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6件中 1-6の結果を表示しています
  • 三上 和夫
    1997年 23 巻 39-51
    発行日: 1997/10/17
    公開日: 2018/01/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Today, arguments continue regarding the reciprocal influences between the Japanese educational system and Japanese society. This article looks at this relationship in terms of the long-term changes that can be seen in household expenditures for education. 2. The educational finance systm of Japan was established according to administrative and financial reformation which occurred in the 1940's. After the Second World War, the rate of entrance into high schools and universities increased under this financial structure. Through the revision of the Gakko Kyoikuho and the Shigaku Shinko Joseiho of 1975, this financial structure was revised. This revision created subsidies to private universities as well as Sensyu Gakko as part of the system of post secondary education. These laws gave a new systematic structure to the financial balance of household and public expenditures for education. 3. These revisions had a large influence upon Japanese families, which had already undergone the process nuclearization. Because students began to stay in school to a more advanced age, the amount of each family's educational expenditures, including foregone earnings, increased. As the term of their child's education lengthened, the long-term perspectives of the family lengthened along with it Nuclear families were thus forced to forsake many of their short-term desires as they felt the continuing pressure to maintain these long-term plans. 4. Today, household educational expenditures are taking on new cultural and political meanings. One of these is that such long-term expenditures are coupled with the vigorous competition that accompanies the cause of much anxiety and melancholy within the family. Also, the expenditures necessary for the procurement of higher education raises issues concerning the equity of local educational administration. Alongside research into the efficiency and equity of educational finance, people in positions related to educational finance are hereafter likely to begin ethnological research as well.
  • ——都市社会学者は何を見ないできたのか——
    樋口 直人
    2010年 2010 巻 23 号 153-164
    発行日: 2010/08/30
    公開日: 2015/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper critically examines studies on Japan's urban ethnicity, focusing on the limits of the Chicago paradigm dominating this field. The defects of the Chicago school involve disregard of structural and institutional factors such as the state and the market. The disregard of the state apparatus results in overlooking the securitization of migration in the last decade. In addition, the lack of labor market analysis leads to a superficial understanding of migrant communities. The author suggests two alternative approaches that make full use of legacies of urban sociology: (a) bringing the state and market back in by way of the new urban sociology and (b) uniting subfields of urban sociology with the notions of space and place.
  • グリーフ・サポート・ネットワークにみる技術の関与
    秋吉 美都
    2000年 51 巻 2 号 204-218
    発行日: 2000/09/30
    公開日: 2009/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    本稿はコンピュータネットワーク上のグリーフ・サポート・ネットにおける感情経験の反省的構成の分析をつうじて, 感情規則概念を再検討する. メディア研究は相互作用におけるコミュニケーション技術の介在が感情経験や感情表現の様態を変化させることに注目してきた. ホクシールドの感情規則研究は, 感情経験が相互作用のセッティングに応じた感情規則によって規制されていることを示しており, 感情経験の構成にかかわるコミュニケーション技術の役割を考えるうえで適切な出発点となる. しかし, 他の感情の社会学の論考と同様, ホクシールドの理論は媒介されたコミュニケーションに注意を払わず, 対面的コミュニケーションを相互作用一般の原形として扱っている.したがって, それはコミュニケーション技術の利用の増加が感情経験の構成にもたらす影響を十分に吟味することができない.本稿はホクシールドの理論を補完する社会的境界概念を導入し, 媒介されたコミュニケーションの組織化における技術の役割を同定する.
  • ―複数事例比較分析と再帰的民族誌―
    田中 研之輔
    2011年 2011 巻 29 号 143-159
    発行日: 2011/09/07
    公開日: 2012/12/19
    ジャーナル フリー
      Rethinking the methodology of the Chicago school of urban ethnography, this paper focuses on the research trends on the Berkeley school of contemporary urban ethnography. Berkeley school of the contemporary urban ethnography constructed five points of methodological renovation compared with the Chicago school. First, it develops the field method from single-case and single-place to single-case and multi-places [Sánchez-Jankowski, 1991 and 2008]. Furthermore, it proposes the multi-case method [Burawoy,2008] renovates the single case -multi-places method. Third, in Chicago school of urban ethnography, the duration of the field research go to from couples of years to few decades. Forth, epistemological and technical renovation that fieldworkers conduct the research style changes from the visit to the revisit. Fifth, it seeks to theoretically informed methodology. The role of theory in ethnography is not only to analyze the raw materials and to pretend to discover theory “grounded" in the field, but also to integrate the theoretical implications actively at every step in the construction of the object [Wacquant, 2002]. Finally, most importantly, it proposes the new dimensions of a reflexive model of science combined and reconstruct the positive science [Wacquant, 2002. and Burawoy, 2003].
  • 人文地理
    2007年 59 巻 2 号 188-202
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2018/01/06
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 日本オーラル・ヒストリー研究
    2017年 13 巻 151-
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2018/12/26
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス