaline basalts from the areas, range from 0.70362 to 0.70397, from 0.70404 to 0.70487 and from 0.70451 to 0.70470 (except for a calc-alkaline basalt from Kumamoto-Kimpo area, 0.70363), respectively. In the southwest Japan, the
86Sr ratios of Cenozoic basalts from the Kyushu region are lower than those of basalts from the San-in region. This means that there exists a regional heterogeneity of Sr isotopic ratios under the Southwest Japan arcs.