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3件中 1-3の結果を表示しています
  • 木村 知宏

    2017年 9 巻 2 号 63-74
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2019/10/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究では、情動・覚醒質問紙と唾液中コルチゾール、心拍数を用いて、デジタルゲームの異な る要素が感情経験と生理反応に与える影響についての検討を行う。大学生30名を対象として実験が行わ れ、唾液の採取と質問紙による主観的反応の測定がゲームプレイ前後に 2 回ずつ行われた。実験参加者 は、対戦格闘ゲームの操作技術を学習するゲームモード、またはコンピュータと対戦するゲームモード、 ゆっくりと村での生活を楽しむゲームのいずれかをプレイした(各ゲーム内容をプレイした群を、それ ぞれスキル学習群、対戦群、統制群とした)。その結果、コルチゾール分泌量と心拍数においてはゲー ム内容の違いによる差は見られなかったが、主観的反応において差が見られた。反応速度を要求するゲー ムの要素は、緊張感と活力感を生起させることが示された。
  • 木村 知宏

    2015年 7 巻 2 号 23-33
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2019/10/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究では、情動・覚醒質問紙と唾液中コルチゾール、心拍数を用いて、デジタルゲームの異な る要素が感情経験と生理反応に与える影響についての検討を行う。大学生30名を対象として実験が行わ れ、唾液の採取と質問紙による主観的反応の測定がゲームプレイ前後に 2 回ずつ行われた。実験参加者 は、対戦格闘ゲームの操作技術を学習するゲームモード、またはコンピュータと対戦するゲームモード、 ゆっくりと村での生活を楽しむゲームのいずれかをプレイした(各ゲーム内容をプレイした群を、それ ぞれスキル学習群、対戦群、統制群とした)。その結果、コルチゾール分泌量と心拍数においてはゲー ム内容の違いによる差は見られなかったが、主観的反応において差が見られた。反応速度を要求するゲー ムの要素は、緊張感と活力感を生起させることが示された。
  • 鈴木 明哲
    2002年 47 巻 6 号 593-606
    発行日: 2002/11/10
    公開日: 2017/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    T. Yamamoto (1985) has stated that the leaders of physical education and sports after World War II in Japan were the same persons who engaged in militaristic physical education and sports during the War. On the other hand, H. Wray (1982, 1986, 1990) has claimed that the CIE under control of the GHQ/SCAP, drew up a written list of "Liberal Educators of Japan" (LEJ) in 1946, but up to now this list has not been discovered. The fact that there is such a list suggests the possibility that militaristic leaders are, in fact, included among the LEJ. The purpose of this study was to consider how militaristic leaders of physical education and sports were able to be active during the early period of occupation in Japan by analyzing the LEJ. The results clearly showed that 57 leaders of physical education and sports were listed as liberal educators, of whom 38 were described as neither militaristic nor liberal, 2 were described as both militaristic and liberal, and only 9 were described as genuinely liberal. The important point to note was that 8 of the 57 leaders were described as militaristic. The reasons why these 8 militaristic leaders were engaged in liberal education were as follows: 1. They had already held important positions in physical education and sports as of 1946. 2. They were suggested by influential persons to be trusted by the CIE. 3. They were well experienced in studying abroad from the prewar period and throughout World War II, and well informed about world affairs in both physical education and sports. 4. The CIE placed much faith in their scientific ability. 5. They were indispensable for collecting information on Japanese physical education and sports. As a result, it seems appropriate to conclude that the CIE needed leaders who were not genuine liberal educators, but rather reformers with ability and status, and that the militaristic leaders were the only liberal educators capable of achieving reform. The evidence would suggest that the militaristic leaders were, in fact, protected by the CIE. Thus this study has shown that one of the factors that allowed militaristic leaders to be engaged in physical education and sports as liberal educators after World War II was that the LEJ were recognized by the CIE.