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5件中 1-5の結果を表示しています
  • ユスラヤシ, シュロチクヤシおよびトラキカルプス属について
    仙頭 照康
    1971年 40 巻 3 号 246-254
    発行日: 1971年
    公開日: 2007/07/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    , シュロチクヤシ, シュロおよびトウジュロについて発芽機構, 最適発芽条件を知るために, 1966~1970年実験を行なつた。
    種子の内果皮は薄く, 繊維がある。胚乳は種皮に似た組織が入り込んでいるため均質でない。発芽型は隣接•小舌状である。シュロチクヤシ種子は周囲に深い折目のある5条の縦みぞがあり, 胚乳は均質である。発芽型は隣接•小舌状である。シュロおよびトウジュロ種子にはコルク組織があつて, 胚乳に接している。発芽型は遠距離•管状である。
    2. 発芽率の最高は
    40%, シュロチクヤシ60%前後, シュロおよびトウジュロはいずれも90%前後であつた。
    3. 適温での発芽日数はもつとも早いものが,
    で18日, シュロチクヤシで14日, シュロは30日で, トウジュロはシュロより2~3日長かつた。
    4. は種用土別の発芽は
    では高温でバーミキュライト区, 川砂区がよく, シュロチクヤシでは粘質壌土区がややよかつた。シュロではいずれのは種用土でも大差なかつたが, トウジュロでは粘質壌土区の発芽率が高かつた。
    5. シュロ種子の生存能力は室温貯蔵で17か月, 冷蔵 (3~5°C) で42か月であつた。
  • 諸見里 秀宰
    1971年 14 巻 3 号 135-140
    発行日: 1971/02/28
    公開日: 2010/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    a.ビロウLivistona chinensis
    b.ダイオウヤシRoystonea regia O.F.Cook
    c.シンノウヤシPhoenix roebelenii O'Brien
    2.種子の大きさおよび重量は樹種によつて異なる.各樹種の種子の大きさ, 重量および容積重を第1表, 第2表で示した.
    4.各樹種の発芽最適温度は, ビロウおよびダイオウヤシは35℃, シンノウヤシは30℃であつた.
  • 附,ユスラ椰子果實の色素に就て
    山本 亮, 石井 稔, 伊藤 浩
    1939年 15 巻 6 号 521-525
    発行日: 1939年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    以上行ひたる實驗によりPalm oil中には多量のCarotinの他少量のLycopin及Luteinの存在する事を確め得たり. Carotinのisomerに就ては種々のAl2O3製品及Fasertonerde等によるも分離する事能はざりしが,著者等の調製せるMgOによる吸着に依り完全にα及βに分離決定するを得, α-及β-Carotinの比は凡そ5:2なる事を確め得たり.特にLycopinの存在は著者等がPalm oil中に始めて發見せるものにして,而て其のOriginは果皮より來るものならんと推定す.又定量の結果によりPalm oilは植物性材料としてCarotinの含量相當高きものにして食用油としての利用價値大なるものなり.
  • 粟野 隆
    2021年 84 巻 5 号 443-446
    発行日: 2021/03/31
    公開日: 2021/06/16
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper focusses, on the achievements of Hampei SHIMIZU (1890-1981). The results of document analysis and an interview of a descendant of SHIMIZU, led to this paper’s new findings: The reason which Hampei moved to Taiwan was that he lost his house and farmlands in Gumma to a flooding disaster. The reason which he started to grow landscape architectural trees and foliage was at the request by Governor General of Taiwan. He grew about 60 species of landscape architectural trees and foliage, imported and exported them to and from Japan. Then he started landscaping. The gardens made by him were in and around the east area of Taiwan. His company had not only Japanese staff members but also native Taiwanese staff members. The organization of his company reflected the structure under the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan. Hampei worked as a president of a post office and the chief of Yoshino village and other public occupations. The reason he could work in the public sector was because of not only his contribution to Yoshino village but also that he had moved to Taiwan as a private immigrant.

  • 福田 晴夫
    2012年 2012 巻 234 号 28-39
    発行日: 2012/10/05
    公開日: 2017/08/19
    ジャーナル フリー

    (5) Suastus gremius gremius (Fabricius, 1798) The outbreak in the Yaeyama Isles in 1973 was the beginning of this hesperiid's northward expansion. It arrived in the Miyako Isles in 1974, in the Okinawa Isles in 1977, and finally arrived at Amami-Ooshima in 1998. After that, bypassing the record-free Isles of Tokara, Yakushima, Tanegashima, and Mishima, in 2006 it unexpectedly landed at the southern coast of the Satsuma Peninsula in Kyushu. Furthermore, in 2009 it crossed the Kagoshima Bay to the Oosumi Peninsula, and recently in 2010 this species was found on the Nichinan coasts, southeast of Miyazaki Prefecture (though reportedly on palms transported by a gardener). The sharp increase of this skipper's population in 1973 in the Yaeyama Isles indicates either that numerous migrants came from Taiwan, or that the population inceased following the founders' entry under some favorable weather conditions (e.g. mild winter). This species spreads by its own flight and/or human transportation of its foodplants with its early stages. Foodplants are 23 species of palms in 18 genera (Palmae). Most of them are introduced species, and only two are wild species which are also commonly planted. Accordingly human plantation of palms increased more habitable sites for this skipper. Wild species: Arenga tremula var. engleri, Livistoma chinensis var. subglobosa Introduce species: Archontophoenix alexandrae, Caryota urens, Cocos nucifera, Elaeis guineensis, Howeia belmoreana, Latania verschaffeltii, Mascarena verschaffeltii, M. lagenicaulis, Phoenix canariensis, P. reclinata, P. roebelenii, P. dactylifera, Ptychosperma macarthurii, P. elegans, Rhapis humilis, R. excelsa, Satakentia liukiuensis, Syagrus romoffia, Veichia merrillii, Washingtonia filifera, Trachycarpus fortunei * Although Chrysalidocarpus lutescens and Roystonea regia were recorded in the literature, I could neither find its early stages nor rear them on these palms. (6) Euploea mulciber barsine Fruhstorfer, 1904 Although this danaid was the latest among the butterflies which have shown northward expansion, it spread quickly from 1992 to 1999. In the Yaeyama Isles this species had been already recorded in 1952. Since then sporadic collection records followed in sequence, and records in the 1980's suggesting temporaly occurrences increased. Although its settlement was not confirmed on Okinawa-jima, collections were recorded every year from 1982 to 1984. The records on Okierabu-jima in 1981, on Amami-Ooshima in 1983, and in Tsushima (Nagasaki Pref.) in 1981 suggest that some emerging on Okinawa-jima moved northward. This species suddenly increased its number in 1992 in the Yaeyama Isles and Okinawa-jima, in 1995 in the Miyako Isles. Outbreaks in 1992 induced large scale northward expansion from 1995 to 1999 to Amami-Ooshima, the northernmost island of settlement as of 2010. Since 2000, this species has begun to reach further north, e.g. the Satsuma Peninsula and other localities in Kyushu. Its abundance in 1992 in the Yaeyama Isles was probably either due to many arrivals from Taiwan or due to the mild winter and high temperature in the following spring repeated for several years in succession, although no evidence is available. On Okinawa-jima this species was abundant as the mild winters continued from 1998 to 2001; on the other hand, in 2003 they declined sharply following the low temperature in the winter (the mean temperature of January 2003 was 15.7℃). In Taiwan this species exhibits the northward migration in the spring from its overwintering sites in the south. In the Nansei Isles it likely moves northward on favorable airflows. Its larval foodplants are trees and vines of the Moraceae and Apocynaceae (including Asclepiadaceae). Although there are several planted species, the situations of its foodplants have not been changed during its northward expansion. Moraceae: Ficus microcarpa, F. variegata, F.

    (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
