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クエリ検索: "トルコ大使館"
20件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 辛島 光彦
    1996年 32 巻 5 号 265-266
    発行日: 1996/10/15
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 日向 玲理
    2016年 29 巻 107-126
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2021/11/17
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 松山 茂
    2000年 53 巻 4 号 241-242
    発行日: 2000/04/20
    公開日: 2011/06/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 服部 典之
    2001年 78 巻 1 号 43-48
    発行日: 2001/09/30
    公開日: 2017/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 馬 嘉, 咸 光珉, 孔 明亮, 三谷 徹, 章 俊華
    2015年 78 巻 5 号 473-476
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper aims to clarify the character of foreign diplomatic missions during the Period of the Republic of China in Nanjing, by focusing on positional distribution and exterior spatial composition. 30 countries, 51 locations of foreign diplomatic missions have been confirmed from documents. Most of the foreign diplomatic missions are located in NO.1 Residential District which is planed by《Plan of the Capital》, under the influence of district planning and social class. The characteristic of exterior spatial composition can be divided into three groups. In Group A, the main building is surrounded by large exterior space, and entrances are emphasized by portico. Medium-scale exterior space, comfortable and gracious environment which created by entrance and green space, are main character in Group B. Group C makes good use of the combination of garden and traffic line to create a livable condition in limited space.
  • トルコ共和国建国史研究のために
    宇野 陽子
    2005年 65 巻 37-46
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2023/10/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 堀内 正昭
    2002年 67 巻 553 号 297-302
    発行日: 2002/03/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The former house of W. Bockmann is located in the central area (Vossstrasse) of Berlin (registered as a cultural asset in 1995). The house was rebuilt in the 1930s but the facade, the entrance hall and the interiors of the second and third floors were preserved. From the German point of view, the house is of value as the only historical building on the street, the representative of the second half of the 19th century and a standard of city planning in the future. From the Japanese side, the house is important historically because the Japanese architect and craftsmen stayed here for the planning of Japanese government offices under the guidance of Bockmann.
  • 外交史料館報
    2014年 28 巻 149-162
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2022/03/12
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 須藤 茂
    2011年 62 巻 11-12 号 389-404
    発行日: 2011/12/31
    公開日: 2013/07/02
    ジャーナル フリー
     トルコ中部アナトリアには,大型成層火山,単成火山群,及び大規模火砕流堆積物からなる台地などの火山地形がみられる.それらは過去1 千万年程度の間に噴出し,東西約200 km,南北約150 km の範囲内に複雑に分布している.比較的新しい大型成層火山として,ハッサン火山とエルジエス火山があり,単成火山群は,溶岩円頂丘,溶岩流,火砕丘,マールからなる.トルコの地質調査所に相当する機関,鉱物資源調査局(MTA)との地熱資源に関わる共同的な研究の一環として,それらの火山岩のうち比較的新しい噴出物について古地磁気測定を行った.その結果,地形的にも新しいと判断されるハッサン火山の岩石はブリュンヌ正磁極期に,より古い年代が得られているギョルダーの試料は松山逆磁極期に対応するなど,既存の放射年代測定値及び古地磁気年代尺度と整合的な結果が得られた.また,ハッサン火山の山腹に分布する未固結な火砕堆積物については,各岩塊の磁化方位がそろっていることから,現地調査において,堆積時にも高温であったと推定されることなどを確認した.
  • 浜崎 桂子
    2024年 58 巻 77-84
    発行日: 2024/04/30
    公開日: 2024/04/30
    ジャーナル 認証あり
  • 外交史料館報
    2016年 29 巻 89-106
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2021/11/17
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 小久保 康之
    2004年 2004 巻 24 号 50-66,309
    発行日: 2004/09/30
    公開日: 2010/05/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purposes of this paper are to clarify the complications involved in Cyprus' becoming a member of the EU when compared with other Central and Eastern European applicant countries and to inquire wether Cyprus' accession to the EU may be a catalyst for resolving the “Cyprus Problem”.
    Cyprus is the only country among the 13 countries who have applied for the membership in the EU, which has been divided into two communities. Internationally, the Greek Cypriots, the southern part of the island, is recognized as the legitimate government of the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Cypriot, TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus), claim to independence, is recognized only by Turkey. Greek support for the southern part of the island and Turkish recognition for the northern part places these two countries at the center of the Cyprus Problem.
    The Greek Cypriots had submitted an application for the membership of the whole island to the EU in 1990, hoping to solve the Cyprus Problem or at least to gain membership in the EU as a guarantee against a Turkish invasion of the southern part of the island. The EU was from the beginning in favor of Cypriot membership but the reunification of the island was considered implicitly as a precondition for the membership of Cyprus. In 1995, the EU decided to open the negotiation for accession of Cyprus under strong pressure from Greece, which accepted in return, the customs union between the EU and Turkey. In 1998, the EU began the accession negotiations and decoupled the membership of Cyprus and the Cyprus Problem, hoping that its membership might be a catalyst for the reunification of the island. But then, the EU had to tackle seriously the question of Turkish membership as well.
    The author's conclusion is that the membership of the Republic of Cyprus, leaving the island divided into two communities, will be an abnormal situation for the EU and that if the EU hopes for the reunification of the island, it must also accept the membership of Turkey. Therefore, Cyprus' membership may bring a positive effect toward the stabilization of the Eastern part of the Mediterranean resolving not only the Cyprus problem, but also the question of Turkish membership in the EU as well as Greco-Turkish antagonisms.
  • ——ドイツのクルド系移民のライフ・ストーリーから——
    武田 歩
    2013年 2013 巻 26 号 135-146
    発行日: 2013/09/10
    公開日: 2015/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper examines how the process of migration and the transnational “national liberation movement” led by the PKK (Kurdistan Worker's Party) interact in the transnational spaces that migrants are involved in. While the radical protest actions of Kurdish people in Europe against oppression in their homelands has drawn the attention of scholars since the end of the 1990s, the impact of the movement on Kurdish communities and on individuals' lives seems to have been neglected. I will explore and discuss this interwoven process on the basis of the life-stories of Kurdish migrants in Germany. This enables us to see the not very radical nature of their “national” consciousness as Kurds, although women's liberation in the PKK as well as the individual's required devotion to the movement have an effect on the immigration process in which families experience reunification, unification and dissolution.
  • 井谷 惠子
    2013年 11 巻 17-28
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2023/06/29
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The Annual East Japan Women's Ekiden or long-distance relay was held in November, 2011. The race course was about sixty kilometers away from the Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant, which had had a nuclear accident. There was a concern over radiation in the area and many protested against the race in which the teenagers run without any protection against radiation. Opposing and supporting discourses intensified on websites, with some referring to the race as “Death Ekiden”, “Running Himeyuri Students” and so forth, while the organizers emphasized their intent to support the recovery of the disaster-hit area. This research aims to explore and understand gender politics in both advocating and criticizing discourses, beyond the specific controversy over the Fukushima Women's Ekiden. The supporting discourse and opposing discourse may seem to stand in contrast, but the structure to dominate women is found to be similar. The girl runners are voicelessly incorporated into the political desires of “Kizuna (bond) for reconstruction” and “Contribution of sport to reconstruction” or they are narrated from paternalistic viewpoints as girls who need to be helped by the “humanitarian” opponents. In both of the discourses, however, the voices of female runners are muted and not heard.
  • 岩城 あすか, 榎井 縁, 山崎 亮, 大平 幸
    2023年 21 巻 6-22
    発行日: 2023/12/23
    公開日: 2024/01/15
    ジャーナル フリー


  • ―東京都渋谷区神宮前の文化生産街区における投資に着目した研究―
    三田 知実
    2018年 2018 巻 36 号 80-98
    発行日: 2018/09/05
    公開日: 2019/09/04
    ジャーナル フリー

        This paper explores changes in urban spaces among the close alleys of the Jingu-Mae Shibuya Ward in Tokyo from the standpoint of cultural production and the emergence of investment companies. This paper will also discuss this case study from an urban sociology standpoint.
        The close alleys in the Jingu-Mae area of Shibuya Ward in Tokyo were residential streets until the 1980s. However, from the 1990s, these close alleys changed from residential streets to a global hub for upscale clothing design. With this change, the close alleys of Jingu-Mae became associated with a fashionable image and were featured in fashion magazines, which eventually attracted big investment companies.
        Beginning in the 2000s, these investment companies began buying commercial properties in the close alleys of Jingu-Mae by forming the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), through which they made various spatial renovations to these buildings and then selected their desired tenants so as to raise the buildings' exchange value. Consequently, land prices in Jingu-Mae's close alleys are rising slowly.
        We present a new hypothesis in which we predict that the new image of the Jingu-Mae close alleys as a fashionable cultural center due to the presence of the clothing design industry will raise the exchange value of the clothes designed there. Support for this hypothesis would indicate that global cultural production of clothing provides opportunities for real estate investment. As a consequence, local residents, culturally designed clothing, and retail companies will become strongly connected to the global economy, which is already influenced by investment companies. This connection to the global economy could foster sustained urban growth of the fashionable quarters in Jingu-Mae.

  • 建築史料,外交文書ならびに旧華族への聞き取り調査に基づく検討
    奈良岡 聰智, 小川原 正道, 川田 敬一, 土田 宏成, 梶原 克彦, 水野 京子
    2013年 39 巻 189-200
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2017/08/10
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 「テュルク・ムスリムの国」トルコへの 適応過程における「経由地」極東の役割
    沼田 彩誉子
    2019年 15 巻 163-188
    発行日: 2019/09/30
    公開日: 2020/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    A considerable number of Tatar migrants, who migrated to the Far East in the 1920’s, eventually settled in Turkey. They immigrated as a result of a series of unfavorable events, as foreigners amid the aftermath of the Second World War. While some migrants found difficulties in adapting to Turkish society despite its similarity in terms of ethnicity, language and religion; Azat, a second generation Tatar migrant born in Tokyo, adjusted himself to the new environment. His interview revealed that his diverse experiences in Tokyo played a critical role in preparing him for the immigration process to Turkey in the 1950’s. An important aspect of adapting to the contrasting society includes the development of his technical skills, language and actual recognition of the Turkish economic and social circumstances.

  • 黒板勝美のペルシア旅行と東京帝室博物館の古美術陳列
    モハッラミプール ザヘラ
    2021年 37 巻 1 号 33-67
    発行日: 2021/08/15
    公開日: 2022/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper sheds new light on Japanese perceptions of Persia and, from a broader perspective, Oriental art and archaeology in the early 20th century. Previous studies exploring Japan’s shaping of the “Orient” in the field of art during this period, primarily focused on Japanese relations with East Asia. In contrast, this study considers how the notion of the “Orient” was expanded to include not only China, Korea, and India, but also Persia, and examines the broader meaning of “Persia” and how “Persian art” became part of the Japanese drive to reconstruct the “greatest Oriental museum.” It addresses these questions by focusing on the travels of Kuroita Katsumi (1874–1946), a professor of Japanese history at Tokyo Imperial University, through Persia, and his cultural activities after he returned to Japan in 1928. Specifically, it explores his participation in the Keimeikai 10th Anniversary Exhibition of Oriental art and the Committee to Support the Imperial Household Museum’s Restoration (Teishitsu Hakubutsukan Fukkō Yokusankai). This paper concludes by arguing that Persian art, with its historical connection to Japan substantiated by Kuroita’s journey, played a key role in expanding the “Orient” to encompass the entire region of West Asia and Egypt.
  • 小松 香織
    1989年 98 巻 9 号 1512-1554,1605-
    発行日: 1989/09/20
    公開日: 2017/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the arguments concerning the modern history of the Ottoman Empire and the rule of Sultan Abdulhamid II, the second decade of his reign has been often neglected. Although this period was uneventful, we can find there several factors which would be important to understand Abdulhamid's rule as a whole. In analyzing this period the author pays attention to "the Ertugrul Mission (1889-1890)". Relying upon the Turkish Naval Archives she amalyzes this event and concludes the following about the second decade of Abdulhamid II's reign : (1)Abdulhamid II confirmed his autocracy, and its influence on Ottoman governmental activity was important. (2)Abdulhamid's foreign policy changed. While the relationship with Great Britain got worse, Turkey took the first step to wards pro-Germany diplomacy. (3)Economic semi-colonization was inevitable. Under budgetary deficits, the realization of state activities became very difficult. (4)The weekness of state power and the lost of British cooperation invited the decline of the Ottoman Navy. And the inability of self-defence became one of the reasons why Turkey depended on Germany from that time on.