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クエリ検索: "ICE BOX"
1,243件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 川野 武彦
    1958年 5 巻 4 号 154-155
    発行日: 1958年
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    Changes of temperature in blood collected with ACD-solution (Formula B) in 250cc bottles were observed by a thermo-couple potentiometer
    1) in collection bottles were cooled in an
    of 4-6°C prior to the bleeding and in those not previously cooled, and
    2) in the collection bottles were immediately immersed in an ice-water pan prior to
    storage and in those without such preliminary cooling.
    In addition the author also investigated the time during which blood was kept at the temperature above 10°C, and concluded that the cooling effect of immersing the blood bottle in ice-water was striking for rapid cooling while the cooling of the blood bottle prior to the blood collection had little and rather negligible effect.
  • 川畑 幸夫, 工藤 弘, 石山 耕一
    気象集誌. 第2輯
    1949年 27 巻 1 号 7-9
    発行日: 1949/09/15
    公開日: 2009/02/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) Introduction.
    In considering the heat balance in the atmosphere, it is very important to know the exact value of the reflecting power of the atmospheric radiation by the sea surface, which covers about three fourthes of the area of the whole surface of the earth. Thus, in this preliminary paper, we shall report the method and the result of the measurement, though it is as yet rough. The measurement was done at the seashore of Tôkyô Bay in the last spring.
    (2) Method of observation.
    As a matter of course, it is desirable to measure the reflection of the atmospheric radiation directly, but it being so difficult, owing to the change of the state of the sky, that some artificial heat source was provisionally used in this observation.
    In the figure*, H is this heat source. It is warm water contained in a chemical flask, the diameter of which is 13.3cm. The surface of the flask was blackened with lamp-black so as to emit black body radiation corresponding to the temperature of the warm water. It is apparent that the energy _??_stribution with respect to the wave length of the radiation emitted from this artificial heat source is different from that of the actual atmospheric radiation, but as the temperature of the water is in the interval between 50°-100°C, it is supposed that the result obtained by the artificial heat source holds for the atmospheric radiation also.
    In the same figure, M is a parabolic mirror which was spattered by alluminium in order to reflect the heat radiation almost perfectly. Diameter of the mirror is 30cm. and the focal length is 15cm.
    J is a thermojunction of the compensation type, the surface of which is blackened with lamp-black, and G is a galvanometer, inner resistance of which is 11.4 ohm, critical damping resistance 13 ohm, period 4.8 second, and sensitivity 4×10-9 A and 1.0×10-7 V.
    The thermojunction and the mirror were installed in a wooden box. The aperture of this box was so designed that it is somewhat smaller than the solid angle which subtends the
    I, explained below, at the thermojunction as vertex at 25 meter distance from this
    , and hence the radiation of the sky around this
    was perfectly shaded when the heat source was screened by this
    The glass, as is well known, is not transparent to the heat radiation, so that the window of the bulb of the thermojunction facing the mirror was made of rock-salt which is known to be transparent to heat radiation in the wave length interval of the atmospheric radiation under consideration. Unfortunately, the rock-salt is apt to deliquesce and looks dim by the vapour in the atmosphere, so that the surface of this rock-salt window was coated by a thin film of polystirol which is very transparent to heat radiation also.
    As the zero point of the deflection of the galvanometer, the reading of the scale when the
    I was set just in front of the heat source was used. The heat source was thus perfectly screened.
    I was made of tin-plate, the size of which is about 75×75cm., and it was filled with smashed ice. The outer surface of it was painted with zinc-black so as to emit the black radiation corresponding to the temperature 273°C.
  • 特にブロッコリおよびいんげんについて
    斎藤 進, 高間 総子, 田中 なな子, 杉崎 順子
    1970年 28 巻 6 号 233-236
    発行日: 1970年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) 有色野菜貯蔵中の生体色素の変化をみるため, 特に葉緑素を多く含むブロッコリ, いんげんを試料とし室温と低温で短期間の貯蔵試験を行ない, 色素成分の経時的変化をみた。
    (2) 実験結果より, ブロッコリ, いんげんは貯蔵に伴いクロロフィルの減少が認められた。また低温ではその変化は緩慢であることより低温が成分の減少を妨げることを明らかとしていた。
    (3) すなわち, 貯蔵に伴って成分の経時的変化の程度は貯蔵条件によって差異がみられた。
  • 正宗 一, 吉崎 宏
    The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
    1957年 66 巻 1 号 61-72
    発行日: 1957/06/25
    公開日: 2008/11/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    From fresh placentas were isolated three itinsulfuric acids most probably containing acetylgalactosamine and glucuronic acid as sugar components. One of them was proved to play no role in inducing pregnancy toxemia.
    Through the Grant Committee for Scientific Researches the Ministry of Education gave a grant in aid to us, which is gratefully acknowledged. H. Masamune.
  • 第1報 光田•林の原法およびWadeの変法により作ったレプロミン,凍結乾燥レプロミンなどによる比較試験
    阿部 正英, 中山 哲, 柳沢 謙, 前田 道明, 浅見 望, 立川 昇, 岡村 和子
    1961年 30 巻 3-4 号 163-168
    発行日: 1961/12/30
    公開日: 2008/12/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    To establish the best method of the preparation, standardization and preservation of lepromin, comparative studies on the skin reactions in leprosy patients were commenced using the following lepromin samples:
    1) In the first experiment, two lepromins mady by different methods (Mw, by Wade in 1956 and M8, by the Mitsuda-Hayashi's method in 1958) were compared with each other. With respect to the early reaction, the two lepromins gave no significant difference. The Mw, however, elicited weaker late reactions than the M8. The results of bacillary counting of the Mw and M8 were 150 and 220 millions per ml, respectively.
    2) To ascertain the effect of heat on the potency of lepromin, fresh nodules from leprosy patients were homogenized and divided into two parts, the one was autoclaved to make the Wade's lepromin (Ma) and the other was boiled with saline to make the Mitsuda-Hayashi's (Mb). The bacillary counting of the two lepromins gave nearly equal results, 276 millions per ml in Ma and 289 in Mb. The Ma antigen, however, elicited stronger late reactions than the Mb, while no difference was found with respect to the early reactions. From these results and from practical considerations, lepromin used actually in Japan are always made by the Wade's method.
    3) An attempt was made to preserve the standard lepromin by freezdrying in vaccuo. After the storage in
    during one year, the dried lepromin was resuspended in 0.5% carbol water and its potency was compared to the standard lepromin stored in
    during one year. No significant difference was observed between the two lepromins with respect to the early as well as late reactions
  • 宇賀 義孝
    The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
    1934年 24 巻 3 号 208-214
    発行日: 1934/10/24
    公開日: 2008/11/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    The above experiment concerns the milk from only one lactant with a healthy growing infant. The experiment should be extented to more lactants, I admit, but it is very difficult to repeat such a systemmatic experiment with more lactants. From my experiment the following can be stated:_??_
    1. A sample of fresh human milk with such an intensity as _??_*1', _??_** 1'or _??_ *** 2'of Arakawa's reaction will keep the same or almost the same intensity as long as 8 hours, even if left to itself in summer time. Samples of human milk with weaker Arakawa's reactions will begin to show a change of the intensity of reaction from the 5th hour on.
    2. If a sample of fresh human milk is kept in an
    , it will show the same intensity of Arakawa's reaction, even if tested as late as 8 hours after obtaining.
    The Japanese Medical Journal
    1951年 4 巻 1 号 1-14
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2010/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 鶴見 膠一, 山田 榮
    The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
    1955年 62 巻 4 号 329-331
    発行日: 1955/11/25
    公開日: 2008/11/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Etsuo TAKAMIYA
    Proceedings of the Imperial Academy
    1936年 12 巻 3 号 73-74
    発行日: 1936年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 伊藤 啓二, 橋本 芳郎
    1966年 32 巻 3 号 274-279
    発行日: 1966/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A new amino acid ‘gigartinine’ was isolated from the red alga, Gymnogongrus flabelliformis, by means of ion-exchange resin, Dowex 50 (ammonium form). From the analytical data, color reactions, decomposition products and other evidences, it was identified as N5-(amidinocarbamoyl)-L-ornithine or L-α-amino-δ-(guanylureido) valeric acid.
  • 伊藤 啓二, 藤澤 茂樹, 堀 貫治, 宮澤 啓輔
    1982年 48 巻 3 号 475
    発行日: 1982/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Japanese Journal of Microbiology
    1961年 5 巻 2 号 141-148
    発行日: 1961年
    公開日: 2008/04/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    The authors have succeeded in preserving leptospirae for 2 years by the application of the ordinary freeze-drying method. No change of pathogenicity and serological characters could be recognized after preservation.
  • 小華和 忠士, 葛野 淺太郎
    1925年 4 巻 3 号 289-299
    発行日: 1925年
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    We studied the resistance of the red blood cells of 12 healthy domestic animals (horses, cattle, swine. sheep and goats) respectively by the same method and under the same conditions. As examination method we took Hamburger's method in the essential points, modified slightly as conditions demanded. The blood was taken from the jugular vein in all the animals except swine, in which the blood was taken in a slaughter house directly from the aorta (it consists chiefly of arterial blood). We prepared the NaCl-solutions from 0.33 to 0.78% differing by 0.01% respectively with sodium chloride (Merck). The process of our examination is as follows: 5c.c. NaCl-solutions were put into each of the centrifugal tubes pointed at the bottom and two drops of the defibrinated blood which had been kept in an
    for one hour beforehand, were put into the NaCl-solution in the tubes with the same pipette and then well mixed and put in an
    for three hours. Then the tubes were taken out from the
    and all put in the centrifuge for five minutes and the results were read.
    1. The results of the foregoing experiments are summarized in the following table:
    2. The minimum resistance. The horses show the greatest resistance and resistance decreases in this order catte, swine, sheep and goats. Swine show the greatest individual differences and goats, sheep, cattle and horses less in order. In general the minimum resistance is proportional to the size of the erythroeytes and in inverse ratio to the erythrocyte number.
    3. The maximum resistance. The cattle show the greatest resistance and resistance decreases in this order horses, swine, sheep and goats. Goats and sheep show the greatest individual differences and swine, horses and cattle less in order. Generally the maximum resistance is also proportional to the size of the red corpuscles and inversely proportional to the number of the erythrocytes.
    4. The resistance-width. On the whole the swine show the greatest and goats and sheep the next and cattle and horses the smallest. On the average the goats show the largest and in the next come swine, sheep and cattle while horses the smallest.
    5. In short, in the resistance of erythrocytes, cattle and horses rank first showing hardly any difference, swine are intermediate while sheep and goats show the least resistance.
  • 神澤 得之助, 古宅 三郎
    1953年 73 巻 12 号 1357-1360
    発行日: 1953/12/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    By allowing crystals or alcoholic solution of vitamin D2 to stand in air at a room temperature, 5% of it already undergoes decomposition in one week and the decomposition is accelerated thereafter, especially in crystals. This is assumed to be due mainly to air oxidation as well as by the action of light. It is suggested that the safest way is to store vitamin D2 in a brown bottle filled with inactive gas in an
    . Several kinds of substances were separated by liquid chromatography as the decomposition product.
  • 20世紀の日本における主要工業製品色の変遷 (4)
    伊藤 潤
    2024年 88 巻 5-13
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/03/26
    ジャーナル フリー
     本稿は20 世紀の日本における主要な工業製品の色の変遷についての一連の研究の第四報である。冷蔵庫は「白物家電」を代表する製品であり,「三種の神器」のひとつにも挙げられ,第二次世界大戦後の日本の復興,発展を象徴するものだが,そのはじまりは電気式ではなく,英語では“
    ” と呼ぶ,氷塊によって庫内を冷やす「氷箱」として普及した。そこから「冷蔵函」「冷蔵器」という呼称を経て「冷蔵庫」に至り,最終的に「電気冷蔵庫」に至る過程を『東京朝日新聞』『讀賣新聞』2紙の記事と広告を元に検証し,氷冷蔵庫は木製の筐体が中心であり,銅製のものも含め,製品色としては茶色が中心であったことを明らかにした。また東芝のSS-1200 型が「国産初の電気冷蔵庫」として『近代化産業遺産群33』に,「1930 年製」として『機械遺産』に,それぞれ認定されているが,その妥当性を検証し,新聞2紙ならびに業界誌『家庭の電氣』および『拓けゆく電氣』(家庭電氣普及會)の調査によって,電気冷蔵庫の国産第一号は,遅くとも1927(昭和2)年までには東邦電氣や日本電熱器製造によって製造されていた可能性が高いことを明らかにした。
  • 20世紀の日本における主要工業製品色の変遷(5)
    伊藤 潤
    2024年 88 巻 21-29
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/03/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    本稿は 20世紀の日本における主要な工業製品の色の変遷についての一連の研究の第五報である。「白物家電」を代表する製品である冷蔵庫について,戦前の製品がどのようなものであったか,戦後にも存続した主要メーカー3社(芝浦製作所,日立製作所,三菱電機)を主対象とし,メーカー社史に加え,メーカー機関誌や技術論文誌,業界誌の通読調査を行い,その他関連学会誌等を適宜参照した。その結果,従来「国産初の電気冷蔵庫」として「1930年製」とされてきた芝浦製作所の電気冷蔵庫初号機 SS-1200 が 1930(昭和 5)年に開発されたことを裏付ける同時代の資料は発見されず,1933(昭和8)年の発売と考えられること,芝浦製作所,日立製作所,三菱電機共に米国製品を参照して電気冷蔵庫の開発を行ったため,米国のデザインが輸入されたといえること,日本製の電気冷蔵庫は白く塗装された製品として始まり,その製品色は各社の二号機以降も戦前を通して不変であり,戦前には白い製品がほとんど作られていなかった洗濯機と対照的であることを明らかにした。
    Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology
    1953年 6 巻 5 号 463-473
    発行日: 1953年
    公開日: 2010/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Poliomyelitis viruses have been immunologically grouped into three types, Brunhilde, Leon and Lansing. Although much of effort has been devoted to isolate poliomyelitis virus in Japan, little is revealed concerning the immunological property of the strains isolated.
    After World War II, the existence of poliomyelitis virus “Lansing” strain in Japan was suspected from the results obtained by the neutralization test on sera of the healthy Japanese, and furthermore, poliomyelitis virus B34 strain that was of Lansing type was successfully isolated from the stool of one healthy member of a polio patient's family, by means of mouse passage of the specimen. At that time monkeys were not used to isolate the causative agent of the disease because they were not easily available.
    An epidemic of poliomyelitis has occurred in the northern part of Japan during 1949. A total of 501 (12.5/100, 000 population) cases was reported from Hokkaido, and also 194 (18.9/100, 000 population) cases from Aomori Prefecture. These figures represent only paralytic cases, since in Japan nonparalytic cases are hardly diagnosed except in the epidemic season of poliomyelitis and mostly are not recognized as poliomyelitis. During this epidemic spinal cords of two patients (each aged one year and two years old) of whom one is from Shibetsu, Hokkaido and the other is from Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture were obtained, and kept in dry
    Using monkeys as experimental animal two virus strains, named Hachinohe and Shibetsu strain were successfully isolated from these spinal cords in March 1950. However no virus was isolated by passages in mice. Both of the two strains newly isolated in monkeys were presumed not of “Lansing” type.
    In 1951 the Poliomyelitis Research Committee was set up by the request of the government, and we were nominated as one of the members participating in the activity. The study concerning the immunological classification of poliomyelitis viruses in Japan using monkeys was carried out.
    The Japanese Medical Journal
    1948年 1 巻 5 号 427-430
    発行日: 1948年
    公開日: 2010/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Recently, experimental evidence relating to the extremely specific tuberculo-bacterio-static property possessed by o-aminophenol, a pure synthetic product, has been reported by Okamoto and his co-workers of the Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Kanazawa Medical College.
    Since 1946, we have been devoting ourselves to the studies in regard to the chemical and biological behaviours of azd-tuberculin derivatives.
    The present paper deals with the data obtained from researches carried out with one of the azo-tuberculin derivatives.
  • 大星 茂樹, 仲道 麗子, 藤原 昇, 古賀 脩
    1993年 10 巻 1 号 17-25
    発行日: 1993/04/01
    公開日: 2010/06/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this study was to develop a simple and rapid method of cryopreservation of rat blastocysts by vitrification. Vitrification solution used here contained glycerol and polyethylene glycol as cryoprotective agents in a HEPES buffered saline (VS3). Two methods of vitrification, one-step and stepwise, were examined to explore a convenient and successful technique for vitrifying rat embryos. No obvious difference was found in post-thaw in vitro survival of vitrified embryos between the two methods of vitrification, suggesting that one-step method may be successful for the vitrification of rat blastocysts. Microscopical observations of the embryos revealed that prolonged exposure of the embryos to the VS3 induced the considerable swelling of embryonic cells, suggesting the intracellular influx of cryoprotective agents. Based on the morphological examinations, no serious damages were observed in the vitrified-thawed embryos after a short period of exposure time (5 min). The present results demonstrate that one-step method of vitrification would be successful for cryo-storage of rat blastocysts.
  • Ken-ichi TAKEDA, Tetuo MINESITA, Hideo OTSUKA, Yukinao NODA
    Proceedings of the Japan Academy
    1952年 28 巻 7 号 353-354
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2006/09/12
    ジャーナル フリー