Reviews in Agricultural Science
Online ISSN : 2187-090X
  • Khadiza A Mousumi, Ken Hiramatsu, Takeo Onishi
    2025 年 13 巻 1 号 p. 1-19
    発行日: 2025年
    公開日: 2025/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー HTML

    River water temperature serves as a critical indicator of numerous biological and chemical processes essential for ecosystem support and water quality maintenance. River temperatures are expected to rise due to the increasing impact of climate change, causing potential adverse consequences. Hence, a thorough understanding of the drivers influencing river temperature is imperative. Physically or process-based models are suitable for enriching our understanding of the mechanisms regulating river temperature. In this study, we collected articles on river water temperature and modeling and classified them according to their modeling type and energy components. We reviewed the physically based models to determine the relative proportions of various energy fluxes that affect the temperature of river water. The results indicated that despite its importance, groundwater flux has not been given as much consideration as the other fluxes, particularly for small rivers. We also reviewed the semi-distributed Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, which has been applied to the computation of stream temperature and found that some modifications made to the model primarily used the equilibrium temperature approach, whereas only a few studies considered the groundwater flux. Our findings highlight the need for further improvements in modeling techniques, with special emphasis on improving the representation of subsurface fluxes, particularly groundwater, for the better management of ecosystem preservation and water quality.

  • Mostafa Helal, Nanako Makihara, Atsushi Iwasawa
    2025 年 13 巻 1 号 p. 20-31
    発行日: 2025年
    公開日: 2025/02/15
    ジャーナル フリー HTML

    The yolk sac is generally regarded as a vital and complex organ during embryonic development, the role and relative importance of which vary across different species. In avian species, particularly poultry, this sac plays a crucial role in nutrient absorption, metabolic regulation, and immune defenses. Advances in genetic selection and improvements in management practices have resulted in changes in yolk utilization; therefore, a more detailed understanding of the basic mechanisms of yolk utilization and factors that may limit or improve the embryo’s utilization of yolk sac nutrients is needed. Adequate insights into the role of the yolk sac and the optimization of its functional conditions may be very useful for improving the health, growth, and productivity of poultry, making poultry farming more effective and sustainable. Stressors that may limit yolk sac nutrient utilization, such as temperature, humidity, oxidation, prolonged storage, microorganisms, and chemicals, and, thus, negatively affect the growth and development of avian embryos were briefly reviewed herein.

  • Juan Taboadela-Hernanz, Ayaka Hieno, Masafumi Shimizu
    2025 年 13 巻 1 号 p. 32-51
    発行日: 2025年
    公開日: 2025/02/15
    ジャーナル フリー HTML

    Oomycete plant pathogens often cause severe diseases in forest trees and agricultural crops, posing threats to natural ecosystems and reducing crop yields. The use of biocontrol agents (BCAs) in agrosystems has proven to be an excellent and eco-friendly alternative to chemical pesticides for protecting plants from oomycete pathogens. However, the range of commercially available biopesticides that growers need is still limited, and in many cases, their practical application cannot yet compete with conventional chemicals. To accelerate the development of effective biocontrol products, it is crucial to efficiently identify BCAs that exhibit robust and consistent biocontrol efficacy against oomycete diseases. In this paper, we conduct a thoughtful review of prior biocontrol studies, report the characteristics of BCAs commonly linked with their suppressive effect against oomycete diseases, discuss their mode of action concerning pathogen ecology, and offer recommendations for the development of high-throughput screening procedures.
