Landscape Planning & Horticulture
Online ISSN : 2758-8882
Print ISSN : 2185-3657
Current issue
Displaying 1-3 of 3 articles from this issue
  • - Renovation of “Urase-tei” by University of Hyogo graduate students -
    Asami Mitsunari, Hiroshi Takeyama
    2024 Volume 24 Pages 1-4
    Published: April 26, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: October 21, 2024
    This report summarized the efforts of students at the University of Hyogo Graduate School to learn how to maintain and renovate old traditional house, and to deepen their understanding of the region. Renovation program consisted of replacing the exterior walls, replacing the roof tiles, replacing the plaster walls, replacing the roof tiles on the enclosure walls, creating bamboo fences, replacing stones, and creating an overhanging deck. Many of the participating students gave positive feedback, such as "I was able to see and touch aged timber up close", but on the other hand, management issues were also pointed out, such as "the things that can be done and the priorities are limited due to the balance of time and money" and "it is difficult to operate without maintenance of the building regularly".
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  • Kana Okamoto, Hiroshi Takeyama
    2024 Volume 24 Pages 5-12
    Published: April 26, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: October 21, 2024
    Donza was the garment worn primarily by fishermen in western Japan. We confirm that some Donza were stitched with rags, and others were durable garment by stitching together several layers of indigo-dyed cotton cloth. Until the 1950s, the coat was worn by some people in Awaji Island. 23 Donzas remain in 2 museums now. Also, Donza inspires some people to create various articles. We consider popularizing Donza as Awaji Island’s unique craft could lead to the regional development of the island. However, there are only a few literatures about Donza. Therefore, we planned to clarify the characteristics of Awaji Island’s Donza and indigo-dyeing culture. Through questionary and interview to primarily Awaji Island’s residents, we found there are 11 privately-owned Donzas apart from two museums; Donza was used in winter; Donza used unevenly in the northwestern part of Awaji Island, which appears to be closely related to winter migrants. Moreover, we found that 10 houses used to be Konya on the island. Some houses remain some items, which were used for indigo dyeing. Based on these findings, we held a Donza exhibition to get more people know Donza and indigo dying culture, and to inherit these cultures to future.
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  • Mei Yaguchi, Tetsuya Iwasaki
    2024 Volume 24 Pages 13-17
    Published: April 26, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: October 21, 2024
    Awaji Landscape Planning and Horticulture Academy was established to foster human resources who can connect people with the nature around them. The campus has a variety of environments such as gardens, grasslands, and woodlands, and School officials can be in contact with nature on a daily basis. However, the biota of Awaji Landscape Planning and Horticulture Academy has not been fully investigated, and the insect fauna has only been surveyed voluntarily in a part of the site. Understanding the actual status of the biota will contribute to further enhancement of lectures and practicals, application to garden planting management, and discovery of new attractions. In this study, we surveyed the occurrence of insects in each environment throughout the campus in order to understand the insect fauna on campus. Results of the survey, 689 species (139 families 15 orders) were collected. It was found that the characteristics of the insect fauna differed in each environment. For example, flower visiting insects such as butterflies and bees were found in gardens, and species such as butterflies, grasshoppers, bees, and stinkbugs were found in grasslands. Eight rare species and seven alien species were found. Some of the rare species were highly ranked species in the Red Data Book of Hyogo. Many of the alien species were familiar naturalized species, but species that have become established and expanded their distribution in recent years, domestic alien species were found.
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