The yolk sac is generally regarded as a vital and complex organ during embryonic development, the role and relative importance of which vary across different species. In avian species, particularly poultry, this sac plays a crucial role in nutrient absorption, metabolic regulation, and immune defenses. Advances in genetic selection and improvements in management practices have resulted in changes in yolk utilization; therefore, a more detailed understanding of the basic mechanisms of yolk utilization and factors that may limit or improve the embryo’s utilization of yolk sac nutrients is needed. Adequate insights into the role of the yolk sac and the optimization of its functional conditions may be very useful for improving the health, growth, and productivity of poultry, making poultry farming more effective and sustainable. Stressors that may limit yolk sac nutrient utilization, such as temperature, humidity, oxidation, prolonged storage, microorganisms, and chemicals, and, thus, negatively affect the growth and development of avian embryos were briefly reviewed herein.