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クエリ検索: "エナメル"
17,427件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 宇野 公男, 土屋 梅佳, 森沢 真知子, 曽田 忠雄
    1985年 39 巻 4 号 384-386
    発行日: 1985/04/20
    公開日: 2011/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    65才, 男性. 約1年前歯科治療時に下顎前歯部歯肉の腫脹を指摘されたが, 疼痛ないため放置した. その後, 腫脹は徐々に増大し, 当科を紹介され来院した.
    来院時所見は2~4唇側歯肉部からオトガイ部にかけて, 約30×25mm大の骨様硬のびまん性腫脹が認められた. 腫脹部の歯肉, 粘膜には発赤, 排膿などの炎症症状はなく, 歯の動揺はみられなかつた. X線写真では2~4の範囲の歯槽突起部から骨体部に広がる境界不明瞭な多房性, 蜂巣状の特異なX線像がみられた. 23の歯根はそれぞれ左右に傾斜し, 腫瘍の圧迫による離開を思わせる像を呈していたが, 歯根の吸収はみられなかつた. 腫瘍は下顎骨辺縁切除法により摘出され, 摘出標本による病理組織学的診断は, 宮崎, 荒井のI型に分類される
    術後2年6ヵ月経過したが, 再発の徴候は認められない.
  • 藤村 三千代, 佐藤 強志, 河野 一典, 森田 康彦, 野井倉 武憲, 山下 佐英
    1987年 27 巻 2 号 154-160
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2011/09/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    Two cases of ameloblastoma with bone formation in a 22-year-old male (case 1) and a 64-year-old female (case 2) were reported.
    Radiograms (case 1) showed a extensive bone destruction in the right mandible, in which a spot-and/or trabecula-like bone formation was dominantly observed. Radiograms (case 2) showed a cystlike bone destruction in the left maxilla, in which coarse irregular bone formation was scattered.
    Radiographically, there was a slight difference in the bone formation between case 1 and case 2, which was histologically confirmed.
  • 島田 学, 八木 正篤, 小川 淳, 中村 弥栄子, 福田 喜安, 工藤 啓吾
    1999年 24 巻 3 号 246-250
    発行日: 1999/12/22
    公開日: 2017/05/18
    ジャーナル フリー

    Among 29 primary cases of mandibular ameloblastoma treated in a 21-year interval from September, 1975 to August, 1996, we conducted an additional investigation of l8 cases in which conservative therapy was pursued to investigate indications of conservative therapy for mandibular ameloblastoma by clarifying their clinical courses, recurrence sites, and treatments. Recurrence was seen in 3 cases (16.7%); their radiographic examinations were unilocular in 2 cases and multilocular in l case, and their histological examinations had a plexiform pattern in 3 cases. Tumor recurrence occurred in 3 out of 18 cases (16.7%). Causes of recurrence were deemed to be an overlooked tumor near the original site of the mandible in l case and a residual tumor peripheral to the mandibular canal or the mesial tooth germ in 2 cases. Even in cases of recurrence, we treated them by conservative therapy of the mandible, and they have remained in good condition.

  • 川中 正雄, 福辻 美貴, 櫻井 一成, 柳澤 高道, 浦出 雅裕
    1998年 47 巻 4 号 515-520
    発行日: 1998/10/10
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    A relatively rare case of ameloblastic fibro-odontoma occured in the mandible of 5.8-year-old male. He was referred to our clinical office for uneruption of FE and 1-6 with painless swelling in that area.
    According to the X-ray examination, a nonuniform radiopaque mass was found in the left mandible, and E and 6 were impacted beneath the mass.
    The clinical diagnosis was odontoma.
    The impacted teeth E and 6 were separated from the mass easily, so they were conserved.
    Three years have passed since the operation, and these teeth have risen to the normal position in the dentition with the aid of orthodontic treatment.
    Histopathologically, there was a matrix similar to ameloblastic fibroma. In the matrix of the tumor, hard segments, dentin-like, cementum-like, and bone-like tissues, were included.
    Thus it was diagnosed as ameloblastic fibro-odontoma.
    According to the special staining, it is found that the hyaluronic acid and glycogen were the tumor products in the tumor mucous.
  • 西嶋 克巳, 長畠 駿一郎, 前田 健一郎, 松村 和良, 木口 章三, 高知 宏喜, 矢尾 尚武, 下山 一郎, 永山 久夫, 安藤 真佐子
    1980年 29 巻 2 号 372-378
    発行日: 1980/04/10
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 福澤 慎也, 市原 左知子, 中塚 健介, 今井 隆生, 栗田 賢一
    2005年 15 巻 2 号 143-146
    発行日: 2005/12/25
    公開日: 2011/08/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    We report a case of ameloblastoma in left second molar region of the mandible of a child. The ameloblastoma is relatively common benign odontogenic tumor most often located in the mandible. Many of the patients are young adults in the second decade of life. Radiographs usually show multilocular radiolucent lesion in most cases; however, sometimes demonstrate a unilocular radiolucency and a differential diagnosis from an eruption cyst and a dentigerous cyst becomes increasingly difficult. Thus, in certain factors, many cases may be the result in misdiagnosis of these other diseases and still be lurking. Therefore, the difficulty of diagnosis and the importance of the preoperative biopsy for ameloblastoma may be indicated.
  • 黒岩 美枝, 中島 史和, 小高 鉄男
    1984年 3 巻 2 号 221-226
    発行日: 1984/03/31
    公開日: 2012/08/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    は, 耐酸性を示すといわれる.しかし, 無柱
    が高頻度に出現する乳歯の唇 (頬) 面
    質を, 過塩素酸でエッチングすると, 有柱と無柱の部分はつねに混在して観察された.すなわち乳歯の無柱
    は, 表面からの深さが一定していないと考えられた.そのため, 無柱
    の耐酸性を確かめることはできなかった.フッ素塗布は, う蝕抵抗性があるとされ, おもに乳歯への臨床的処置が施されている.フッ素濃度分析の前処理として行った歯ブラシ, 研磨, 次亜塩素酸ナトリウムによる歯面の清掃法の相違は,
    質表面にある有機性蒲膜 (plaque, surface cuticle) のさまざまな残存状態を示した.これは, エッチング効果を弱め, 溶出するCa量を変えると考えられた.一方, フッ素塗布歯では, フッ素は
    質表面の有機質中には存在するが, 自斑や褐色斑面の場合と異なり,
    質結晶内にとり囲まれている可能性は低いと考えられた.以上のことから, 構造からくる無柱
    の耐酸性と, おもに有機質と結びつくと予想されるフッ素の塗布による耐酸性の効果は, 異なる課題として検索する必要がある.
  • 小沢 幸重, 三島 弘幸, 寒河江 登志朗, 奥田 綾子
    1988年 30 巻 1 号 31-40
    発行日: 1988/02/20
    公開日: 2010/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    トガリネズミ (食虫類) の歯の構造と着色について検討した。着色は, 各歯の接触面の
    質, 即ち上顎では口蓋側面, 下顎は唇側および頬側面にある。着色は, 齧歯類の切歯と同様に
    質への鉄の沈着によるものであるが, 歯列弓の歯のすべてに認められる。
    質である。鉄の含有量はSEMの非分散型定量分析では約8% (重量比) である。トガリネズミの
    質は, 細管
    質の全領域に認められるが, 着色
    小柱は, 比較的単純なコースを
    質表面まで走向するが, 非常に薄い咬頭間領域の
    質では認められない。シュレーゲルの条紋は観察されないが, 無着色
    小柱の直径は, 約3 μmである。
    細管は屈曲走行し, 象牙細管に連続する。以上の構造のいくつかは, 初期哺乳類の構造と一致するものであり, 下等な哺乳類と高等な哺乳類の移行的構造であろう。象牙質は管周象牙質が発達し, セメント質は非常に薄い。
  • 金田 式世, 渡辺 二三雄, 加藤 陽人, 立松 憲親, 岡 伸光
    1984年 33 巻 3 号 445-451
    発行日: 1984/07/10
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 三好 憲裕, 西嶋 寛, 八木 利幸, 福富 茂, 福永 城司, 松本 修明, 西嶋 克巳
    1995年 5 巻 2 号 156-160
    発行日: 1995/11/30
    公開日: 2011/08/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ameloblastoma is one of the most common odontogenic tumors in the oral region. Ameloblastoma frequently appears after puberty and is relatively rare in childhood.
    We report the summary of a case of we experienced ameloblastoma that appeared in the mandible of a child. The patient was an 8-year-old girl and the region of C_??_E was involved in the tumor. She underwent an extirpation and fenestration for the tumor under general anesthesia. She has been carefully followed up with no evidence of recurrence.
  • 脇田 稔
    1974年 16 巻 2 号 129-185
    発行日: 1974/12/31
    公開日: 2010/10/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    質といわれている。したがって比較発生学的見地から, 歯の形成機構に関する研究の一端として, 硬骨魚のニザダイを材料とし, 歯胚における内
    芽細胞の, 初期段階から各
    質形成過程における, 形態と構造に関する時期的な推移変化について電子顕微鏡を用いて観察を行なったものである。
    芽細胞は基質形成期に急速に伸長し, トームスの突起が形成され, 各細胞小器官が発達する。基質形成の後半になると, 細胞長は最大になる。
    質とはいえ, 基質形成から
  • 奥山 禎男
    1992年 59 巻 1 号 205-245
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2010/10/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    In a series of studies to investigate the structural features and the characteristics of the tooth, a detailed observation was made on the enamel surface and the enamel composing the fissure and pit of the freshly extracted human permanent molars, using scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The materials employed in this observation were taken from the noncarious surface of molars.
    The following results were obtained: The hypocalcified zone was observed more or less in the enamel composing the fissure and pit. In many cases, the dental cuticle can be seen on the enamel surface. A rodless enamel was present, in greater or lesser degree, in the enamel surface layer. Retzius's line was observed clearly in the enamel composing the fissure and pit. In many cases, perikymata was found on the enamel surface. In some cases, tubular pits invaginated secondarily from the fissure and pit were observed. In some, a dental calculus can be observed in the fissure and pit. By the observation of the inner structure of the dental calculus, mineralization occurred around and within the bacteria and in the interbacterial matrix composing the dental caluculus. Bacteria of the same degree of calcification appear in the microcolonies.
  • 下山 哲夫, 堀江 憲夫, 小澤 俊文, 須川 直機, 保坂 栄勇, 種林 康彦, 三野 元崇, 西村 修, 井出 文雄
    1989年 38 巻 3 号 615-619
    発行日: 1989/07/10
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ameloblastoma is one of the most common odontogenic tumors of the jaw. It occurs frequently in the mandible, but rarely in the maxilla. This article describes a case of a maxillary ameloblastoma.
    The patient, a 61 year old male, had suffered from gradual enlargement of the right maxillary alveolar process for more than forty years. Physical examination showed a painless bony swelling of the right maxilla. Radiographic examination revealed a large multilocular radiolucent lesion.
    Partial resection of the tumor was performed under general anesthesia. Histologically, the ameloblastoma was an acanthomatous type.
    The follow-up evaluation two years after treatment showed no recurrence.
  • 須賀 昭一
    Archivum histologicum japonicum
    1960年 20 巻 4 号 477-498
    発行日: 1960/11/20
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Enamel formation in various kinds of animals have been investigated histologically in the sections stained with resorcin-fuchsin and other routin stainings, and the transference of enamel matrix substances (resorcin-fuchsin stainable substances, bereafter: R-stainable snbstances) to the other tissues than the enamel, especially the dentine, have been found in the tooth germ tissues of rats, guinea-pigs, dogs and human beings.
    In this paper, the significance of such findings as the above mentioned for amelogenesis has been discussed.
    2. At each stage of the pre-formative, formative, maturation stage, of enamel formation, it is found that the substances, which are able to be stained with resorcinfuchsin and supposed to be enamel matrix substances, penetrate both to the dentinal matrix and dentinal tubules, but their appearances and periods are different from one another among those various animals above mentioned.
    3. In the guinea-pigs, R-stainable substances begin to penetrate to the dentine, immediately after the time when the formation of dentinal matrix begins. At first, R-stainable substances appear between the ameloblasts (inner enamel epithelium) and the dentinal matrix, and then part of them penetrates to both dentinal matrix and tubles, and moreover, to the odontoblastic zone, through the dentinal tubules (Fig. 1 and 2).
    The penetration to the dentine become more and more remarkable gradually, according as it approaches to the beginning of the enamel matrix formation, and is observed continuously until the middle stage of enamel matrix formation comes (Fig. 3).
    4. In the rats, R-stainable substances begin to penetrate to both the dentinal matrix and tubules of superficial zone of the dentine from the ameloblasts (inner enamel epithelium) side, some time after the dentine formation starts (Fig. 4). The degree of this penetration gradually increases, according as it approaches to the very beginning of enamel formation (Fig. 5 and 7), but on a sudden decreases prior to the commencement of the enamel matrix formation (Fig. 6 and 7). At the formative stage of enamel, R-stainable substances penetrate to nothing but dentinal tubules of superficial dentine. And then, following to enter the maturation stage, R-stainable substances begin to penetrate to the dentinal tubules of deeper zone of dentine, neighbouring the middle zone of dentine (Fig. 8 and 9). Such findings as these are continuously observed until the endstage of maturation.
    5. In the human beings, in a little while after the beginning of enamel matrix formation, R-stainable substances begin to penetrate to the dentinal tubules, and frequently this substance reach the odontoblasts zone through the whole width of dentine (Fig. 10 and 11). At the same time, the reduction of stainability of enamel matrix, neighbouring dentine does occur (Fig. 10-13). Such discolouration is more remarkable at the interrod substance than the enamel rod (Fig. 12 and 13). This appearance can be distinguished from the changes of stainability of matrix usually observed after the apposition of enamel matrix in various animals, and are not artefact occured to them in process of preparation of section. Such penetrations of these substances continue for some time, and after the time when the enamel matrix has been formed about one third of the whole width, and then gradually decrease finally to disappear at all. After a time, decolouration of enamel matrix is recovered and shows similar appearance to the surrounding enamel matrix.
    6. In the dogs, R-stainable substances penetrate to the dentinal tubules only in superficial layer of dentine at the endstage of preformative stage of enamel formation. This phenomenon is observed continuously during the formative stage of enamel (Fgi. 14).
    7. At the beginning of penetration of R-stainable substances to the dentine of guinea pigs, the nucleus of ameloblasts just still begin to migrate to the basal side of the cytoplasms
  • 北畠 安五郎
    1925年 33 巻 395 号 549-550
    発行日: 1925/11/20
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 伊藤 直子, 奥田 孝, 安岡 忠, 兵東 巌, 中田 隆明, 中島 正人, 土井田 誠
    1995年 44 巻 1 号 108-111
    発行日: 1995/01/10
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    W e report a case of ameloblastic fibro-odontoma and the literaturein Japan is also reviewed.
    An 8-year-old boy was referred to us because of delayed eruption of the right mandibular first molar. On the roentgenogram, radiopaque masses surrounded by radiolucency were recognized at the distal root apex of the right mandibular second deciduous molar. Its clinical diagnosis was odontoma, and the lesion was extirpated under local anesthesia. Radiopaque masses were recognized as tooth-like calcified bodies. Histopathology showed the proliferation of both fibrous tissue andameloblast-like epithelial cells, which resembled dental papillae and enamel organ. Pathological diagnosis was ameloblastic fibro-odontoma.
    19 cases (including our own case) were used for clinical evaluation. More than half of the patients were under ten years old. 11 patients were male and 8 were female. The tumor mostfrequently occurred in the mandibular molar region. Histopathology revealed that the tooth-like hard mass showed various developmental stages and resembled immature odontoma.
    W e considered this tumor as an odontoma in the early stage because of the similarity in clinical and histopathological appearances.
  • 第2報: 若年者症例の検討
    高橋 喜久雄, 宮内 健晋, 横江 秀隆, 斎藤 佳明, 古谷 隆則, 秋月 一城, 佐藤 研一
    1993年 42 巻 2 号 280-285
    発行日: 1993/04/10
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岩佐 由香
    1997年 39 巻 1 号 1-24
    発行日: 1997/02/20
    公開日: 2010/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    永久歯歯式が5134/4134=50とされている有袋類のハイイロジネズミオポッサム (Monodelphis domes-tica) を用いて, 歯堤と歯胚の発生様式および細管
    細管の機能について, 組織学的検索を行った. 12, 16, 18日齢の観察から, 上・下顎の乳犬歯・第3乳臼歯・第1大臼歯および上顎の第1乳切歯・第2大臼歯の歯胚に, 代生歯堤ないし代生歯胚が確認された. 上顎第4切歯部と下顎第1切歯部では, 乳歯の歯胚が退縮するのが認められた. 歯堤は上顎第1乳切歯部を除き, 上・下顎でそれぞれすべて連続し, 下顎第3大臼歯部以外の各歯胚の近心あるいは遠心の部位で口腔上皮と連絡していた. すなわち, 上顎第1乳切歯, 上・下顎の乳犬歯・第1大臼歯は, 第一生歯 (乳歯) が永久歯化し, 上顎第4切歯および下顎第1切歯は, 第二生歯 (代生歯) が永久歯化したと推測される. 上・下顎の第3乳臼歯のみは, 第二生歯 (第3小臼歯) に交換することが確認された.
    索, 中間層という
    器の組織分化は, 真獣類と同様に観察された.
    象牙境から斜めに派生し, 咬頭頂へ向かうが,
    質表面近くになると急に屈曲し, 周囲を小柱間
    質に分布し, 1本の
    細管が確認されたが, 小柱間
    細管内に, 象牙芽細胞の突起である象牙線維が象牙細管から連続して, 分枝して分布しているのが認められた. これは, 象牙芽細胞の突起も
    細管の形成に関与することを示すと考えられる. 塩化ストロンチウムおよびテトラサイクリンの生体投与実験を行った結果, 両者が
    質の表面近くまで達しているのが検出された. これは, 象牙芽細胞の関与による,
  • 第2報 開窓療法後の病巣部のエックス線学的, 病理組織学的変化について
    小木曽 政則, 上田 実, 野村 岳嗣, 藤内 祝, 水谷 英樹, 金田 敏郎
    1994年 43 巻 3 号 479-483
    発行日: 1994/07/10
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ameloblastoma is pathologically described as a benign neoplasm. However, wide resection of the jaws has been recommended as the treatment because of its high recurrent incidence.
    Recently, marsupialization therapy that had been used for cystic lesion has been tried for the treatment of ameloblastoma. In this report, 8 cases of ameloblastoma were analyzed in pathological and radiographic change after marsupialization therapy. The results were as follows.
    1) In radiological examination, the tumor size in 5 cases were reduced. 1 case was not changed after 6 months and has gradually become smaller. 2 cases were enlarged after marsupialization therapy. The clinical effect of marsupialization therapy appeared 6 months after the treatment in effective cases. These cases have become smaller than their original size for 12 months.
    2) In pathological examination, the histological type of the tumor revealed changed and unchanged types after the treatment.
    Thus we concluded as follows. When ameloblastoma was treated by marsupialization therapy, the effect of treatment should be judged 6 months after the treatment. In case of no effect of the marsupialization therapy, the radical resection of the tumor should be immediately planned. If the effect of marsupialization therapy was observed after 6 months, marsupialization therapy should be continued for 12 months longer.
  • 症例報告と文献的考察
    名生 邦彦, 須田 聡, 宮本 亮三, 斎藤 健一
    2007年 56 巻 3 号 315-318
    発行日: 2007/07/10
    公開日: 2011/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic tumor that originates centrally within the jaw bone, and may very rarely occur in a peripheral area. We present a case of peripheral ameloblastoma in the maxillary gingiva.
    The patient was a 70-year-old male who presented with a 15×15×10mm tumor on the gingiva of the right maxillary molar region. Radiographic examination showed no resorption of bone. Because the tumor was histologically diagnosed as ameloblastoma by tissue biopsy, the tumor was excised with a part of the maxilla under general anesthesia. According to the clinical and pathological features, a diagnosis of peripheral ameloblastoma was made. As of 12 months after the operation, no sign of recurrence has been observed.