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16件中 1-16の結果を表示しています
  • 日英比較研究
    布施 晶子
    2001年 14 巻 49-72
    発行日: 2001/06/29
    公開日: 2009/11/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―保育環境評価スケール(ECERS-R)の位置づけに注目して―
    埋橋 玲子
    2004年 42 巻 2 号 196-204
    発行日: 2004/12/25
    公開日: 2017/08/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The definition of "quality" in early childhood education and care depends on the background of the society which, in the case of the U.K., includes various kinds of people. Currently, the U.K. is experiencing a big surge in extension of services in early childhood education and care, after a long absence of the government's active intervention after World War II. The U.K. government sponsored a project called "Effective Provision of Pre-School Education" which used two early childhood environment rating scales to evaluate the quality of pre-school education. The usage of the rating scales indicates a high priority of assuring children's cognitive and social development in their later school life. The current U.K. government policy suggests the necessity of clear definition of quality of early childhood education and care in Japan.
  • ―イースト・アングリア大学を事例として―
    水引 貴子
    2017年 1 巻 1 号 37-43
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2018/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 表 真美
    2018年 69 巻 11 号 768-774
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 増田 幸弘
    2008年 45 巻 1 号 63-75
    発行日: 2008/11/15
    公開日: 2017/11/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to consider the legal policies regarding grandparents in Japan. To this end, we have analysed two things; the legal structures of grandparent-grandchild contact in Japan and in Canada, and the public support systems for grandparents who care for grandchildren while their parents are working in Japan, the UK, Singapore and Australia. What I wish to show in this paper are two things. First, it is necessary to consider the enactment of the legal procedure for grandparent-grandchild contact in Japan. Second, it is necessary to introduce some support systems (e.g. financial support) for grandparents as child caregivers in Japan. This paper summarizes the presentation made at the convention of the Japan Association of Legal and Political Sciences at Kinki University in June, 2008.
  • 広瀬 美和
    2007年 66 巻 88-89
    発行日: 2007/08/21
    公開日: 2018/04/20
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • OECD報告書『人生の始まりこそ力強く(Starting Strong)』を手がかり
    石黒 万里子
    2017年 21 巻 71-84
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/11/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper examines the radical changes in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in England since the end of the twentieth century, with special consideration of the global circumstances around ECEC and by using the framework of transitology (Cowen 2014). ECEC in England reflects political, economic, and social changes at a global level, and it has the discourse of ‘school readiness’ as its legitimacy.  According to the OECD Report Starting Strong, increasing global interests on ECEC have changed the meaning of ECEC, regarding it as a public good, instead of a private matter, and the report focuses on an integrated approach to ECEC, the goal of achievement and the monitoring of ECEC services, staff and child development. Partly it aims the economic development in the period of low growth.  In addition, worldwide organisations such as the WHO, UNESCO and UNICEF also look at ECEC in terms of humanitarian support. They focus on the children’s well-being, promoting health and preventing poverty. ECEC is a hot issue shared across developed and developing countries.  As global attitudes toward ECEC have changed, the new ECEC system and curriculum in England has also adapted, including the re-organisation of the governmental division for ECEC in order to integrate the jurisdiction of ECEC, introducing a national curriculum with detailed achievement goals, and monitoring systems for all the ECEC settings.  The national curriculum on ECEC in England, Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), stresses the importance of care in terms of children’s well-being as well as promotion of literacy, and increasingly such safeguard and welfare requirements have been extended through the revisions of them.  ECEC in England is categorised as‘ school readiness’ tradition by the OECD Report. Such a slogan has given the ECEC legitimacy from both points of view: economic growth and humanitarian support, importance in developed and developing countries, and impact of poverty and universal security. However, there are many who oppose the view of school readiness as the aim of ECEC. ‘School readiness’ can be recognised as‘ deductive rationality’ (Cowen 2014). The fundamental question is thus posed - how do we recognise childhood, as a preparation period for being an adult or a meaningful period in and of itself?
  • 庄司 洋子
    1999年 11 巻 11 号 133-135
    発行日: 1999/07/31
    公開日: 2009/08/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田中 弘美
    2017年 58 巻 1 号 13-25
    発行日: 2017/05/31
    公開日: 2017/09/22
    ジャーナル フリー

    本研究は,イギリスECECシステムの特徴である「サービスの財源・供給における複合構制(mixed economy)」と「幼児教育と保育の分離」の2点を「漸進的変化」の理論的枠組みを用いて捉え直し,それぞれの変化の性格とその背景にある要因を明らかにすることを目的とする.


  • 谷川 至孝
    2019年 46 巻 55-58
    発行日: 2019/03/31
    公開日: 2019/07/06
    ジャーナル フリー
  • サッチャー政権下の動向を中心に
    布施 晶子
    1989年 2 巻 96-121
    発行日: 1989/06/01
    公開日: 2009/11/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 江島(柳田) ゆう花
    2023年 42 巻 65-76
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2024/03/20
    ジャーナル フリー

      Recent studies have indicated that family caregivers bear significant responsibility for cognitive caring activities. They have also examined the ways in which care workers support family caregivers with the aim of alleviating their burdens and obligations. This study focused on postpartum doulas. Doulas are care workers who provide support to pre/postpartum mothers in the form of household, childcare, and communication assistance such as advising and consulting. Through in-depth interviews with 13 doulas, this study explored how they assisted in the decision-making process regarding their clients’ care needs, in particular the process of deciding meal menus. The study findings indicate that by adjusting their services to each client, the doulas actively listened to the concerns of the mothers. Furthermore, depending on the applicable care situation, they responded and related to their experiences, identified new care needs, and presented options to fulfil them. If necessary, they determined the care required for each client. The findings show that doulas actively supported the mothers’ decision-making at the level of care required. In conclusion, the doulas could prevent situations in which family caregivers perform cognitive caring activities by themselves, thereby alleviating the responsibility handled by family caregivers.

  • 藤井 穂高
    2014年 81 巻 4 号 484-495
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2015/06/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 所 道彦
    2005年 14 巻 52-74
    発行日: 2005/09/30
    公開日: 2018/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper will focus on the recent development of Japanese family policies in a comparative perspective. The rapid fertility decline has led to new policy initiatives for families and children. Childcare services have expanded since the 1990s, while the reconciliation of work and family life has been addressed by these new policies. On the other hand, direct economic support of families with children has not improved and the level of support is still inadequate. A comparative analysis of the policy package including cash benefits, tax allowances, childcare services and other subsidies, which support a family with the costs of rearing children, suggests that Japanese packages were less generous than most other industrialized countries in 2001. It is also important to note that this situation has remained unchanged during the last five years, despite the importance of supporting families that has been repeatedly emphasized in domestic politics. This is in sharp contrast with policy developments in Britain, where the support packages since 1997 under the Labour government have been improving in order to tackle child poverty. The new initiatives of British family policies include the introduction of tax benefits and increasing childcare cost tax deductions. There are some arguments for increasing the level of cash benefits to halt the fertility decline in Japan. In fact, child-related tax benefits are limited and less generous in terms of amount and provisions compared with other countries, and it is important to extend benefits and reduce the costs of rearing children. However, economic support of families should not be considered in the context of demographic policy. Japanese family policies need to pay more attention to poverty among children, particularly the issue of single-parent families, which is also spreading as a result of the rising divorce rate. As the hardships of single-mother families can become more evident in a country with a social system based on a male-breadwinner family model, this will be a major issue for Japanese social policy. The main aim of future family policies should be supporting children, not increasing their number. It is necessary for us to respond to the wide range of issues brought by family changes, which are well beyond the scope of the fertility crisis.
  • 相良 友哉, 村山 洋史, 高橋 知也, 西中川 まき, 藤原 佳典
    2022年 69 巻 10 号 779-789
    発行日: 2022/10/15
    公開日: 2022/10/01
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2022/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー

    目的 急速な高齢化の進展や人口減少によって,様々な業界で働き手が不足しており,とくに,介護や保育などの福祉業界において深刻な問題となっている。その対応策のひとつとして,自立した日常生活を送れているいわゆる「元気高齢者(アクティブシニア)」を補助人材として雇用し,施設の非専門的な周辺業務を担ってもらう取組みが散見される。しかし,これらの業務への就労意向を持つ者の割合や,その要件は十分に整理されていない。そこで,本研究は,介護補助や保育補助としての就労意向を持つ高齢者の特性を明らかにすることを目的とした。

    方法 「NPO法人りぷりんと・ネットワーク(りぷりんと)」に加盟している首都圏の絵本読み聞かせボランティア団体の会員で60歳以上の者374人を対象とした自記式アンケート調査を実施し,有効回答295票を得た(回収率78.9%)。調査期間は2019年10月~11月であった。本研究では,介護補助と保育補助のそれぞれについて,「就労意向の有無」を目的変数,「就労関連項目」「健康状態」「社会関係・社会参加状況」を説明変数,「人口統計学的変数」を調整変数とした二項ロジスティック回帰分析を行った。分析に際して,欠測値を多重代入法により補った(10ファイルを作成)。

    結果 補助人材として就労意向を持っている高齢者は,介護補助で72人(24.4%),保育補助で107人(36.3%)見られた。二項ロジスティック分析の結果,日頃から生涯学習活動に参加している人ほど介護補助へ就労意向を持っており(オッズ比[OR]:2.98,95%信頼区間[95%CI]:1.40-6.34),主観的健康感が高い人ほど保育補助へ就労意向を持っている傾向が見られた(OR:2.41,95%CI:1.01-5.76)

    結論 補助人材として就労意向を持ちそうな高齢者として,介護補助では生涯学習活動の参加者,保育補助では主観的健康感が高い人という特性が見られた。これらの特性を持った高齢者に的を絞ったリクルートをすることで,補助人材として就労する高齢者の掘り起こしに寄与できる可能性がある。

  • ― PSHEとヘルシースクール政策の分析を通じて ―
    青木 研作, 石黒 万里子
    2018年 22 巻 047-062
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/09/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    By World Health Organization (WHO) ’s initiatives, many countries have been working on health promotion in schools since the late 1980s. According to the WHO, Health Promoting Schools stem from the idea of healthy settings. A healthy setting refers to“the place or social context in which people engage in daily activities in which environmental, organizational, and personal factors interact to affect health and wellbeing.” In other words, this idea tries to see settings, where people engage in activities, as a place where health-related problems are created and resolved. The idea of using settings as a base to tackle health promotion stems from a strategy from the 1980s,“Health for All,” and more specifically, it was designed more clearly in the 1986 Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Currently, health promotion initiatives are implemented in settings such as schools, workplace, hospitals, villages and cities.  In the compulsory education stage in England there is a subject called PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education). This subject is expected to play a central role in health education. Also, there are requirements that a variety of subjects, such as science, physical education and design and technology, teach knowledge and skills related to health. Health and safety prescriptions have occurred in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), with such descriptions increasing in recent years. Regardless of the fact that heavy emphasis has been placed on PSHE as a subject closely involved in better lifestyles for children, to date, it has been a non-statutory subject. As a result, individual schools decide how to teach PSHE, and quality has also been found to vary, with a 2013 survey by Ofsted finding 40% of schools needing improvement. With increasing voices calling for a PSHE requirement in all schools, as it brings a certain level of quality, the current Conservative government announced that PSHE would become a statutory subject in 2019. As seen in the current positioning of PSHE, while the government has endorsed health education in England, efforts toward this end have been decided by each school. However, there are policies to promote schools undertaking ambitious efforts for health education. Among them is the healthy schools approach. A healthy school is one with evidence that it is undertaking schoolwide efforts concerning the four central themes of PSHE, healthy food, physical activity and emotional health and well-being. The Labour Government at the time built an environment enabling schools to make aspiring health education efforts through nationwide development of a healthy school’s certification program for these schools. Although this wasn’t adopted under subsequent coalition and Conservative Governments, in some cases, local authorities use healthy school policies to continue to support healthy lifestyles among children in their respective regions. For example, in the Healthy Schools London policy, health education in schools develops through cooperation with local authority and a variety of groups promoting health. A wide variety of health education is taught in schools. These cases indicate that schools wisely using local resources can develop effective and original health education.