S. Tada, H. Nakashima, H. Saita
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
Merthiorate is well known as strong sterilizer and disinfectant having few effects to biological products.
We keep taken-out bone-fragments as bone bank in 0.1% merthiolate solution during one to six months.
We get bone fragments from 209 cases.
(Subtrochanteric osteotomy 119 cases; Amputation 11 cases; Resection of the head of the femur 5 cases, etc, ;)
Banked bone are used in 71 cases.
(Arthrodesis 28 cases; Arthrorisis 18 cases; etc.;)
The bony formation is succesful but seems to be relatively delayed.
We have no infected case but have one case forming fistula, and 34 cases having fever seemed to be refusing reaction.
Average duration of fever is 5.4 days, and average onset of fever is 15.7 days after grafting banked bone.
It is recommended to remove blood, bone marrow and soft tissue as enough as possible.
Merthiolate bone bank needs no freezer, no special technique but only brown bottle and merthiolate solution.
We believe this bank is one of the most safety easy and practical method for general surgeons.
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M. Kamihira, T. Otani, N. Ikeda, K. Masuda, A. Sugitani
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
The authors described the clinical features, radiologic findings and laboratory findings in four patients-osteogenesis imperfecta congenita (thick bone type), osteogenesis imperfecta tarda without fracture, gargoylism and Albright's syndrome-out of 13 patients with the systematic affection of the bone were registered in the department of orthopedic surgery, Tottori university school of medicine, for the past six months.
Especially, in a patient with Albright's syndrome, the laboratory examinations were performed in detail. As a consequence, the serum human growth hormone measured by radioimmunoassay was remarkedly elevated (124mμl/ml), Thereby, some etiologies of Albright's syndrome were discussed.
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K. Hara, T. Takamatsu, T. Satake, T. Shibata
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
Gargoylism, abnormal metabolic disease of acid mucopolysaccharides, was first described by Hunter in 1917. Recently we experienced a case of this disease in 9-years-old boy who was suffering from a limitation in articular movement and delayed growth.
Chief clincal findings in our case are followings,
1. Dwarfism, Gargoyle appearance and mulitiple articular rigidity due to maldevelopment of bones and joints
2. Slight mental retardation, opaque corneas and hard of hearing
3. Slight cardiac hypertrophy, protuberant abdomen, umbilical hernia and hirsutism
4. Typical X-ray findings in almost every bones and joints
5. Evidence of mucopolysaccharide in the urine
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K. Miyagi, S. Tanaka, K. Tanaka
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
Two cases of dysostosis cleido-cranialis with coxa vara were reported. The coxa vara were operated with Pauwels' Y-osteotomy which resulted in success.
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H. Kajiyama, K. Nanba, T. Fujii, M. Maruishi, A. Kuba, N. Itô
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
Since 1957, we have studied for spontaneous healing in the congenital muscular torticollis. The material of this report were eighty-five patients who were observed for more than one year.
They were divided into two groups, fortyeight treated group by massage and manipulation, and thirty-seven control untreated group.
The result was as follows.
Ninety-two per-cent of the untreated group showed good or excellent spontaneous healing and the remaining eight per cent required the surgical treatment, while eighty-seven per-cent of the treated group gave the same excellent result, and theseventeen per-cent needed surgery.
Qur results revealed that the massage or manipulation may not he helpful in the treatment of the congenital muscular torticollis.
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Y. Narabayashi, H. Hono
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
Many cases of intraosseous ganglia can be found in foreign literatures, but only one case has been reported by Kudo and Ogino (1970) in Japan. In addition to that case, we would like to report another case here.
Case: A 40 years old laborer had intermittent pain in the right ankle for the last five years. Recently his pain has increased and has become progressively more intense. According to the examination there was tenderness on the right medial malleolus without swelling and redness. Physical examination showed a normal ankle joint.
The radiograph revealed a cystic lesion with sclerosing zone in the right malleolus in the surrounding area.
Operation: The periosteum and the cortical bone were normal. The cyst was removed moderately and easily, and the remaining fibrous wall and neighbouring bone were curetted, and the area packed with cancellous bone chips obtained from the iliac bone. The joint surface was not inspected.
The cyst had a fibrous thick wall and contained a clear gelatinous fluid like a typical ganglion.
Pathology: The outside wall of the cyst was composed of dense fibrous tissue, the inside wall being composed of a layer of flat cells. Parts of the inner surface of wall were myxomatous.
Remarks: Our case is a quite typical case in intraosseous ganglia. There is no relation between the racial and geographical factors in this disease so that many cases are expected to be reported in Japan. We have tried to study literatures about etiology in this disease.
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T. Kido, T. Misumi, H. Iwanaga, N. Moriwaki, I. Kaichi
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
Four cases of eosinophilic granuloma of bone are reported.
All cases were under ten years old, three of them female and one male. Involvement is solitary in all; the fourth cervical spine (vertebral body with right pedicle erosion), the second lumbal vertebal body, the right ilium and the right tibia respectively without nonskeletal lesion.
Diagnosis was confirmed histologically, and needle biopsy was very useful regardless of location of lesion.
All patients was successfully treated by total removal of the vertebral body with anterior fusion of the cervical spine, curettage amd bone transplantation or radiotherapy, we think that curettage and bone transplantation (if necessary) to easily accessible lesion or radiotherapy to inaccessible one is choice of treatment because of certainty and shortening of recovery.
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Y. Takemitsu, H. Fukuma, T. Kai, H. Masaki, E. Lin
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
21-year-old man was admitted to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kyushu University with a 3 year old history of pain and bulging out of the sternum. A marked balooned out cystic lesions of the corpus sterni was demonstrated. Giant cell tumor Type II was confirmed on histological examination.
After en bloc resection of the corpus sterni including both II, III, IV costosternal joints and lower part of manubrium. Three pieces of big iliac grafts were fixed to cover the defect as reconstruction operation.
Six months postoperatively, roentgenograms were satisfactory with evidence of bony barrier formation. The patient's course continued to be satisfactory.
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S. Tominaga, T. Isobe, A. Shigematsu
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
4 cases, especially interesting among bone tumors treated in our clinic during the last six months were shown in this report.
Case I. A woman, 62 years old; metastatic tumor of the head of the humerus and the thoracic spine from the thyroid gland, histologically diagnosed as follicular adenocarcinoma.
Case 2. A man, 36 years old; osteolytic tumor of transvere process of the 6th and 7th thoracic spine with infiltration to the thoracic cavity and the spinal canal, histologically diagnosed as giant cell tumor (grade 2).
Case 3. A man, 59 years old; osteolytic tumor of the sacrum with invasion to the left hip, histologically diagnosed as chordoma.
Case 4. A woman, 59 years old; osteolytic tumor of the sacrococcyx with a large mass in the sacrcoccygeal region, histologically diagnosed as chordoma.
Difficulty in treatment for sites and expansive growth of the tumors in these cases were discussed.
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H. Oda, T. Nishituzi
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
A case of the ulnar nerve compression by ganglion which existed at the elbow joint was reported.
Impairment by simple ganglion at the elbow joint is very rare.
Man aged forty three years, complained of increasing numbness in ulnar side of the right forearm and hand.
These symptons had been present for the past two months.
On examination, there was a visible muscle atrophy of the right hypothenar and slight wasting and weakness of the ulnar intrinsic muscle of the right hand.
There was hypesthesia and hypalgesia in the ulnar cutaneous distribution.
At operation, the ganglion arising from elbow joint was identified lying near the ulnar nerve and proved to be about 2 centimetres long and 1.0 centimetres broad.
Five weeks after operation, hypesthesia and hypalgesia was much improved.
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A. Matsuzaki, M. Mitsuyasu
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
Isolated lesions of the posterior interosseous nerve of the forearm are uncommon.
This paper reports the findings at exploration in 6 patients who suffered from the posterior interosseous paralysis and discuss the possibility of the Palsy to the certain cases of the tennis elbow.
Two are due to an aponeurotic cleft in the supinator, one due to a simple ganglion, one due to the So-Called Soft neuroma, and two due to trauma.
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T. Higashihara, C. Kimura
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
This case of shoulder-hand syndrome is reported because of the rarity of the condition with epilepsy.
CASE-N. Y. 44 years old man, suffering from epilepsy, felt acutely the pain, stiffness and swelling of his right hand in April of last year. After five months, though the patient admitted to some hospital and was treated with medication, thermal therapy and contrast bath, there has been no change in the severity of symptoms. In November of last year the patient began having acutely the pain, stiffness and the swelling of the left hand and shoulder, and developed increasingly into the contracture of the left hand, finger and shoulder joints. The patient was admitted to our clinic on March 23, 1970. General status revealed normal except the slight anemia and the enlarged liver. Local status revealed the muscular atrophy, the tenderness, the contracture of joints and the brownish discolored skin of the both hand and left shoulder. Examinations were normal. Radiogram on the suffering region showed diffuse, severe osteoporosis and thin-skinned cortex with intact bony margins at the joint lines.
Medication and physical therapy were not effective in this stadium. Stellate ganglion block was more effective on right arm and slight on left arm.
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S. Tada, H. Saita, H. Nakashima
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
The principles of UCLA functional long leg brace are composed as follows.
1) Quadrilateral socket is used for thigh shell instead of using cuffs of the thigh.
2) off set knee joint and PTB pre-tibial shell prevent drop off of the knee and promote stability of gait without using drop-lock and knee-pad.
3) Hydraulic ankle unit controls stance phase of gait.
We modified UCLA functional brace by using reversed Klenzak joint instead of hyrraulic controled joint and applied them in five post-polio cases.
Additionally, we have made new weight-bearing brace using quadrilateral socket and off-set knee joint in two cases.
One case is Legg-Perthes' disease, and the other one is postoperative osteomyelitis.
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M. Abe, T. Torigoshi, A. Minagawa, Y. Narazaki
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
Almost all patients with recurrent dislocation due to ankle joint strain complain of lateral instability of it's joint. We are reportiong our experience with unusual recurrent dislocation in one of our patients who has had no past hitory as trauma.
This 41-year-old housewife first noticed her left ankle joint instability during her second pregnancy in 16 years ago. Recently shy has felt abnomal morbility of her left ankle joint at the time of going up and down stairs particularly. She was first seen in our orthopedic clinic in January, 1970.
Physical examination revealed abnormal forward mobility of her left ankle joint, Also X-ray films showed slight tilting of the talus at the inversion strain and forward sliding of it at the plantar flexion.
Operative procedure was performed under suspected diagnosis of anterior talofibular ligament injury and Watson-Jones method was applied to repair the relaxed ligament. She has had experienced no recurrence of abnormal morbility in her left ankle joint at 3 months postoperatively.
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K. Yamamoto, Y. Fukuda, K. Ikemoto, A. Fukushima, S. Omori
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
During the fifteen years, 1955-69, two hundred and twenty-four patients with fractures of the femur were treated in our orthopaedic clinic.
Femoral head fracture was seen in five patients and the slipping of the capital femoral epiphysis was seen in four patients. Femoral neck fracture was seen in ninety-eight patients (internal neck fracture-51 cases, external neck fracture-47 cases). Sixty-six of this fracture were treated operatively with Smith-Petersen nail and McLaughlin nailplate. Femoral head was resected in two cases and arthroplasties were performed on only four cases. There remained twenty-one conservatively treated femoral neck fractures. Femoral shaft fracture was seen also in ninety-eight patients. Fourty-two of this fracture were treated by intramedullary nailing. In sixteen cases the nailing was done by a closed techinique, without exposing the fracture site, and using an image intensifier. But the fractures of the femoral shaft of children were mainly treated by conservative extension. The fracture of femoral condyle was seen in eighteen patients and they were commonly treated operatively with blade plates and screws. Only one case of the slipping of the lower femoral epiphysis was found in our series.
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Report of two cases
A. Matsuzaki, H. Fukuma, M. Kita, T. Inoguchi, T. Abe
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
Two cases of pathological fracture of the femur from metastatic tumor were reported, which were treated with bone cement. The method is indicated not only for the severely affected pathological fracture of long bones but also for the prophylactic operation.
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H. Sada, N. Takagishi, W. Kagawa, M. Yamada, K. Honda, T. Okada, K. Wa ...
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
Leg lengthening is the wonderful treatment for the patient who has discrepancy in leg lengths, and many patients hope its treatment, we tried to lengthen the leg with seven cases.
sex male 4, female 3
age in operation 8-44
disease poliomyelitis 4
hip joint tuberculosis 2
coxitis infantile 1
(1) Leg lengthening may be tried in adult.
(2) Leg lengthening was tried in both femur and tibia.
(3) The bone should be gradually lengthened.
(4) As seeing the callus of “sudare” type, we did not do the bone transplantation.
(5) Achilles' tendon lengthening should be done.
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Y. Iwanaga, K. Yasunaga, I. Narita, Y. Saruta
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
On the fourteen hip joints affected by Perthes's disease, the results of operative treatment with intertrochanteric varus-osteotomy combined epiphyseodesis of the greater trochanter were evaluated:
1. Satisfactory results were obtained in the early cases within six months after onset, while they were poor in the cases with segmentation or in recovery stage, showing incongruency of the joint.
2. Regarding the age of patients at the operation, better results were obtained in the younger.
3. Epiphyseodesis of the greater trochanter was revealed to be preventive for developing of high position of it.
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K. Iwasaki, T. Watanabe, H. Horiuchi, Y. Inoue, T. Okazaki, Y. Kawaguc ...
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
In the treatment of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, we held the hip joint in abduction and slight internal rotation by bilateral toe-to-groin cast with cross bar.
On 15 cases who have got well, the average time applied the abduction cast was 23.6 monthes.
We concluded about the effect of the abduction cast as followed.
The abduction cast prevented effectively defoming the femoral head, but it did not prevent changing the proximal end in the femur due to disturbance of the subcapital epiphyseal plate. Further, we think, it is important in the treatment of Legg-Calvé-Perhes disease, that patient was more active in the treatment of the cast than that of the traction in the bed.
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K. Ohya
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
A case of death due to intestinal paralysis after prosthetic replacement of the femoral head for the neck fracture was reported.
A blind woman aged 76 years old had fractured herself at the femoral neck. On 20th day after accident, she came to our hospital for bloody treatment. As she was aged and riskful and her fracture was intracapsular showing typical displacement, prosthetic replacement was proposed her to recover early from bed. After premedication (atropine sulfate 0.4mg; meperidine hydrochloride 50mg) and during lumbar anesthesia (nupercaine hydrochoride 2.0ml) and surgical procedure, she showed slight or middling shock. Though the procedure often had to interrupt from shock conditions and exclusion of the head required excess times, the operation was acomplished in two hours with almost smooth except blood loss of about 500ml and somewhat unsatisfactory stability of prosthesis because of sever bone atrophy of the neck. The next day, she could take half sitting position, sometimes in a daytime. On the second day after surgery, she was injected meperidine hydrochloride (35mg) for abdominal-ache. On the third day, she showed meteorism or intestinal paralysis due to postoperative hypokalemia and treated with every possible conservative method, but symptoms were progressing incurably. At last, on the sixth day cardiac arrest happened her just bef or the gas-enterostomy. Immediately, open massage of the heart was begun and after 20 minutes once revival was successful for about half an hour but she had died eternally.
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M. Morita, T. Fujii, M. Uchimura
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
We had treated 4 cases of electric burns in the last 4 years.
Case 1. a male, 39 years old, was injuried by 3300 volts.
Case 2. a male, 38 years old, by 20000 volts.
Case 3. a male, 12 years old, by 44000 volts.
Case 4. a male, 23 years old, by 3300 volts.
They were admitted to our orthopaedic division after treated by general surgeons for treatment of deep, widespread injuries of the extremities and the trunk.
Excision and repair of the necrosed tissue was recommended, but for the severe necrosis we had to take the left forearm amputation in one case, and in another case the forequarter amputation.
One case showed interesting neurological findings after he was injuried. His gait was ataxic and spastic and Aomberg's sign was positive in closing his eyes. We could not clear up the cause of his condition.
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Y. Mori, M. Kamihira
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
The patient was a 57-year-old female peasant. Ten years ago she fell and was struck in the left hand, which was lightly swollen. But there was no fracture in the skeleton of the wrist.
She was little symptomatic five years ago when she noted swelling and pain in movement of the left hand. Then she had been treated conservatively, the response was not satisfactory.
Roentogenograms of the left hand joint revealed many findings as follows, such as atrophic flattering of the Scaphoid bone, narrowing of radionavicular joint and destruction of the articular cartilage, the subchondral bone tissue of the radius end.
Therefore both bone drilling and bone peg transplantation were performed to the Scaphoid bone.
In histological examination after the operation necrotic figure was observed.
Over the last three months after the surgical treatment there has been subjective and objective improvement in her condition.
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H. Hamano, K. Kitahara, K. Mihara
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
We have recently encountered three cases of Smith's fracture. All of cases were male, 19, 25, and 43 years old respectively.
Two cases sustained motor bicyele accidents and one case fell upon the flexed wrist. According to Thomas's classification of this fracture, two of these cases were type 2 and one was type 1.
Two cases were carried out operatively by plate fixation. One was fixed conservatively during six weeks.
All of them obtained excellent results both radiologically and functionally.
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M. Sato, I. Tasiro
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
Chronic dislocation of the distal Radio-ulnar articulation associated with wrist fractures, arthritis, and forearm anomalies is well recognized.
It is seldom appreciated, however, that dislocation of this joint can occur as an acute traumatic injury, Without any associated fracture, and that failure to recongnize the acute injury will result in marked and chronic disability of the forearm and hand.
We treated a case of volar dislocation of the Ulna at the distal radio-ulnar joint.
Patient is fifty Years oldmale. Ceosed reduktion was accomplisched under general anesthesia within twenty four hours of injury.
The wrist was immobilized in an above-the-elbow cast with the forearm in pronation for twenty days.
He regained full motion without difficulty after removed of the cost.
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K. Mihara, N. Murao, K. Usuki, S. Katayama, N. Yonago
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
All three patients had sufferered from osteomyelitis at infancy. Osteomyelitis had caused the loss of the shaft of the ulna in all cases. The remaining proximal and distal ends of the ulna were still present and enough to receive a bone graft.
Then the large shaft defects of the ulna were filled with fibular tubular bone graft in all of them.
The post operative courses were uneventful.
When the patients were last examined, the treatment by a fibular graft gave statisfactory results not only in the wrist and elbow movements but also the powerful grips.
Especially in rotationall range of the forearm excellent result obtained in spite of deformity due to radial head luxation.
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B. Kaneko, N. Miwa
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
A 24-year-old soldier had a partial rupture of his left triceps brachii tendon while sumo wrestling.
The elbow joint was immobilized for three weeks. One month after the first accident, he tubled and fell on his left hand.
The signs were: 1) a gap into which a thumb tip could be introduced: 2) loss of contour of the muscle belly of the long head: 3) reduced extension force of the elbow.
A surgical repair for the triceps tendon was performed. At operation, it revealed that tendon rupture had occured at its insertion to the olecranon, the torn end was retracted about 2cm from the bone.
All interposed scar tissue was resected back to normal tendon proximally, and bone marrow was denuded at the site of the tendon insertion distally.
The tendon was anchored to the olecranon with Lambott's wire, which passed through the tendon and through holes drilled in the bone. Then this was reinforced with the fascia lata covered over the distal portion of the triceps tendon and the olecranon. A plaster splint was applied with the elbow extended.
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T. Hisatomi
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
The patient was 40 years old male who complained of sensory lesion in the ulnal side of the both hands and below the upper abdominal level and gait disturbance.
This patient was diagnosed as anterior spinal artery syndrome because of having characteristic clinical symptomes of this disease, paraplegia, sensory dissociation, recto-vesical disfunction etc and negative findings on examination of liquor and myelography.
The cause was unknown but his clinical progress was favorable.
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M. Naruo, W. Hoshiko, E. Koyanagi, T. Tanaka
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
Vertebral Venography is a diagnostic techique in which the vertebral system of veins is demonstrated by means of an injected constrast medium.
Eighteen patients, all of whom were studied with venography, myelography and surgical exploration have been evaluated.
In our experience vertebral venography demonstrates laterally placed disc lesions best and may fail to demonstrate a centrally placed disc protrusion.
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C. Inoue, K. Neshiro
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
Authors examined histologically 14 defected neural arches in the lumbar vertebrae using tetracycline labelling methods in order to elucidate the etiology of spondylolysis. Width of fluorescence of tetracycline in osseous parts of the defected neural arches was measured in near and far parts of the defect.
The widths of fluorescence were obviously smaller in the near parts than those in the far parts. Ratio of the former to the latter was not different with ages of the patients. They thought that the lower up-take of tetracycline in near parts of the defect would probably be congenital in nature.
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H. Shingu, T. Kanaya, K. Matsui, K. Ichihara
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
1st case
A 77 year-old man; histologic aspects of the cervicothoracic extramedullary tumor could be malignant meningioma (fibroplastic sarcoma). He was severely symptomatic within three months before his death. It was only 20 days for him to survive aftor surgical treatment.
2nd case
A 36 year-old man; histologic aspects of the spinal cord was glioma (extremely similar to astrocytoma). He lost his life 13 years after apperance of the first symptoms. In this case, the tumor was extended from the medulla to the filum terminale.
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J. Tokunaga, S. Kubo
1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010
The patients were 8 year-old boy and his 9 year-old sister with blood consanguity between their parents and grand parents.
Case 1. T. O. male, age 8.
Normal birth with slight varus deformity of his right ankle which healed by manual redression and three-months fixation in a plaster cast. Walking started at the age of 1 year 4 months, when his mother noticed of pes equinus of his feet which progressed by aging.
His condition was normal in general but marked bilateral equinus deformity of about 160° plantar flexion. He stood on his toes only. No other neuro-muscular disorder was observed. Lengthening of the Achilles tendons about 10 centimeter with the posterior capsulotomy of the ankle resulted in satisfactory correction of the deformity and in good standing and walking on his heels.
Case 2. Y. O. female, age 9.
Normal birth. At the age of 1 year 3 months when she started walking, equinus deformity of her feet was noticed. Deformity was less severe than that of her brother. Three centimeter lengthening of the Achilles tendons corrected the deformity.
In those two cases no cause which resulted in the equinus deformity was discovered and these deformities were noticed when they started walking. Therefore, the cases might belong to the category of congenital pes equinus.
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1971 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages
Published: 1971
Released on J-STAGE: February 25, 2010