Online ISSN : 2436-8032
Print ISSN : 1340-4393
  • 桶野 留美, 松村 亜矢子, 尾方 寿好
    論文ID: physicalarts.2025.002
    発行日: 2025年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/08/24
    ジャーナル フリー 早期公開

     There have been studies in which significance for university students by providing instructions on sports and physical exercises to community-dwelling persons in a community class were reported. In those studies, university students provided instructions for either elderly persons or children. Significance of management of classes for several generations have yet to be revealed. The purpose of the present study was to determine what kind of learning would be obtained for university students who provide instruction in two community exercise classes outside the university: one class is for persons 50 years of age or older and the other class is for elementary school children. The university students not only provided instructions on sports and physical exercises but also created exercise menus. The students reflected on their performance after the completion of classes. Seven university students who participated in both classes over a period of 18 months were interviewed individually. Categorical analysis of the interview content showed three categories of learning including communication skills, responsibility and ways to address an issue. The analysis also showed four categories of factors that affect learning including process in continuous class management, a real job, influence from people involved in the exercise classes, and different generations. With regard to the category “different generations”, the students mentioned several details about generation and generational differences. The findings of the present study suggest that university students could obtain beneficial learning through continuation of management in community exercise classes for elementary school students and elderly people.

  • 片岡 千恵, 佐藤 貴弘, 古田 映布, 戸村 貴史, 木塚 宙敬, 泉 彩夏, 小出 真奈美, 宮地 美帆
    論文ID: physicalarts.2025.001
    発行日: 2025年
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー 早期公開

     In Japan, sexuality education in health classes has been improving in recent years including the revision of the Courses of Study. However, it has been pointed out that children’s knowledge of sexuality is still insufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to further improve classroom practices in the future to better achieve the target learning outcomes about sexuality for students. One of the measures to achieve this is to increase the motivation of health and physical education teachers to teach about sexuality. The purposes of this study were to qualitatively clarify the status of motivation in sexuality education among health and physical education teachers. During the period from February to March 2022, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 health and physical education teachers who were working at junior high schools or high schools. The obtained data (utterances) were transcribed and analyzed by a qualitative descriptive method. Regarding the status of motivation in sexuality education among health and physical education teachers, we found four categories, namely,[ recognition of importance of sexuality education],[ trial and error in tackling challenges presented by sexuality education],[ efforts to improve the outcomes of sexuality education], and [devised approaches in sexuality education], and 12 subcategories. Overall, health and physical education teachers were seriously considering sexuality education and were making sincere efforts to provide classroom practices. To improve the motivation in sexuality education among health and physical education teachers in the future, it was considered that they are required to have a better understanding of the concept of sexuality education and the content of the Course of Study. In addition, it is important that they also have more opportunities to attend classes conducted by other teachers and to hold lesson studies. In teacher training and in-service training, it is desirable to guarantee time to learn how to develop lessons on sexuality education and to create specific teaching materials.
