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クエリ検索: "佐藤勝人"
7件中 1-7の結果を表示しています
  • 岩崎 和也, 伊川 玲次, 鷲尾 雄一郎, 小山 博幸, 堀河 博, 周 維統, 山本 禎紀
    1998年 35 巻 4 号 249-255
    発行日: 1998/07/25
    公開日: 2008/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    飼料摂取量は各期,各温度下ともG区で少なく,飲水量はG区で多く,II期33°C感作においてG区とW区間に有意差(P<0.05)が認められた。環境温度上昇に伴う飼料摂取量の減少率と飲水量の増加率は,いずれもG区で大きかった。一方,I, II期の直腸温には,処理区間の差は認あられなかった。
  • 岩崎 和也, 伊川 玲次, 小山 博幸, 堀河 博, 大石 隆一
    1997年 34 巻 6 号 394-398
    発行日: 1997/11/25
    公開日: 2008/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 平元 清和, 佐藤 勝人, 矢野 泰臣
    1995年 32 巻 3 号 169-176
    発行日: 1995/05/25
    公開日: 2008/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    試験1は21日齢のブロイラー800羽を供試し,22日齢より11:00から5, 6および7時間(各5, 6および7時間区)の絶食処置区および不断給餌区を設定し,49日齢までの28日間実施した。試験2は試験1と同様,21日齢のブロイラー800羽を供試し22, 29および36日齢(各22, 29および36日齢区)より11:00から6時間の絶食処置区および不断給餌区を設定し,56日齢までの35日間実施した。両試験とも艶死率,平均増体量,飼料要求率および1m2当たり増体量について比較検討した。
    試験1では不断給餌区において4.5%のHSによる発死が認あられた。5, 6および7時間区はそれぞれ1.0, 1.5および0.5%に軽減され,7時間区は不断給餌区と比較し有意に低い驚死率を示した。6時間区の1m2当り増体量は不断給餌区と比較し16%多く,有意に改善された。試験2においても不断給餌区では18.0%のHSによる発死が認められた。22, 29および36日齢区はそれぞれ11.0, 9.0および13.0%に軽減され,29日齢区は不断給餌区と比較し有意に低かった。22および28日齢区の1m2当り増体量は不断給餌区と比較し16および17%多く,有意に改善された。
  • 江元 智子, 津村 紀子, 古屋 裕, 濃尾地震断層域合同地震観測グループ
    地震 第2輯
    2015年 68 巻 2 号 17-29
    発行日: 2015/07/10
    公開日: 2015/10/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    To determine crustal structure of the Neodani Fault zone, where the largest inland Nobi earthquake occurred in 1891, an active-source seismic experiment was carried out in the northern Mino region, central Japan. The shots were recorded by seismic array stations settled across the Neodani Fault Zone and we applied seismic reflection analysis to the data and obtained reflection profiles of the crust. Then we estimated crustal velocity by forward modeling using travel times of first break and reflected waves. We found significant reflections with duration of 2 s around 10 s two way travel time. Based on comparisons with other reflection profiles, we interpreted the events to come from the laminated lower crust within the overriding plate. The depth of the laminated crust varies across the Neodani Fault Zone, which is shallower in the southwest than in the northeast, implying that displacement along the Neodani faults extends to the deep crust. In the southwestern part of study area, the top of the Philippine Sea plate (PSP) estimated from travel time tomography is shallower than the lower limit of the laminated lower crust. We thus suggest that the subducting PSP may contact with the bottom of the overriding crust beneath the northern Mino district.
  • 佐鯉 央教, 小菅 正裕, 渡邉 和俊
    地震 第2輯
    2001年 54 巻 3 号 397-414
    発行日: 2001/12/25
    公開日: 2010/03/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    We have investigated the waveform characteristics and source mechanisms of deep low-frequency earthquakes (DLFeqs) that occurred near the Osorezan volcano in the Shimokita Peninsula and near the Esan volcano in the Oshima Peninsula, northern Japan. The seismograms were collected by the temporal observation conducted for seven and six months in 1998 and 1999, respectively, using many broadband (with a flat velocity response up to 20 or 30s) and midband (up to 5s) seismometers. DLFeqs in both areas form clusters with focal depths ranging from the lower crust to the uppermost mantle. The most remarkable feature of seismograms is the dominance of low-frequency oscillation around 2Hz. The amplitude of source displacement spectra also shows a prominent peak at the same frequency and rapid decay with increasing frequency beyond the peak. Thus the source spectra of DLFeqs are different from the ordinary ones approximated by the omega-square model. From the broadband spectra we confirmed that the lower bound of significant seismic energy of DLFeqs is above 1Hz. A particle motion analysis exhibits the change in oscillation pattern with time in the major part of seismograms from well-excited S-wave to long-tailed S coda, suggesting the time variation of radiation characteristics of low-frequency waves from the source. The source type of DLFeqs inferred from the amplitude ratio of S- to P-waves is either single force or fault slip in low frequency range (1-5Hz), while the ratio in high frequency range (5-20Hz) shows good agreement with a type of tensile crack or single force. The waveform of initial part of P- and S-waves from one DLFeq can be relatively well explained by a moment tensor solution of a reverse faulting with little non-double-couple component. Though we could not constrain the source mechanism of DLFeqs uniquely from the results of above analyses, we propose the following model under the assumption of a source driven by magma. The pressurized magma in one reservoir extends the preexisting crack, producing high-frequency seismic radiation by a tensile crack. If the crack connects to the other reservoir, magma flow from one to the other excites low-frequency radiation of single force type, sometimes followed by reversed flow to balance the pressure between the reservoirs.
  • 小菅 正裕, 岩渕 智, 村田 和則
    地震 第2輯
    2009年 62 巻 1 号 27-46
    発行日: 2009/08/31
    公開日: 2012/03/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    We have investigated a stress field in the source region of the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture (Niigata-Chuetsu) earthquake (M=6.8) by using P-wave polarity data obtained by a dense temporal seismic observation. The earthquake took place in central Japan near the eastern border of the Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone characterized by E-W contraction. The purpose of this study is to get insight into the stress heterogeneities in the source area including quite complex fault system with two parallel, westerly dipping fault planes and one conjugate plane. About two-thirds of well-constrained 514 focal mechanisms are reverse-fault type with WNW-ESE trending P-axes, which is consistent with the regional stress field in the area. Minor strike-slip events are distributed in the northern and central part of aftershock zone. Ten normal-fault events that are rare in the northeastern Japan are scattered mostly outside the major earthquake faults and occurred in a short period, suggesting that they reflect local stress field. Stress tensors derived from the focal mechanisms exhibit the compressional stress field characterized by nearly horizontal maximum principal stress that is consistent with the average direction of P-axes in the whole aftershock zone. Horizontal rotation of maximum principal stress axis is evident from WNW-ESE in the northeastern part of aftershock zone to E-W in the southwestern part. The direction of intermediate principle stress axis also changes from NE-SW in the northeastern part to NNE-SSW in the southwestern part. The fold axes in the area show similar strike variation. An interesting feature of stress distribution found in this study is the change in dip angle of the maximum principle stress axes. The axes through the aftershock zone dip gently to WNW, but those for earthquake clusters of mainshock fault dip steeply in a similar direction. Judging from the stress ratio, the horizontal compression is dominant near the mainshock hypocenter while the state in the surrounding areas is relatively close to isotropic stress. Though the difference in dip angle may not significant by considering the estimation error of stress axes, the combined anomalies with the stress ratio suggest that the mainshock occurred in an area of local stress inhomogeneity. We further examined the spatial distribution of earthquakes that have inconsistent focal mechanisms with the estimated stress tensors. Such earthquakes are distributed in the northeastern edge of the aftershock zone, in the southern edge of easterly dipping fault plane, and in a shallow earthquake cluster that is located between the faults of mainshock and the largest aftershock. The location of these events indicates small-scale stress heterogeneities in the source area superposed on the larger-scale stress variation mentioned above.
  • 日本家禽学会誌
    1994年 31 巻 3 号 209-234
    発行日: 1994/05/25
    公開日: 2008/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー