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  • ――The Girl on the TrainからInto the Waterへ――
    横山 孝一
    2018年 37 巻 21-32
    発行日: 2019/04/26
    公開日: 2022/03/15
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
    Paula Hawkins's sensational world bestseller A Girl on the Train (2015) was accepted as a psychological thriller as soon as it appeared. Her eagerly-awaited second novel Into the Water (2017), however, seems to have disappointed most of her fans who expected a still more exciting and mysterious thriller than her first one. In fact, one crime novel critic did not conceal his utter disappointment, mentioning it would not be the best choice for crime readers because "the mystery and suspense elements of this story take a backseat." Interestingly enough, he could not help admitting that the novel in question is beautifully written, and he even recommended this book he disliked to those who love literary fiction or women's fiction. After all, he is a good critic, correctly pointing out Into the Water is a novel which satisfies academic readers much more than crime fiction lovers.
    Despite the fact that many readers undoubtedly regard Ms. Hawkins as a crime writer, it is doubtful that she thinks of herself as one. Reportedly she has no interest in Sherlock Holmes, and her editor of Riverhead usually avoids such genre. Which shows that Paula Hawkins is a serious writer who, I imagine, likes great authors of English and American literature such as Henry James, Virginia Woolf, and even Herman Melville. Her notorious techniques in the new novel, like the frequent changes of more than ten point-of-view characters, appear to derive from the l9th-20th centuries' literary experiments. Perhaps a large number of people who want just an entertainment for a weekend night will be unexpectedly at a loss to find the book they bought so complicated that they can hardly understand what is going on and cannot afford to reason who killed Nel Abbot, although Ms. Hawkins prepares a lot of hints.
    If you want to enjoy Into the Water to your heart's content, you should read it at least twice. Contrary to your first impression, the novel is quite similar to A Girl on the Train: Libby (the same name of the unfortunate baby drowned in the bathtub) is drowned again by a mob of hateful men this time at the opening of the new book. Paula Hawkins's common theme becomes clear due to this repetition. The death of the first Libby was brought by Mac, the irresponsible man who left the young Megan when she most needed him. Tom, another egoistic man, killed Megan when he knew she was pregnant. The heroines Rachel and Anna, though they were ex-enemies, took revenge on him with a corkscrew. Into the Water is a double–plot novel consisting of Nel's mysterious death and Katie’s pathetic suicide. The former is a real whodunit which reminds me of Agatha Christie’s The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (1926), but Ms. Hawkins prefers the latter with a strong, feministic massage somewhat related to #MeToo trend.
    Katie’s story is not a mystery at all. She loved secretly Mark Henderson, a good-looking teacher very popular among female students. Since Katie was still a fifteen-year-old girl, Henderson was afraid of being arrested and put into jail where he would probably be the target of manly convicts. Katie drowned herself, trying to prevent their forbidden relation from being known to the public. Lena, her best friend who loved her, exacted revenge on Henderson, stabbing him with a "nail" (a variation of the corkscrew in the first novel) and pushing him off a cliff. This bloody killing is not narrated, the scene intentionally omitted but alluded with enough hints. Seemingly, Paula Hawkins is disappointed in men completely in Into the Water, where there is no Kamal. Again she succeeds in letting her heroine kill unpunished another handsome man as the scapegoat for the violent men who have abused women for many years.
  • *山下 博樹, 堤 純, 伊藤 悟
    2007年 2007s 巻 409
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2007/04/29
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

     報告者らは,これまで「持続可能な住みよい都市」のあり方としてのLivable Cityに注目し,その評価が高いバンクーバーとメルボルンの都市圏整備政策の特徴や郊外市街地の現状などについて報告してきた(Yamashita et al., 2006など)。他方で私たちは,これらの都市がイギリスを旧宗主国とするいわゆる新大陸に位置することから,ヨーロッパ大陸などの長い歴史の中で形成されてきた都市でのリバブル・シティの取り組みがどのような特徴をもつのか,ということに関心をもった。
     本報告で取り上げるノリッジ市は,EUが支援する「Liveable City Project」の中心的役割を果たしながら,自市のリバブル・シティにむけての取り組みを推進し,活力ある中心市街地の再生とそれを中心とした交通システムの形成に成功している。本報告では,リバブル・シティ・プロジェクトの概要およびノリッジ市におけるリバブル・シティにむけた取り組みとその現状について報告することを目的としている。




    *本研究をおこなうにあたり,平成18~20年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))「我が国におけるリバブル・シティ形成のための市街地再整備に関する地理学的研究」(研究代表者 山下博樹)の一部を使用した。

    Yamashita H., Fujii T., Itoh S.. The development of diverse suburban activity centres in Melbourne, Australia. Applied GIS 2006; 2(2): 9.1–9.26. DOI:10.2104/ag060009
  • 臨床血液
    2011年 52 巻 9 号 1375-1411
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/09/30
    ジャーナル 認証あり