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クエリ検索: "伊東秀子"
13件中 1-13の結果を表示しています
  • 教育心理学研究
    2000年 48 巻 1 号 388-
    発行日: 2000年
    公開日: 2013/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 社会
    1983年 22 巻 36-41
    発行日: 1983/03/30
    公開日: 2012/12/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 社会
    1984年 23 巻 32-35
    発行日: 1984/03/30
    公開日: 2012/12/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 伊藤 昭彦
    2017年 59 巻 188 号 86-93
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2018/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    The expert knowledge concerning combustion phenomena is indispensable to forensic science, especially to investigate an incendiary fire. Forensic science is defined as the application of natural sciences and technological practices to the purposes of justice in the study and resolution of criminal, civil and regulation issues. However, the common sense about natural sciences in the judicial circles is sometimes far away from the scientific sense, of course without the exception of combustion science. In this paper, it is consider through the several matters of judgment related to combustion phenomena, how the scientific expert opinion should be, and how the combustion research should contribute to forensic science.

  • 宮川 久邇子, 武副 礼子, 平井 和子, 村井 陽子, 長谷川 ちゆ子, 岡本 佳子
    1989年 47 巻 5 号 233-240
    発行日: 1989年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    小学3, 4年生 (大阪市内の男子466人・女子471人, 兵庫県内の男子144人・女子159人, 合計男子610人・女子630人) を対象に, 排便傾向と排便に関する意識についてアンケート調査を行った。なお, 排便回数が週に3回以下のものを便秘とみなして集計した。
    1) 便秘の小学生は男子 (15%) より女子 (18%) に多く, 逆に毎日排便のある児童は男子 (41%) のほうが女子 (29%) よりも多く, 排便に男女差がみられた (p<0.001)。
    2) 健康を保つのに適した食生活を“している”・“だいたいしている”と答えた割合は男子83%, 女子85%で,“便秘と健康に関連性がある”は男子53%, 女子55%であった。排便頻度については,“毎日するもの”と答えたのは男女とも39%で, 男子の44%と女子の45%が“便意のある時でよい”と答え, 特に便秘や不規則な児童の場合にその傾向が顕著であった (p<0.01)。
    3) 欠食頻度については性差はみられず, 朝食の欠食率は男女とも15%で, 排便回数の少ない児童ほど欠食率は高かった。
    4) 腹痛のある児童は男子69%, 女子83%であった。排便時刻は不規則が最も多く, 男子57%, 女子65%で, 次に起床から朝食直後であった。排便回数の少ない児童ほど起床から朝食直後の排便率が低く, 便秘の児童では排便時刻も不規則が多かった (p<0.01)。
  • 第3報 小児の人格的要因と歯科受診時の行動との相関性
    原田 桂子, 西野 瑞穂, 有田 憲司, 岡本 多恵, 中川 弘, 佐々木 保行, 鈴木 敏昭
    1987年 25 巻 4 号 830-839
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2013/01/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    1 ) 幼児社会性発達検査では, 「運動・安全」および「集団行動」の2 領域で, 治療適応群が不適応群に比べ,社会性発達度が高い傾向を示した。
    2 ) マッチングテストでは, 熟慮型, 衝動型という認知スタイルと, 治療適応性との間に関連性は認められなかった。
    3 ) 歯科診療意識調査では, 受診動機, 健康意識については治療適応・不適応群に差はなかったが,適応群では治療に対する忍耐性が高かった。
  • ─日本政府の解釈宣言に関する「解釈」をめぐって─
    前田 直子
    2015年 113 巻 4 号 595-619
    発行日: 2015/01/20
    公開日: 2024/01/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • とくに数量化理論2類による
    栗田 啓子, 佐藤 芳彰, 斉藤 仁, 及川 清, 谷 宏
    1986年 36 巻 2 号 150-178
    発行日: 1986年
    公開日: 2010/10/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors inducing caries. These factors were analysed by using data from the surveys of the same children at the ages of 18 months and 3 years.
    At the age of 18 months, caries-free children were classified as type O2 by the presence of plaque and/or white spot enamel region, and others were classified as type O1. In these two groups we analyzed on the relationship between caries incidence and three different backgrounds. These backgrounds were environmental, health and daily habit factors. We also analyzed the relationship between each daily habit factor and environmental factors. The results were as follows:
    1. Both O1 and O2 type were analyzed in regard to environmental, health and daily habit factors by using Hayashi's Quantification Scaling Type 2 Method. The criterion variables were divided into 3 groups: a caries-free group, a group with caries of the anterior region only, and a group with caries of the posterior region. These were determined at the age of three.
    2. Environmental and health factors had the discriminant principal components. The first one was characterized by the presence or absence of molar caries, and the second by the presence or absence of caries.
    3. In the O1 type, there were two discriminant principal components in the daily habits. The first one was regularity of daily life, which characterized the caries occurence of the anterior teeth only or of the molar caries. The second one was irregularity of daily habits during the period from 18 months to 3 years old, which characterized the presence or absence of dental caries at the age of three. The children with caries of the anterior teeth showed regularity of daily life and good conditions at home. On the other hand, the children with molar caries had no regularity of daily life and a poor environment at home. The caries-free group showed restriction or control of intake of sweets and habitual brushing by their mothers. The two caries-positive groups showed a tendency that was the opposite of the caries-free group.
    In the O2 type, parental care at the age of 18 months was the first discriminant principal component, which characterized the presence or absence of anterior teeth caries. The caries-free group showed good daily habits at the age of 18 months. The children with anterior teeth caries had poor habits. The second discriminant principal component was control of eating habits during the period from 18 months to 3 years, which characterized the presence or absence of molar caries. Caries-free children showed good eating habits during this period and brushed their own teeth more than twice a day at the age of three. Children with molar caries showed the opposite tendency at the age of three.
    4. The Type 2 Method of Hayashi's Quantification Scaling was applied to the analyses on the relationship between each category of daily habits and environmental factors. Each category and change was used as the criterion variables. There were some problems regarding eating habits and contents of meal at the age of 18 months. At this time, the monthers' ages were between 21 to 27. There were some problems regarding stopping bottle feeding in the first or second child among the group of mothers who were over 31. There was some tendency toward prolonged bottle use, delayed toilet training, finger sucking, and beverage intake during the night in the families comprising three generations, where the mothers were over 31. Regional difference had the most influence on snack intake.
  • 法学と数学を素材にして
    高橋 孝治
    2015年 4 巻 2 号 189-196
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―米主産地新潟県を中心に―
    齋藤 邦明
    2021年 63 巻 3 号 3-14
    発行日: 2021/04/30
    公開日: 2023/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper examines the response of agricultural cooperatives to trade and financial liberalization and the development of social movements in Niigata Prefecture since the 1970s. The significance of using Niigata Prefecture as a research field is twofold. First, Niigata Prefecture is one of Japan’s leading rice‒producing regions. Second, from the 1970s to the 1990s, local politics in Niigata Prefecture underwent rapid change. Although Niigata had been a stronghold of the right‒wing Liberal Democratic Party, support for the left‒wing Socialist Party grew during this time. Therefore, Niigata Prefecture suggests an important case for political and economic analysis in contemporary Japanese area studies.

    Niigata Prefecture’s agricultural production peaked around 1990 and then began declining, while urbanization and industrialization progressed. In addition, agricultural cooperatives merged with each other under the pressures of “financial liberalization”, while rice prices declined due to the “deregulation of food controls”. Accordingly, Niigata Prefecture's agriculture faced a turning point around 1990. In the midst of this agricultural crisis, some farmers and agricultural cooperatives collaborated with consumers and started direct marketing, mainly through co‒ops. This enabled them to organize councils to share information on agricultural production and technology, and to bring network externalities to the participants.

    It was under these circumstances that the election for Niigata governor was held in 1989. The farmers, in alliance with consumers, staged tractor demonstrations against rice liberalization and the introduction of the consumption tax, but the Socialist Party’s candidate they supported lost in a close race against the Liberal Democratic Party’s candidate. Despite this defeat, however, the farmers did not stop their campaign. They held demonstrations in Tokyo and Brussels against the GATT Uruguay Round, with the result that food protection policies remained in place for some time longer. The farmers' movement still continues. They are the key players in the organic farming movement and in the movement to revive local agriculture. Therefore, their movement can be regarded as a network‒type community movement.

  • 衆議院議員を事例として
    河野 銀子
    1995年 56 巻 119-137
    発行日: 1995/04/30
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―国会議員と地方首長の選挙政治―
    砂原 庸介
    2011年 62 巻 2 号 2_98-2_121
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2016/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
      As for the relationship between Diet members and local assembly members in Japan, previous empirical researches mainly focus on their clientelistic relations among them and upward political career move from local assembly to the Diet. In this article, the author presents a different perspective from these previous researches, and elaborates the tendency that Diet members try to change their career to local politicians, especially governors and mayors of local governments. Two political reforms in the 1990s affected the ambition of Diet members; the electoral reform changed patterns of political competition in electoral districts, and the decentralization reform enhanced the attractiveness of the position of mayors.
      In this article, the author investigates the cases that Diet members / former Diet members, who stood as a candidate in the five elections before and after the electoral reform, challenge governor / mayor / local assembly elections. The results show that more Liberal Democratic Party members challenge to local elections after the electoral reform, and the more leading opposition members, who were affiliated with Japan Socialist Party or New Frontier Party or Democratic Party, challenge to local elections than LDP members. Besides, this article reveals that by measuring the effective numbers of candidate the patterns of political competitions in governor / mayor elections are different before and after the electoral reform.
  • ——2001年論争以前
    三澤 真美恵
    2021年 2021 巻 18 号 19-64
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/03/31
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス