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クエリ検索: "アクイジション" 企業
12件中 1-12の結果を表示しています
  • 安田 明生
    日本航海学会誌 NAVIGATION
    2004年 160 巻 134-139
    発行日: 2004/06/25
    公開日: 2017/06/30
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 針尾 大嗣
    2013年 31 巻 2 号 123-135
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • -アメリカにおける事業評価業務の専門職化-
    古瀬 公博
    2004年 39 巻 1 号 50-69
    発行日: 2004/06/24
    公開日: 2009/11/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper analyzes the professionalization of the business appraisal service in the United States. As the number of mergers and acquisitions increased in the United States, the need for business valuation increased. The business appraisal service is used to, for example, mitigate conflict in selling price between the acquirer and the acquiree.
    The business appraisal service gradually grew after the 1950s and developed extensively in the 1980s. The growth of private company acquisitions and divestitures in the 1980s promoted its development. The main actors who provided business appraisal services were asset appraisers and accountants. They established the status as a profession after the Great Depression. Asset appraisers mainly appraised tangible property, especially machines, for insurance or tax purposes. Accountants reported and analyzed corporate financial data. Supplying business appraisal services and appraising expected corporate value, they changed their main technique from “retrospective” or “fact-finding” types to “prospective” or “forecasting.”
    As the business appraisal industry grew, many problems occurred due to the lack of appraisal skills or fraud. Four professional associations set up new licenses for business appraisers in order to provide appropriate appraisal services. In 1978, Institute of Business Appraisers (IBA) issued a license, the first in the United States, for appraisers specializing in private companies. Recently, confronted with member-seeking competition from other professional associations, such as IBA and other organizations, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants also issued a license for business appraisers in 1997. These associations examine their members' appraisal abilities, impose a code of ethics on their members, and provide training programs for their members with the intention of improving the quality of the business appraisal service.
  • 「持株会社-両大戦間期におけるその機能を考える-」討議報告
    1989年 24 巻 1 号 100-113
    発行日: 1989/04/30
    公開日: 2009/11/06
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 伊藤 紀幸
    2007年 21 巻 1 号 77-85
    発行日: 2007/06/30
    公開日: 2011/06/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Significance of Amendment to “Criteria for the Appraisal of Real Estate” from a licensed real estate appraiser's point of view.
    In securitization market Property Appraisal Report is useful for asset evaluation, LTV test, an investment decision etc. The Property is not One Price but rather exist in price range resulting from various cash-flow scenarios. Accordingly detailed due diligence process is necessary for appraisal report's accuracy. Amendment to “Criteria for the Appraisal of Real Estate” requires cooperation among market players or higher level of objectivity and accountability of the report more than before. Format unification on DCF method will make it possible to verify the report with others and lead to enlarge variety of database.
  • 木村 邦夫, 立山 博, 石橋 修, 陣内 和彦
    1986年 94 巻 1091 号 689-693
    発行日: 1986/07/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The correlation between temperature transforming into bloating of a formed sample and nominal temperature equivalent to its refractoriness in the JIS method was positive. This result suggested that refractoriness of Amakusa pottery stone is determined by thermal expansion curves. The various thermal expansion curves were measured under different conditions of milling time of samples, pellet thickress, forming pressure, heating rate and loading. Anomalous expansion due to bloating was observed, and the temperature (T5) giving a linear expansion coefficient of 5×10-4cm/cm/°C was independent of the pellet thickness, forming pressure and loading. The rectification method of T5 under the different condition of particle size distribution and heating rate was discussed. The thermal expansion curves of 58 samples were measured under the fixed conditions: milling time: 0.5min, pellet thickness: 3mm, forming pressure: 2500kg/cm2, heating rate: 10°C/min and loading: 10g. Hence values of T5 from the above mentioned thermal expansion curves were calculated. The nominal temperature (Tsk) equivalent to its refractoriness of the same samples was measured by the JIS method. A correlative equation between the rectified temperature (T5′(°C)) from T5 using the contents of particles larger than 10μm, and Tsk (°C) was calculated by the method of least squares as follows,
    The correlation coefficient between Tsk calculated by this equation and Tsk measured by JIS method was 0.980. The result showed that refractoriness for Amakusa pottery stone can be determined by thermal expansion.
  • 鈴木 浩, 赤松 幹之
    2010年 3 巻 3 号 241-246
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2010/10/23
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 池上 重輔
    2019年 11 巻 2 号 1-13
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2020/11/06
    ジャーナル フリー


    にとってクロスボーダーM&A とクロスボーダー・アライアンスの戦略的重要性が増してきている中、その統合マネジメントに関しては必ずしも研究の蓄積は多くない。本稿は2018 年度の国際ビジネス研究学会の全国大会の基調講演をベースに、クロスボーダーM&A においては買収後統合(Post-Merger Integration: PMI)、クロスボーダー・アライアンスにおいてはアライアンス・ガバナンスと呼ばれる“統合マネジメント”が国際ビジネス研究のフロンティになりうる可能性、そしてこの2つの研究が相互補完的な関係になりうる可能性を基調講演のゲスト

    がアライアンス管理に関する知識を収集、共有、保存し、この知識を現在および将来のアライアンスに適用する能力を指すアライアンスマネジメント能力に関しては相応の研究蓄積があるが、今後はトラスト、資源の相互補完、アライアンス・ガバナンス(パートナーの機会主義的行動管理)の研究が重要となってこよう。M&A 研究においては「どのような( 事前の) 条件で、
    を選択し、統合するのか?」 へと重点がシフトしてきた。PMI 手法は、戦略的相互依存性と組織的自立性という2軸で分類しうるが、相互依存が高く、組織的自立性も高いことによってシナジーが期待できる場合は“共生型”のPMI が適切な場合があり、今後は共生型をどうマネージするかの研究が必要になるだろう。

    日産(とルノー)の事例は、2社の戦略的アライアンスという側面とルノーによるPMI という2つの側面で見ることにより多様な示唆を得る可能性があること、時間をかけてシナジーを実現してゆくプラスとマイナスがあることなどが見えてこよう。リクルートの事例はクロスボーダーM&A における共生型の先進事例であり、その背景として明確な経営戦略を持つことの重要性を示している。

  • 米国の事例を題材として
    岡本 圭介, 野城 智也
    2021年 86 巻 781 号 1013-1021
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     This study typifies the transformation of the profession of architect through interviews with professional cross-border architects, who have recently attracted attention in the United States. The social background referred to in this study refers to changes in laws and regulations due to inclusive changes in the financial industry, and the increasing importance of management theory with the spread of design build contracts. Further, since the profession of architect is not codified in Japan, this paper refers to all those who contribute in the form of brain labor to the social implementation process of space.

     Chapter 2 first summarizes the design-build research conducted in the United States. The architects interviewed two companies that are involved in the Architect-Led Design-Build business. In addition to confirming the merits of both the clients and business operators, the institutional barriers and operational issues are also clarified.

     In Chapter 3, the business model that helps develops both the design and development industries is defined as an Architect-Led-Developer ; further, and James Petty's discussions on the Architect-Led-Developer business are presented. In addition, we interviewed the companies and obtained data. Financing issues and development policies, amongst other issues that consider public interest were discussed.

     Chapter 4 summarizes the changes in financing methods and analyzes the case studies of companies that are conducting investment-type crowdfunding businesses in Portland. We analyzed four case studies, including a developmental and operational project ensure affordable housing and commercial stores in cooperation with Non-Profit-Organization. Through examples, we confirmed that architects contribute to the construction of a regional investment ecosystem.

     In Chapter 5, the business models of platform operators are organized into three types: centralized B2C type, centralized P2P type, and decentralized P2P type. By analyzing the limitations of the current laws and regulations and the government's response, we analyzed the global practices for a decentralized society.

     In conclusion, we categorized the analyzed cases and proposed the social significance of architects as subjects who comprehensively model designs.

  • H. Rohrer, 宝野 和博, 桜井 利夫
    1992年 31 巻 5 号 398-404
    発行日: 1992/05/20
    公開日: 2011/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 神崎 克郎, 森田 章, 森本 滋, 近藤 光男
    1992年 1992 巻 54 号 127-176
    発行日: 1992/04/30
    公開日: 2012/02/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―東部南海トラフ基礎試錐メタンハイドレート堆積物の浸透率評価を目的として―
    皆川 秀紀, 西川 泰則, 坂本 靖英, 駒井 武, 宮崎 晋行, 高原 直也, 山口 勉, 成田 英夫, 水谷 和敬, 大賀 光太郎
    2009年 74 巻 5 号 472-485
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2011/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Natural gas hydrates in sediment are expected to be developed as a resource of natural gas and have been studied as a possible future energy resource. Gas permeability and water permeability in the methane-hydrate (MH)-bearing sediments are important factors for estimating the efficiency of producing methane gas from the natural gas hydrate sediment. Permeability of MH-bearing sediment is considerably affected by several properties of sediment, i.e., pore-size distribution, porosity, cementing, MH saturation, and MH-bearing features.
    Glass beads sediment and sandy sediment with different grain sizes have been measured as fundamental research and for application to natural MH-bearing sediment. Sediment pore-size distribution and porosity have been measured by NMR and mercury porosimeter. In order to obtain pore-size distribution with higher spatial resolution, a technique of numerical conversion of NMR-T2 distribution have been developed.
    A semi-empirical (SE) equation of the permeability of glass beads and sandy sediment has been derived based on the Kozeny-Carman equation by pore-size distribution and porosity that had been measured by mercury porosimetry. This SE equation has been approximated by the relation of porosity, pore-size distribution, tortuosity, and specific surface area of the sediment.
    The SE equation has been applied for converted NMR-T2 distribution of MH-bearing sediment. The permeabilities of methane hydrate bearing sediment calculated by the SE equation correspond well to the permeability measured by water flow.