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クエリ検索: "ユダ族"
14件中 1-14の結果を表示しています
  • 木田 献一
    1964年 1964 巻 3 号 27-32
    発行日: 1964/07/30
    公開日: 2009/09/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 上間 励起
    2011年 84 巻 4 号 1276-1277
    発行日: 2011/03/30
    公開日: 2017/07/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 三好 迪
    1982年 10 巻 16-28
    発行日: 1982年
    公開日: 2021/10/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 三笠宮 崇仁
    1962年 5 巻 2 号 27-44
    発行日: 1962/09/30
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 川村 輝典
    1990年 18 巻 43-55
    発行日: 1990年
    公開日: 2021/09/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 王位継承闘争において決定的要因となった武装民に関する考察をめぐり
    石田 友雄
    1986年 29 巻 2 号 1-14
    発行日: 1986年
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    As to the dynastic changes in the kingdom of Israel, the historiographers in the Books of Samuel and Kings differentiate the two types of seizure one from the other by the two different formulary expressions. The first type carried out by the people who helped their war-leader to the throne is expressed by the formula wayyamlîkû 'otô, with either kol-ha'am or kol-yisra'el as the subject. The second type executed by usurpers who conspired against their lords is expressed by the formula wayyiqšor 'alâw. The dynastic founders of the first type were made kings by the people under arms, but the usurpers of the second type could not win broad support from the people. At irregular successions in the kingdom of Judah, the people called 'am yehûdah or 'am ha'ares intervened four times in determining the royal successor. They were also the people under arms whose action is formulated by the same expression wayyamlîkû 'otô. We may conclude that this formulary expression is used as a definite technical term for king-making as a political action in the historiographical sources in the Books of Samuel and Kings. At the same time, it becomes clear that there was a contrasting development between the kingdoms of Israel and Judah concerning the people under arms as a determining factor at the establishment of the royal throne.
  • 森村 信子
    1979年 22 巻 2 号 1-16
    発行日: 1979年
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    P changes or duplicates JE narrative by using his own terminology. On a close look at some of P's narratives concerning Moses, we find that P had a definite purpose in emphasizing the role of Aaron in addition to that of Moses.
    The seat of the Davidic dynasty, which was promised to be everlasting, came to an end on account of infidelity to Yahweh. It will be the community of the faithful under the leadership of Aaronite priest, who are to perform the cult described by God at Sinai, that will replace the Davidic kingdom. The authentic line of the priestly house of Zadok finally won the long-lasting competition with that of Siloe.
    P's geneology reflects his scheme based on his world-view and also traces his lineage back to Adam who was made after God's image (G. 5:1) to prove the authenticity of priestly prerogative.
  • 神本 秀爾
    2015年 21 巻 33-47
    発行日: 2015/06/13
    公開日: 2018/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 志田 雅宏
    2016年 7 巻 7-35
    発行日: 2016/06/19
    公開日: 2022/10/24
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation), the earliest extant Hebrew text speculating systematically on the creation and existence of the world, had become an inspirational source for the medieval Jewish thought. Various Jewish philosophers, scientists, and mystics were attracted to its cryptic wording and innovative concepts, especially the sefirot system and the ontological powers of Hebrew letters, although it never mentioned any names of rabbis nor midrashic interpretations on the Bible. Moses Nahmanides (1194-1270), one of the greatest spiritual leaders in the medieval Catalan Jewish society, actually interpreted several passages of Sefer Yetzirah in his works.
    In A Wedding Sermon, Nahmanides replaced the term “sefirot” for “ma'amarot”, and explained the symbolic roles of Hebrew alphabets. Likewise, in Torah Commentary, he interpreted symbolically the arrangement of twelve tribes at the tabernacle, and revealed a connection between their flags and the upper world. The fact that such readings of Sefer Yetzirah were also found in Sefer ha-Bahir and the commentary of Abraham ben David of Posquières would confirm direct influence from the Kabbalah in Provence for Nahmanides's interpretation of Sefer Yetzirah.
    In his works, the theory of sefirot system has different roles. In his kabbalistic short commentary on Sefer Yetzirah, Nahmanides explained its passages on the three upper sefirot to describe inner process in the Godhead before the creation of the world. This primordial event is not written in the Book of Genesis, and then he also assumes a primordial state of the Written Torah. In Torah Commentary, however, Nahmanides referred to Sefer Yetzirah in order to explain creatio ex nihilo by using the terms of Aristotelian metaphysics. It means that he considered Sefer Yetzirah as a kind of reliable source for biblical interpretation, although such purpose could not be found in its original author(s). Moreover, in Torah Commentary, he did not focus on the sefirot system itself, but its manifestation in this world, namely in the two stone tablets and human body, in order to find a hidden reason of the commandment of ritual hand washing, which creates a power in human religious behavior to connect with the divine world. Through both kabbalistic and philosophical ways of reading, Nahmanides described the sefirot system not only as divine primordial process but as divine manifestation in this world. In his perspective, Sefer Yetzirah should be accepted in the framework of the religious concepts and values in rabbinic Judaism.
  • 石井 美保
    1999年 5 巻 3-19
    発行日: 1999/06/03
    公開日: 2017/07/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 若山 映子
    1990年 40 巻 93-117
    発行日: 1990/10/20
    公開日: 2017/04/05
    ジャーナル フリー

    Nell'articolo si esamina l'iconografia del profeta Daniele e della Sibilla Libica e si propone la lettura di tutti i nomi degli antenati di Cristo iscritti nelle lunette ai piedi dei profeti e delle sibille, in connessione con i temi degli affreshi quattrocenteschi sottostanti. Per ragioni di spazio, qui si citano solo alcuni esempi. Il Daniele michelangiolesco, vestito di rosso fiammeggiante, azzurro trasparente, giallo cangiante in verde - combinazione che rammenta la figura allegorica della "Filosofia" raffaellesca nella Stanza della Segnatura, e quindi le doti intellettuali di Daniele -, tiene sulle ginocchia un enorme libro dalla copertina rossa (colore della carita), sorretto da un putto dall'aspetto adulto che rievoca il Cristo portacroce, e sta scrivendo in un piccolo libro posto su un leggio alla sua destra. La figura e protesa in avanti a guardare verso il basso. Nella direzione del suo sguardo sta l'affresco con le "Tentazioni di Cristo" : nella sezione superiore a destra Gesu ritto su uno scoglio scaccia con la mano destra alzata il diavolo che, secondo il Vangelo (Matteo, 4, 8-11), gli aveva offerto tutti i regni del mondo e la gloria se lo avesse adorato. Nello sguardo del profeta e la visione di "uno simile ad un figlio di uomo" a cui venne offerto da un "Vegliardo" "potere eterno, gloria e regno che non sarebbe mai stato distrutto" (Daniele, 7, 13-14). Sopra le "Tentazioni di Cristo" stanno i nomi Iesse, Davide, Salomone ; questi, secondo S. Girolamo, corrispondono rispettivamente a incensum, desiderabilis vel fortis manu e pacificus : tutti riferibili a Gesu e al dipinto delle "Tentazioni". Fortis manu ricorda pure le preghiere di Daniele : "Signore Dio nostro, che hai fatto uscire il tuo popolo dall'Egitto con mano forte..." (9, 15-19). Sopra questi nomi appare il Creatore con la mano destra vigorosa protesa ; il suo indice punta verso il dipinto del "Passaggio del Mar Rosso" : l'intero esercito del Faraone e sommerso dal mare a destra e, sulla riva a sinistra, gli Israeliti cantano : "...la tua destra, Signore, terribile per la potenza, la tua destra, Signore, annienta il nemico..." (Esodo, 15, 6-12). Sopra questa scena stanno i nomi ROboam (latitudo populi) e Abias (Pater dominus). Pur seguendo l'ordine della Genealogia del Vangelo secondo Matteo (1, 1-16), Michelangelo riusci a collegare tutti i nomi saviamente alle scene sottostanti. Sopra il "Ritrovamento di Mose" stavano Abramo (Pater videns populum, che richiama l'Esodo, 3, 7-15), Isacco (risus sive gaudium che si ricollega con la madre di Mose), Giacobbe (supplantator : Mose che vincera i maghi dell'Egitto) e Giuda (confitens, glorificans) ; sopra la "Nativita" stavano i nomi Fares (dividit), Esrom (atrium) ed Aram (excelsus) : "l'eccelso che divide l'atrio" e la luce che "e venuta nel mondo" (Giovanni, 3, 19-21) "a dividere il figlio dal padre..." (Matteo, 10, 34-35). Aminadab (populus meus voluntarius, il popolo di Dio che osserva l'alleanza con Dio nell'osservanza della circonsisione (Genesi, 17, 9-16) sta sopra la "Circoncisione del figlio di Mose". Nasson (serpens eorum) sta sopra il "Battesimo di Cristo" e accanto al pennacchio col "Serpente di bronzo" ; quest'ultimo riguarda Mose ma e collocato sopra le "Storie di Gesu" perche, come il Libro della Sapienza (16, 5-8) ed il Vangelo secondo Giovanni (3, 17-18) chiariscono, il vero serpens eorum non e il serpente di bronzo bensi Gesu. Sospra il "Battesimo" e assisa la Libica bionda dalle vesti luminosissime che si e tolta una veste verde (colore della speranza), come a indicare che la sua speranza si e compiuta ; volgendosi guarda Gesu battezzato ; alla Libica e infatti riferito

    (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)

  • アブリ J
    1969年 12 巻 1-2 号 37-64,169
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The importance of Jerusalem in the Bible's imagery both of God's rule in the world and of the hope for the future.
    Jerusalem is the “city of the great King, ” clearly locating Yahweh's function as King of the comes in the imperial sway over the surrounding area held from Jerusalem by the Davidic dynasty.
    The meaning of the cultic re-enactment of Yahweh's sovereignity over the world, to which the “kings assembled solemnly” are witnessed along with Israel, is that through it, as well as through the political and military power that brought the kings in obeisance to Jerusalem. Thus were the sacred and the secular one in the ancient world. When the ark had been transferred to Mount Zion within the city area and, later, Solomon's temple had been built, Jerusalem became the spiritual centre of the kingdom. Jerusalem was above all the chosen city of Yahweh:
    “But He chose the tribe of Judah Mount Zion, which He loves. (Ps 78:68).
    Every year the Israelite came up to this city, this permanent abode of his God and there enjoyed friendly contact with Yahweh.
    Jerusalem was the pride and joy of every man of Israel:
    “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere” (Ps 84:10).
    The songs picture the ultimate happiness, or blessing, as arising from that with which man makes contact in Zion.
    Psalm 15 is but the example of a number of Israel's songs the origins of which are associated with the sacred site at which contact was established between the human and the divine spheres.
    During these pilgrimages songs echoed and flutes were played.
    There was joy in the hearts of all because they were on their way “to the mountain of the Lord, to the Rock of Israel” (Is 30:29).
    This vision of the crowd streaming in from all sides inspired some of the prophecies of Isaiah.
    In Summary: what message includes to us: “Jerusalem.”
    It is a new prophetic message: Jerusalem must be the centre of a renewed people of God. Then all nations would pour into the holy city. (Is 60 and 66; Mic 4; Zech 8 and 14 etc.).
    The royal songs are “prayers of hope”. God's blessings are now directed to the future, are now sung with a view to a coming time, full of hope and desire.
  • 新約時代のキリスト教における平和の実現と潜在的攻撃性
    ルツ ウルリヒ
    2006年 2006 巻 45 号 9-45
    発行日: 2006/09/21
    公開日: 2010/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 石井 美保
    1998年 63 巻 3 号 259-282
    発行日: 1998/12/30
    公開日: 2018/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    奴隷貿易によって「新世界」へと離散した黒人たちは奴隷制時代から現代に至るまで, 多くの社会宗教運動を生みだしてきた。なかでも1930年カリブ海地域のジャマイカで誕生したラスタファリ運動は, パン・アフリカニズムの思潮を受け継ぐとともに都市貧困層の連帯を支える文化運動として世界的な発展を遂げている。本稿は, 東アフリカのタンザニアにおけるラスタファリ運動の展開について論ずる。地方出身の出稼ぎ民の流入とともに人口増加と民族混交の進むタンザニア都市において, ラスタファリ運動は若年貧困層を中心に新たな路上文化として発展している。また運動は民族を越えた共同体を形成し, NGO団体として農場建設運動を推進している。さらにこの運動はカリブ海地域や欧米からアフリカに移住してきた離散黒人とタンザニア人の双方によって担われ, 運動の継承と解釈をめぐって相互の交流と差異化が生まれている。本稿はタンザニアにおけるラスタファリ運動の展開を検討することにより, 都市貧困層の社会的実践のもつ多様な可能性を示し, また現代アフリカにおける市井のパン・アフリカニズムの実状と問題を検討する。