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372件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 超高経年混合型分譲住宅団地における地域再生の取り組みに関する研究 その1
    丁 志映, 守泉 誠, 櫻井 泰行
    2019年 84 巻 758 号 773-779
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     It has been more or less than 50 years since condominium complexes were completed during a nation’s high economic growth. A renewal period is given as aging of building become evident. During this period, turnover of owners hardly happens simultaneously. As owners and buildings age, certain problems occur like declination of community due to insufficient management. Because of this, it is essential to establish a study structure as soon as possible and select revitalization methods based on character of the owners and living awareness.

     The feature of this paper is aged housing for mixed type, mid-rise and terrace building condominium complexes. The realities of living awareness against housing units and revitalization of complexes by owners shall be focused. This paper aims to propose effective guide for suburban aged mix type housing complexes to challenge future renewal.

     This research’s results and challenges are as follows:

     (1) Owner acquires ownership after returning long-term loan. Owners have aged when maintenance association was formed. Challenges were faced during discussion of the future of the housing complexes with owners

     (2) Even though housing building types are different, low birth rate and longevity were pronounced in both housing buildings. A solution is necessary as most owners prefer their housing complexes due to its location and convenience.

     (3) It was found that there is a difference on how repairs were conducted by owners. There is an interest to maintain and upgrade.

     (4) Rebuilding of midrise buildings are high due to the limited floor area and remodeling is limited to the interior compared to terrace housing. Overall, terrace buildings have a higher remodeling percentage due to many units have a demand for changes in living needs.

  • 佐々木 啓, 森中 康彰, 能作 文徳, 塚本 由晴
    2015年 80 巻 712 号 1453-1461
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/07/11
    ジャーナル フリー
     The aim of this study is to clarify the composition of “townhouse type” architecture by articulation and integration of depth. Townhouse type is defined as the house on the site with frontage narrower than depth. At first, we define “vertical void” as the atrium and garden that is what to bring wind and light into the interior space. The compositional forms of townhouse type are defined through the combination of position of vertical void, handling of lighting surface and staircase in the vertical void. As a result, it is revealed that the articulation and integration of depth in compositional form of townhouse is generated by four stage of differentiation, which are established in containment relationship of concentric.
  • 江崎 陽一郎, 佐々木 嘉彦, 青木 志郎
    日本建築学会論文報告集・号外・臨時増刊 学術講演要旨集
    1965年 40 巻 517-
    発行日: 1965年
    公開日: 2017/08/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 牧尾 晴喜, 中庭 裕次郎
    2007年 72 巻 616 号 1-6
    発行日: 2007/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    We attempt to examine the relationships between area characteristics and the changes of street-facing land uses by newly-constructed town houses. We, in particular, examine the issues of parking space mechanism in detail. The results can be summarized; 1) the differences in building morphology and street-facing land uses derive mainly from original city blocks and site conditions. 2) In the areas where the buildings do not have enough space in front of them, the street-facing spaces are becoming smaller by new town houses. 3) Town houses are changing the characteristics of terrace areas by replacing the street-facing green spaces with the piloti-parking spaces.
  • - 省エネルギーモデル住宅の提案 -
    宮崎 恵子, 山本 裕貴, 鷲谷 聡之, 高口 洋人
    2012年 77 巻 673 号 193-202
    発行日: 2012/03/30
    公開日: 2012/07/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    South-east Asian countries are now experiencing remarkable economic growth in recent years. In hot and humid countries like Cambodia, air-conditioning equipments are becoming widely accepted. Because of the lack of fundamental data on Cambodian lifestyle and energy consumption, this paper first studies and estimates the amount of energy consumption of Cambodian houses in urban areas by questionnaire method, targeting the families living in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. Then the amount of energy consumption of Cambodian houses is estimated by simulation analyses on typical two types of model houses. And the paper simulates many methods to decrease the amount of energy consumption, and proposes the most effective and realistic methods to mitigate the rapid increase of energy consumption in south-east Asian countries.
  • 渡邉 美樹, 市原 出, 天野 佑亮
    2007年 72 巻 620 号 207-213
    発行日: 2007/10/30
    公開日: 2017/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this paper is to clarify the formation process and the character of the terraced house district in Paddington, Australia. The common features of the external design of terraced houses in this area include small-scale homes of two or three floors, a narrow frontage, a rear extension, front and back yards, offset from the main street, with a veranda on the ground floor and a balcony on the first floor. The partition walls of the terraced houses also act as part of the fire walls, as well as dividing two homes and the structure of the house and balcony. The widths of the frontages range from 10 feet to 20 feet, and it is presumed that several lots of land (20 feet wide×105 feet depth) were consolidated into a single plot and the plural number of houses were then built on the site. Moreover we discuss the continuity and similarity of the main and rear elevations. When we picked up the "unit", namely continuous, as well as similar houses, it became clear that the units of terraced houses composed in blocksof two to six houses each and more than half the total number of units were comprised of pairs of houses. Moreover, the rear elevation showed no evidence of continuity and similarity.
  • 久保田 徹
    2007年 72 巻 616 号 83-89
    発行日: 2007/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper presents the findings of a questionnaire survey on usage of air-conditioners and windows among selected households in apartment houses in Johor Bahru City, Malaysia and compares the results with those in terraced houses surveyed previously. The frequency of respondents who open their windows during the nighttime in apartment houses was higher by 20% than that in terraced houses. However, this did not directly contribute to reduce the use of air-conditioners in apartment houses. It is especially important to find out the means to reduce both numbers and use of air-conditioners directly in order to help achieve energy-saving objectives in Malaysian residential areas.
  • 海老澤 模奈人
    2021年 86 巻 782 号 1304-1313
    発行日: 2021/04/30
    公開日: 2021/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー

    During the Weimar Republic era, German architect Bruno Taut planned many housing estates in Berlin, in which he used colors to enrich the inhabitants’ living environment. This paper discusses his color planning, focusing on the townhouses in sections one (1925-26) and two (1926-27) of the Britz housing estate in Berlin. As Taut did not give any concrete explanation about this color planning, we must consider his concept by analyzing the existing architecture. The author tries to clarify it by analyzing an architectural model made with the help of a field study.

    This housing estate consists of three-story apartment houses and two-story townhouses, each of which has different color-planning characteristics. The former buildings have an eye-catching, unified coloration. On the other hand, the townhouses show a relatively random coloration consisting of four colors: dark red, yellow, white, and blue. The author pointed out the following characteristics of colors on the street-side walls of these townhouses:

    • Taut used dark red most commonly as a fundamental color. The number of blue residences was small, and they were mainly located at the end of a building.

    • He gave the townhouses arbitrary zigzag arrangements and changed colors where the houses followed this layout.

    • He varied coloration from street to street. For example, in some townhouses, two colors alternated between every residence or every two residences, while some buildings were unicolored.

    The author concluded that because there was no clear regularity in the color planning, it must have been laid out according to Taut’s sense of design.

    However, by analyzing the architectural model, it became clear that his color planning seems to have changed in the short period of time between section one and section two. For example, the townhouses along Liningstraße in the area of section one show a unique coloration that is different from other streets, i.e., the whole building is colored blue. There are also buildings on this street on which two colors alternate between every house, like stripes, a coloration which is not found elsewhere. Moreover, on many townhouses in section one, the colors of the garden-side wall are different from those of the street-side wall, while most of the townhouses in section two have the same colors on both sides. Therefore, it can be said that the coloration of section two is more systematic than that of section one.

    In order to consider Taut’s color planning of this housing estate in his whole career, the author tried to compare it to his other projects. Taut’s manner of architectural coloring changed from the 1910s to the 1930s. In an early project called Garden City Falkenberg (1913-16) he seemed to use colors freely, while the fifth section of the Onkel Toms Hütte housing estate (1930) shows a clear regularity in coloration. In the latter project, different colors were adopted according to the facing of the wall, i.e., he used green for the east walls and red for the west walls of houses because each color corresponded to the rising or setting sun. Taut's color planning gradually changed from arbitrary one to systematic one through his career. Hence, it seems reasonable to conclude that the change of coloration between the sections one and two of the Britz housing estate shows a process of development of Taut's manner of architectural coloring.

  • 辻原 万規彦, 久保田 徹, 細井 昭憲, 安浪 夕佳
    2007年 13 巻 26 号 647-651
    発行日: 2007/12/20
    公開日: 2008/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper reports the results of a field survey on the indoor thermal environment in two terraced houses in Johor Bahru city, Malaysia. The survey was carried out in a single-story house and a two-story house. The results show that opening windows not only affects ventilation but also controls the influence of the outside thermal environment. Moreover, on the double-story house, the upper floor has the function of thermal insulation for the ground floor.
  • 久保田 徹, フーイ チー ドリス トー
    2009年 74 巻 635 号 89-95
    発行日: 2009/01/30
    公開日: 2009/11/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study investigates the effectiveness of night ventilation technique for residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia. The effects of different natural ventilation strategies on indoor thermal environment for Malaysian terraced houses are evaluated based on the results of a full-scale field experiment. The results show that the night ventilation technique lowers the peak indoor air temperature by 2.5°C and reduces nocturnal air temperature by 2.0°C on average, compared with the current window opening patterns, i.e. daytime ventilation. It can be seen that night ventilation would provide better thermal comfort conditions for occupants in Malaysian terraced houses compared with the other ventilation strategies. However, the indoor humidity control in the daytime such as by dehumidification would be needed when the night ventilation technique is applied.
  • 久保 妙子
    2003年 54 巻 1 号 27-37
    発行日: 2003/01/15
    公開日: 2010/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究では接地型の住宅地として, 一般的な戸建住宅地, 分譲
    および市営住宅を選び, 近隣コミュニケーションの現状と意識を, 居住者に対する質問紙調査をもとに考察したものである.結果を要約すると以下のとおりである.
    (1) 近隣コミュニケーションの第一歩と位置づけられる, 住戸外に出る回数は,
    で最も少なく, 戸建住宅では中間程度で, 市営住宅で最も多い.またこれらの接地型住宅地では, 住戸外に出る回数が高層集合住宅に比べて多い傾向がある.
    (2) 親しいつきあいをしている人がいる割合は, 男性では3~4割, 女性では6~7割で, とくに戸建住宅の女性で親しいつきあいが多い.
    (3) 立ち話をする人がいる割合は, 男性では7~8割, 女性では9割以上で, とくに戸建住宅で多い.それに対して挨拶する人数は,
    と市営住宅の方が戸建住宅より多い.戸数密度がやや高く, 範囲を認識しやすい特徴ある住宅形態が, ひとつのまとまりとして居住者に捉えられていると考えられる.
    (4) 近隣コミュニケーションのきっかけは, 家が近いことの他に, 子供や自治会の関係を通じてが多い.子供を通じては女性で多く, 自治会はどちらかというと男性で多く, きっかけの得にくい男性にとって自治会の果たす役割は大きいといえる.
    (5) 立ち話の場所は, 日常的に通る玄関前や街区内の道路が多く, コミュニティスペースとして設えられた公園等は少ない.さらにコミュニティスペースとして, 東屋や貸し菜園, ベンチ等の要求がみられる.
    (6) 向こう三軒両隣におけるつきあいの状態は, 「会えば挨拶する程度」「なかには立ち話する人もいる」「なかには親しい人もいる」が, 約3分の1ずつで, 必ずしも親しいつきあいがおこなわれているとは限らない.意識としては, 7~8割が向こう三軒両隣にこだわらず気の合った人とつきあいたいと考えている.
    (7) 近隣コミュニケーションとしておこなわれていることで多いものは, 「旅行等のお土産のやり取り」「宅配物の預け合い」「食料品などのおすそ分け」「留守にするときの声かけ」「慶弔時の手伝い」である.一緒に出掛けるような親密なつきあいは, 向こう三軒両隣に限られず離れた家との間にも生じている.「日用品の貸し借り」は高層集合住宅の方が多く, 「留守にするときの声かけ」は接地型住宅地の方が多い.
    (8) 近隣コミュニケーションについての意識は, つきあいの有無に関わらず, 近所づきあいをしたいという肯定的な意見と, したくないという否定的な意見が, 対象による差はあるものの全体としては約半数ずつで拮抗している.
    (9) 市営住宅において, 建設当初から住み続けている高齢男性の問に, 長い年月をかけて形成された親密なコミュニティの事例がみられる.
    以上のような接地型住宅地においては, 接地していることによって住戸外に出やすく, 近隣コミュニケーションも少なからずおこなわれている.しかし, かつては近隣の基本単位であった, 向こう三軒両隣におけるコミュニケーションは必ずしも親しいものではなく, 近隣のなかでも気の合った人と必要なときにコミュニケーションがとれる状態であることが求められているといえる.住戸のタイプごとの形態と密度, そして市営住宅の例にみられるように, 長く住み続けられるか否かが, 近隣コミュニケーションに影響を与えていることがうかがえた.また, 接地型住宅地においてはコミュニケーションのための空間が充実しているとはいえず, 日常的に使用しやすい簡易な休憩の場所等を含めた, 住環境の総合的な計画が必要とされていると考えられる.
  • 井上 晋一, 高田 光雄
    1998年 63 巻 505 号 91-96
    発行日: 1998/03/30
    公開日: 2017/02/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to make clear the relationship between the residents' activity and the housing layout. The result are as fellows; 1) The activity staying in "node space" is promoted by the open planning of the common space in the residental building. 2) Arranging "node space" aiternatively, the residents can interchange with not only the ones in the same residental building but also the ones in the other residental building. 3) The reciprocal use is promoted in the place where "functional space" and "node space" are arranged densely. 4) Although "functional space" and "node space" are arranged effectively, the stretch of activity is cut off by the property of "functional space".
  • 東南アジア・蒸暑気候地域における環境配慮型住宅地デザイン手法に関する研究(その1)
    斉藤 圭, サイッド イスマイル, ラシディ モハマドヒシャム, 篠崎 道彦
    2011年 76 巻 664 号 1155-1162
    発行日: 2011/06/30
    公開日: 2011/11/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    The main purpose of this study is to develop a spatial and environmental database by collecting and generating several related digital data and build up a tools for data management and analysis in combination with GIS and numerical simulation software. Based on this database, to investigate objective knowledge of relationship between urban structure and ambient microclimate in new housing area in tropical country. As a result, it became clear that usability of developed spatial database and analysis environmental for a process which contains data modeling, management and visualization through the qualitative and quantitative consideration of numerical simulation effectively, and several new fundamental findings of relationship between deference of building type, open space, and block density and ambient physical environment objectively.
  • 江崎 陽一郎, 佐々木 嘉彦, 青木 志郎, 石毛 大地
    1963年 89 巻 381-
    発行日: 1963年
    公開日: 2017/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 東南アジア・蒸暑気候地域における環境配慮型住宅地デザイン手法に関する研究 (その2)
    斉藤 圭, サイッド イスマイル, ラシディ モハマドヒシャム, 篠崎 道彦
    2013年 78 巻 689 号 1561-1567
    発行日: 2013/07/31
    公開日: 2013/09/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this study is to investigate environmental situation surrounding terraced houses with greenery patterns, and to accumulate objective data and features in the new developed residential area in Malaysia. A computer microclimate simulation technique is applied by combining stored digital spatial data on GIS as main tools. As a results, i) There is almost no temperature changes between the current building shape and after changing the building aspect ratio without additional greening. However after green space added, some contributions for reducing surrounding temperature can be observed. ii) The relatively higher cooling effects of greenery in the surrounding building and block can be observed in the afternoon and evening. iii) Increasing approximately 11% green coverage ratio make effects of reducing about 0.5°C above the green spaces and about 0.3°C on the surrounding area.
  • 栗原 嘉一郎, 藤田 昌美, 多胡 進, 大薮 寿一
    1961年 69.2 巻 369-372
    発行日: 1961/10/10
    公開日: 2017/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 久保田 徹, アーマッド スピアン
    2006年 71 巻 608 号 81-87
    発行日: 2006/10/30
    公開日: 2017/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper presents the findings of a questionnaire survey on usage of air-conditioners and windows among selected households in terraced house areas in Johor Bahru City, Malaysia. The results showed 62% of respondents owned an average of 2.3 air-conditioners. It was suggested that the reduction of both numbers and use of air-conditioners would be one of particularly important means for energy-saving among households in terraced house areas. Although approximately 80% of respondents opened their windows during the daytime, only around 10% did so during the nighttime. It is important to encourage occupants to open their windows especially during the nighttime for utilizing the night ventilation.
  • 宮崎 恵子, 山本 裕貴, 鷲谷 聡之, Kyohei ONO, 高口 洋人
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集
    2011年 2011.2 巻 C-47
    発行日: 2011/08/31
    公開日: 2017/08/31
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 杉山 奨, 安福 悟志, 久保田 徹, トー ドリス フーイチー
    2015年 80 巻 714 号 673-683
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/09/25
    ジャーナル フリー
     The main objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of energy-saving renovation techniques through passive cooling for urban houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia. Effects of two strategies, i.e. complete natural ventilation (NV) strategy and partial air conditioning (AC) strategy, were simulated using TRNSYS. The results revealed that indoor thermal comfort was achieved in the complete NV strategy by applying multiple passive cooling techniques that prevented external heat on the outer building envelope and night ventilation, even under heated urban climatic conditions. In the partial AC strategy, reductions of about 45% in the sensible cooling load and about 30% in the latent cooling load compared to the current condition were obtained by insulating inner surfaces of the master bedroom while applying several passive cooling techniques to the other spaces.
  • 制作者と出演者の関係性を考える
    村上 圭子
    2021年 71 巻 10 号 34-56
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/11/20
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
    』に出演中だった22歳の女性プロレスラーの木村花さんが亡くなったことをきっかけに開始した調査・研究の2回目の報告である。 まず、2021年3月にBPOの放送人権委員会の決定が公表されたことを受け、『
    』問題そのものを主軸に扱っていく。まず、委員会の決定文から問題の経緯を振り返る。その上で、制作側と出演者との関係性には何等かの構造的な問題があったのではないかという筆者なりの視点を提示する。 次に、リアリティ番組に代表される、一般の視聴者に近い“素人”が継続的に出演したり、その出演者がSNSで積極的に発信したりすることを前提とする番組を制作し、放送・配信する場合、制作側にどのような姿勢と対応が求められるのかについて考える。具体的には、花さんの死を受けてフジが進めている対策と、リアリティ番組先進国イギリスで進む国の規制の2点から考察する。 最後に、誰もがSNSやネット配信で発信できるようになった時代において、番組制作のプロフェッショナルである放送局は、信頼を得続けていくためにはどのような姿勢で出演者に向き合うべきか、そして、発信や自己表現を求める若者達に対して何を提供していけるのか、今後に向けて考えていきたい。