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クエリ検索: "戦闘序列"
12件中 1-12の結果を表示しています
  • 花谷 守正
    2013年 67 巻 3 号 300
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2014/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 佐々木 隆
    1978年 87 巻 2 号 234-235
    発行日: 1978/02/20
    公開日: 2017/10/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大口 勇次郎
    1978年 87 巻 2 号 233-234
    発行日: 1978/02/20
    公開日: 2017/10/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 『執務規程』と『軍政令』を中心に
    太田 弘毅
    1978年 16 巻 1 号 103-118
    発行日: 1978年
    公開日: 2018/06/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 白石 さや
    東南アジア -歴史と文化-
    1975年 1975 巻 5 号 132-146
    発行日: 1975/12/01
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岡山醫學會雜誌
    1895年 7 巻 70 号 388-400
    発行日: 1895/11/30
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 日露戦争の軍事郵便エピソード
    服部 健一, 梶木 恒美
    2012年 14 巻 3-19
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/12/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 浅井 得一
    1963年 10 巻 4 号 1-31
    発行日: 1963/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    泰緬鉄道については, はじめて耳にする人もあると思うので, 正編とやや重複のきらいはあるが, その概要についてしるすことにする。
    日本軍は昭和17年5月のビルマ全土の占領をもって, 南方進攻作戦を成功のうちに終了した。しかし連合軍の日本軍占領地域に対する反攻は, インド洋方面においてまず開始され, 昭和17年の後半になると, ラングーン-シンガポール間の航路は, 連合軍の航空機と潜水艦による攻撃のために危険となって, ほとんどとだえてしまった。このため17年6月から安全な陸路としての鉄道の建設が始まったのである。
    ビルマとタイを結ぶ鉄道の建設は, イギリス側でも調査をしたことがあり, トングーからチェンマイに至るもの, モールメンからビサヌロークに至るもの, メルギーからチュンポンに至るものなどのルートが考えられていたが, のちに日本軍が鉄道を建設したサム・オン峠 (いわゆるThree Pagodas' Pass) を越えるタンビザヤ-ノンブラドック間のルートについては, 工事が困難であるとして, 具体的な計画は何も立てていなかったようである。 (第1図) タンビザヤ-ノンブラドックのルートは, 地形的に見ればそれほどけわしいものではなく, 最高点のサム・オン峠も海抜450mしかない。イギリス側が困難なりとしたのは, おそらくここが世界的に名高い悪性マラリアの浸淫地であつたからではなかろうか。そして日本軍がここを選んだのはこのルートがビルマ側およびタイ側の既設の鉄道を結ぶ最短距離であったからである。
    このルートのタイ側はメクロン川およびその支流ケオノイ川の谷に沿っており, 雨期には川を利用すればビルマ国境に近いところまでさかのぼることができる。ジャングルの主体は竹で, 株をつくってはえているから, 株と株の間は自由に通行できるが, 1つの株の竹と他の株の竹は上方で互にからみ合っていて, 道を開くために下方を切っても, 竹は倒れず, また焼いても燃えない。工事にはこのような思わぬ困難が待っていたのである。雨量は年に3,000mm内外であるが, その2/3は5月から9月までの雨期に降るから, ケオノイ川は氾濫の危険があり, またビルマ側は多くの川がこのルートを横切っているので, 流木を伴う急流のために, 橋が流失するおそれがある。
    工事はビルマ側およびタイ側から同時に始められ, 昭和18年10月17日に東西の軌道がタイのコンコイターで連接され, 1年余りで完成した。日本軍の鉄道2個連隊を基幹とする部隊のほか, ジャワ, シンガポール, ビルマから集めたオランダ, オーストラリア, イギリスなどの連合軍の俘虜と, タイ, ビルマ, マライ, ジャワ, 仏印などの現地人の労務者がこの工事に従った。俘虜は昭和18年8月には47,737名 (うち患者27,053名, 就業率42%) に達し, 現地人労務者は多いときには10万名ぐらいいた。
    工事に従う者の多くがマラリアにたおれたほか, 昭和18年の初めにはコレラがビルマ側で発生し, 4月にはタイ側に波及, マラリアやコレラのために日本軍1千, 俘虜1万, 現地人労務者3万の死者を出している。雨期には食料の輸送が不円滑となり, 奥地方面約100kmの間は, 栄養失調のための犠牲者も出た。
    軌間はlmで, 日本からC56型機関車および貨車 「トム」 が送られビルマ, タイ, マライ, 仏印からも機関車, 貨車が集められた。軌条はラングーン-マンダレー間の複線およびイェ線の一部をはずしてもってきたり, マライの東部線をはずすなどおもに現地のものを利用したが, サイゴンに集結してあった大本営手持ちのもの120kmも使った。
    鉄道は完成したが, 最初の計画の1日の輸送量1方向3,000tは, 工事をいそいだためその1/3の1,000tに変更された。すなわち1列車100t (10t貨車10両), 10往復20列車という案で, これは5個師団分の常続補給量であり, 絶対に欠くことができないものであった。しかし開通後間もなく空襲が始まって, 昼間輸送は困難となり夜間を主として1日に3列車の運転がせいいっぱいというところであった。停車場には必ず密林内に待避線をつくり, 昼間は列車をここへいれておくのである。また輸送は主として貨物と患者のみに限り, 健康な兵員は線路に沿って歩かせた。列車の時速も20kmにすぎなかったが, 航空路を除けば, これはビルマ-タイ間の唯一の連絡路となり, ビルマにおける20万の日本軍への補給は, 細々ながらこの1本の鉄道によってささえられていたのである。
    敗戦後は日本軍の引揚げに使われたのち, こんどはイギリス軍に指揮された日本軍の俘虜の手によって, その大部分が撤去されてしまった。シンガポールの繁栄を守るため, あるいはビルマ, タイ2国の接近を警戒するためにイギリスがとった処置は, 大きな犠牲をはらって建設したこの鉄道をふたたびジャングルの中にうずめてしまったのである。
  • 斎藤 聖二
    1998年 1998 巻 119 号 192-208,L22
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Japan's entry into World War I is often said to have been at the behest of its ally, Britain. The First World War began on 28 July and Britain entered the war on 4 August. Three days later, Britain requested Japan to remove the German fleet from Tsingtao (Qindao) in China as Britain wanted protection for its merchants ships sailing the coast of China.
    However, even before that, Japan had already begun to believe that it would become involved in the war after learning on 2 August that Russia, with which Japan had concluded an entente, would be going to war with Germany. The Minister of the Navy had sent an order to the commander of the Second Fleet to prepare for deployment. The “strategic plan” for the removal of the German fleet from Tsingtao was already being hammered out by the next day. The army also had begun preparing its own battle plans. From 4 August, the entire navy had already begun concrete preparations for fighting the Germans in Tsingtao. Preparations for the Second Fleet were completed along with those for the expeditionary force on the tenth day of that month. The request from Britain came when these preparations were already underway. It is, therefore, clear that Japan's entry into the war was not simply a result of the British request.
    The army, the navy, the bureaucracy of the Foreign Ministry and powerful politicians were all as eager to join the fight with Germany as the Foreign Minister. Leading politicians from the older generation and elderly statesmen (genro) were more cautious, but this proved to be more of an exception. It was the hope of the Foreign Minister and those that agreed with him that by chasing Germany out of China Japan would be able to establish hegemony over the Far East, strengthen its cooperative relationship with China, and furthermore, be able to improve its international standing by maneuvering to be one of the victor naitions after the war. Japan was given a concrete excuse for participating a war in Europe with the appearance of the British request. It is said that the Foreign Minister at that time tried to keep the genro out of the decision process. However, what was more important than anything for him was not the elimination of the genro from this process but to enter the war as quickly as possible.
    Until now, opposition voiced by part of the navy has been cited as evidence of the entire navy's reluctance to joining the war. However, it is not possible to understand the events after 2 August through that kind of interpretation. Furthermore, since the navy were busying themselves with plans forestablishing a central headquarters, it is difficult to say that Japan's entry in the war was a passive event. Although there was some disagreement among the genro and part of the navy, the Japanese-German war in Tsingtao was a war that was unanimously advocated by the cabinet and that was voluntarily started with the same purposes, ambitions and plans as any other war. The war did not happen because of coincidental request from a foreign government; the Japanese government was able to make use of the British request to further its own aims. Even if the Tsingtao war had not occurred, there can be little doubt that Japan would have taken on Germany at some point given Japan's intentions.
  • 日韓関係の展開
    森田 芳夫
    1963年 1963 巻 22 号 82-97,L6
    発行日: 1963/07/25
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Allied Nations publically announced their intentions to establish Korean independence through the Cairo and Potsdam declarations. Furthermore, the Allied Powers decided to apply trusteeship in Korea and not to land their forces for combat. Japan, on the other hand, in order to encounter the American-Soviet joint attack in Korea, increased military strength there while inducing the Koreans to cooperate with Japan in her war aims by improving their treatment and allowing them a certain amount of privilege to participate in politics.
    Soviet troops invaded northeastern Korea immediately after the declaration of war against Japan. The Soviet participation in the war brought about U. S. -U. S. S. R. joint occupation of Korea for the purpose of demilitarization of the Japanese troops in Korea, establishing the 38th parallel as a border line between the two occupation armies. On the last day of the war the Secretary-General of the Government-Genreal in Korea invited the cooperation of a Korean leader, Yo Wun-hyong, in maintaining law and order. Yo organized the Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence, and directed the people through his organization.
    The Soviet troops which invaded northern Korea organized Korean People's Committees in each province and took over administrative power from the Japanese. The American troops, meanwhile, carried out a ceremony of the signing of surrender in in Seoul with the Japanese, and established the United States Army Military Government in (USAMGIK), patterned after the Japanese Government-General in Korea. Since then, both North and South Korean regimes carried out a separation process between Japan and Korea, involving repatration of Japanese nationals, and take-over of Japanese property. Meanwhile, approximately 1, 500, 000 Koreans returned home from Japan, leaving some 500, 000 behind.
    Three years after the liberation of Korea, there emerged two independent nations in Korea, one in the North and the other in the South. After three years and eight months since the emergence of the two regimes in Korea, the Peace Treaty was signed between Japan and the Allied Powers, recognizing the independence of Korea.
  • 五十嵐 隆幸
    2021年 62 巻 1 号 2-33
    発行日: 2021/03/15
    公開日: 2021/03/25
    ジャーナル フリー HTML


  • 下向井 龍彦
    1991年 100 巻 6 号 1076-1102,1195-
    発行日: 1991/06/20
    公開日: 2017/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper the author examines the process of forming the Risturyo Military system in Japan from the Taika-Kaisin (大化改新) in A.D.645 to the Taiho-Ritsuryo (大宝律令) in 701, in terms of the international relations of the Far East. The Ritsuryo military system-Gundan (軍団)-was formed through a series of reorganizations that institutionalized and homogenized the miscellaneous and uneven internal footing organization of the Kokuzo-gun (国造軍), which was mobilized by Kuni-no-miyatsuko (国造) in the former Taika era. At first the Taika military reorganization happened, namely constructing arms depots, Heiko (兵庫), in every Hyo (評; the regrouped Kuni-no-miyatsuko territory) and forming fifty household conscription units. This reorganization speeded up grouping in training, increased the number of enlistees, institutionalized the internal organization, and systematized the ranks and command in war. In this way, the Kokuzo-gun change over into the Hyozo-gun (評造軍). The second stage was the process of organizing the relief army for Kudara (百済). In this process the Tenchi (天智) government mobilized the army and drilled troops for the purpose of actual fighting under Soryo (総領)-Kokusai (国宰)-via the Hyo as the centralized military administrative organ, and organized the task force founded upon the mobilized army in the Soryo district. But, in the battle of Hakusukinoe (白村江), The broken fighting formation of the Japanese army was defeated by the superior Taug (唐) army. This defeat exposed the insufficient institutionalization of the Hyozogun's internal organization. In the third stage, during a cricis after the defeat, the Tenchi government took a posture of defense in the form of fortified Ki (城) day and night. The administrative organ of Soryo-Kokusai-Hyo was used as the organ of fortification. So it was reorganized into a military district for resistance, which was a copy of the Goho (五方) system in Kudara. Through these processes the local administrative organ was strengthed, and could firmly rule the People. The four stage was the military reorganization by the Tenmu-Jito (天武・持統) government. Its aim was to found an army able to maintain the compulsory tributary relation between Japan and Shiragi (新羅). The Government formed the Heiseikan (兵政官) as its military administrative organ to reform the existing army on the model of Taug army. The Government carried out this plan in stages. Its contents are as in the following. 1)Establishment of the honor guard system by armed officers, which was a stage setting for tributary etiquette and a supporting officer coros. 2)Establishiment of the system of common drill and censor according to a manual, whose aim was to institutionalize and homogenize the internal footing organization of the Hyozogun. 3) Establishiment of the system of the centralized state military, thus eleminating personal elements from the Hyozo-gun by placing such command instruments as drum, fife, and battle frag under government control, and starting conscription based upon family registers. Finally, when the Taiho-ritsuryo was promulgated, Gundan were established, to be commanded by Gunki (軍毅) with 1,000 military effectives. Gundan were not bound to Gun (郡) territories, however it was the ultimate aim the military footing organization be enbodied by Gundan, which would have a common internal organization, uniform scale, and homogeneous drill progrum.