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クエリ検索: "分水界"
1,506件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • *松田 周, 増本 隆夫, 久保田 富次郎, 吉田 武郎
    2005年 18 巻 P-32
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2005/07/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • *鈴木 啓明, 楮原 京子, 田代 祐徳, 今泉 俊文
    2008年 2008s 巻 631
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2008/07/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

    1. はじめに

    2. 調査地域
    巣郷南部では,標高約300 mの
    )を境に北側の鬼ヶ瀬川流域では,谷頭である割に平坦で幅広い風隙谷がみられる.これに対し,南側の山内黒沢川流域では深い河谷が刻まれている.横手市山内上黒沢付近において,その河床高度は約250 mである.

    3. 本地域の河川争奪に関する主な結果
    (1) 河川争奪の発生時期
    付近において約400 mにすぎない.また野々宿
    においては,争奪河川である田代沢の争奪地点から約500 m上流側に,争奪によって生じたとみられる明瞭な遷急点が残っている.このことから,巣郷
    (2) 河川争奪の要因
  • *河合 幸一郎, 片山 拓也, 今林 博道
    日本陸水学会 講演要旨集
    2003年 R68 巻 1A16
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2004/11/26
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • *齋藤 仁, 中山 大地, 松山 洋
    2009年 2009s 巻 P0920
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/06/22
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    大規模な崩壊や地すべりなどの研究では,斜面単位での解析が行われてきた.よって,山地における斜面(単位斜面)の分割は重要である.従来の研究では単位斜面の定義は様々であったが,数値標高モデル(DEM)を用いることで,より汎用的な斜面分割が可能であると言える.  ある斜面は,基本的に,谷線と
    に相対的な次数(階層)を定義することで斜面にも相対的な階層を与えることができ,空間スケールを考えた斜面分割が可能だと考えた.  さらに,現在,様々な空間解像度を持つDEMが整備され,利用することが可能となりつつある.よって,このような異なった空間解像度のDEMを用いた場合でも,同様な斜面分割ができる手法を開発することも重要である.  以上より本研究では,斜面の空間スケールの階層構造に注目し,谷線と
    (尾根線)の階層に基づいた斜面分割を試みた. さらに,空間解像度の異なるDEMを用いて山地の斜面分割を行い,その結果を比較・検証した.
    解析には,国土地理院数値地図50mメッシュ(標高),基盤地図情報10mメッシュ(標高),およびASTER G-DEM (Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center,サンプルデータ,約30mメッシュ)を用いた.また,対象地域は赤石山脈,および四国山地である. DEMから流域を抽出した際の流域界は,
    と谷線とを重ねて斜面を分割することで,斜面にも相対的な階層を定義することができる(図~\ ef{fig:a}). 以上の手法を,3つの異なる空間解像度のDEM (約10m,約30m,約50m)に適用して斜面の分割を行った.
    に相対的な階層を定義することで,それにより分割された斜面も階層化することができた.つまり,各斜面は階層間で包含関係にあり,ある次数の斜面(図 \ ef{fig:a},2nd unit)は,1つ下の次数の斜面(図 \ ef{fig:a},1st unit)から構成され,1つ上の次数の斜面に完全に包含された. これらの結果は,異なった解像度のDEMを用いた場合にも同様に確かめることができた.また,赤石山脈と四国山地においても同様な斜面分割が可能であり,本研究での手法が汎用的なものであることが示された.
  • 早川 由紀夫
    1987年 1987.1 巻
    発行日: 1987/04/06
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • Robert E. HORTON, 平田 徳太郎
    1955年 37 巻 11 号 517-522
    発行日: 1955/11/25
    公開日: 2008/12/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 平岡 太一, 尾方 隆幸
    E-journal GEO
    2024年 19 巻 1 号 15-28
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/01/26
    ジャーナル フリー

    隆起準平原は,デービス,W. M. により提唱された概念モデル「侵食輪廻」の1つのステージであるが,日本列島で隆起準平原とされてきた地形の解釈に対する疑問が近年になって提示されており,定量的な地形解析による見直しが必要である.本研究では,隆起準平原と考えられてきた阿武隈高地の小起伏面について,流域の地形解析を行った.解析対象は,阿武隈高地を太平洋に向かって流れる新田(にいだ)川・古道川・夏井川の流域とした.国土地理院のDEM10BデータからGISを使用して河床縦断面を解析し,小起伏面の境界にあたると考えられる地点の標高を抽出すると300~420 mの間であり,特定の地質条件には依存しなかった.地形解析の結果は,各流域をとりまく


  • 佐藤 邦明
    1981年 23 巻 3 号 65-78
    発行日: 1981/11/30
    公開日: 2012/12/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper presents a hydraulic analysis of unconfined ground water with the rainfall infiltration around the cut-off wall, based on Dupiut's assumption as used in hydraulics. Flow analysis is concerned with change of water depth, change of flow rate and storage volume originated in construction of cut-off wall on the declined impermeable bed. It is clearly found that different flow characters are formed by existing the rainfall infiltration compared with those of flow ignored the infiltration. Available informations are proposed by detail examinations of theoretical results and computation examples for steady flow of unconfined aquifer having the cut-off wall.
  • 稻見 悦治
    1951年 24 巻 10 号 337-343
    発行日: 1951/10/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is generally believed that river piracy is a rare phenomenon in our mountainous country. In Jaapn, however, there are many upheaved peneplains where river piracy often occurs, and we have many examples of crustal movements which are the direct causes of river piracy. On account of these facts, various examples of river piracy are found in Japan, and these phenomena took place by way of surface streams and subterranean capture of surface streams, and faulting tilted block movement, tectonic line and selective erosion and so forth. In Japan, spill-overr is due mainly to volca-nic activity and river load. As regards regions, Chugoku and Abukuma districts attract our attention with their abundance of examples of river piracy and spill-over.
  • 武井 みどり
    1952年 25 巻 9 号 348-355
    発行日: 1952/09/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    Some hollow topographies in Kwanto Plain are found out in three locations, namely, on alluvial sand dune, on the Musashino Terrace and on the Tama Terrace. The writer researched the hollow and the related valley topography in the vicinity of Mt. Kanozan (Tama terrace in Boso Peninsula).
    Mt. Kanozan is composed of unconsolidated sand, and the southern edge of this mountain shows a clear escarpment, while the back slope declines gently to the north. And its shape presents cuesta-like topography.
    The writer summarized the result of the survey as follows.
    1. On the flat surface near the summit, there are several circular or elliptical shallow hollows with about 20_??_200m in diameter, 1_??_2m in depth.
    2. The most of the valleys on the back slope of this mountain have flat valley bottoms with certain width at their upper parts where no stream is seen.
    3. The change of gradient froze the flat valley bottom to the valley side slope is abrupt, and it seems that the seeae of ground water at the foot of the slope plays a role in widening the valley bottom.
    4. The distribution of springs suggests that the ground water is sustained in consolidated sand or thin clay lenses caused by the differences of the original sedimentary conditions.
    5. The valley head forms of this region are classified into five types from the longitudinal and transversal profiles, and it is, assumed that each type of them shows a process in the series of morphological development of valley, and such flat bottom' valleys are originated from the growth of hollows.
  • 斎藤 敬三, 丸山 裕一
    1976年 17 巻 2 号 45-54
    発行日: 1976/06/30
    公開日: 2010/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    In studying the hydrologic balance such area that permeable materials like sand, gravel or ash and weakly welded pumice flow of the Quarternary, cover impermeable bedrocks, it is extremely important to check whether the specified geological conditions, which will cause the watershed leakage from one river basin to another exist or not.
    Generally speaking, the underground divide does not necessarily coincide with the topographic divide in such area due to the relief of bedrocks underlain by permeable materials. Consequently, a part of groundwater which infiltrated in the permeable materials flow across the topographic divide along the surface of the bedrocks.
    This report describes a result of investigation on the hydrologic balance in the Kimotsuki River basin (about 450km2) by taking into consideration of all possible items relating to the hydrologic balance, especially to the watershed leakage.
    Dr. K. Ogasawara investigated the hydrologic balance of this river basin based on the statistics for three years, 1967 to 1969, and confirmed that the average amount of annual flow (2350mm) is in excess of the average amount of the estimated rainfall (2107mm). However, the amount of loss by spontaneous evaportaion is assumed to be approximately 300mm (i. e. actual annual rainfall of this area comes to 2407mm). This is the reason why Dr. K. Ogasawara suggested the possibility of the watershed leakage of groundwater from another river basin area into the Kimotsuki River basin.
    A field investigation by the authors and various published geological data showed the following properties in this area and its vicinity.
    1) In the Kimotsuki River basin and its vicinity, pumice flows (20 to 50m in thickness, and probably pleistocene in age) which is commonly known in Japan as “Shirasu” distribute unconformably covering the Nichinan formation which is mainly composed of sandstones and shales in alternation. No doubt, the “Shirasu” has a much higher permeability compared with the Nichinan formation.
    2) Former topographic divide of the old Kimotsuki River basin which is composed of the Nichinan formation and is now covered by “Shirasu” may possibly act as a groundwater divide. In the left bank area of the Kimotsuki River basin, such groundwater divide which can be geologically estimated exists within the Hishida and Tabaru River basin across the topographic divide.
    3) The area which may possibly supply groundwater to the Kimotsuki River basin by the watershed leakage is estimated about 47km2; 34km2 in the Hishida River basin and 13km2 in the Tabaru River basin respectively.
    Considering above mentioned hydrogeological data, satisfactory results on the hydrologic balance were obtained. That is, if the estimated amount of the watershed leakage from the Hishida and Tabaru River basin is added to the amount of flow, it comes to approximately coincide with the amount of rainfall in the Kimotsuki River basin.
    On the contrary, in the Hishide River basin, the estimated amount of flow from corrected area of this river basin (sabtract 34km2 from actual river basin area) might be abequate judging from available amount of river water during irriration season.
  • 人と自然
    2002年 13 巻 29-35
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2019/04/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Mukogawa River, one of major rivers in Hyogo Prefecture, west Japan, flows from the southwestern part of the Sasayama Basin to the Osaka Bay through the Sanda Basin and more downward mountaineous areas of the Rokko Uprift Zone. The intrabasinal watershed between river systems of the Mukogawa River and its westward Kakogawa River has been poorly known in the western part of the Sanda Basin. In the part, the 4.9 km long Ainogawa River flowing eastwards into the Mukogawa River is close to the 4.3 km long unnamed river, a tributary of the Tojyogawa River flowing southwards into the Kakogawa River. The exact boundary between these two river systems in the Sanda Basin has been traced through detailed field observation and the decipherment of topographic maps and an aerial photo. This intrabasinal watershed is described and discussed topographically in this paper. It is inferred to have migrated gradually eastwards mainly by a marked difference of the floor gradient between these two small rivers as well as between the Mukogawa River in the Sanda Basin and the Tojyogawa River. The degree and rate of the migration in the near future depend more largely on artifici aclontrols than on natural environmental factors including tectoni cmovements.
  • 木村 友樹, 宮嶋 武, 牛越 浩司, 成田 誠
    2010年 2009 巻 P3-100
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2010/05/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    梗塞(Watershed infarction)は、各動脈分枝終末および境界部における梗塞である。その発生機序は動脈の狭窄、閉塞による血行力学的機序や全身の血圧低下によるものである。その症状は片麻痺、失語、いろいろな形の失認、部分的感覚障害などの巣症状を呈する場合が多いとされている。
    領域(ACA-MCA、PCA-MCA)の梗塞を認め、右内頚動脈分岐部の動脈硬化所見・狭窄所見(75%)を認めた。理学療法初期評価(発症4日後から開始)にてBr-stage:上肢2、手指1、下肢6。下肢MMT:5/4。感覚障害:左上肢のみ触覚、痛覚軽度鈍麻(NRSにて8/10)。高次脳機能障害:左半側空間失認、相貌失認あり。本症例は、MRI画像から、MCA-PCA watershed areaの梗塞を認め、主病巣は37野の紡錘状回、39野の角回と考えられた。この部位は腹側視覚路であり、視覚情報の意味を判断する。また、頭頂葉付近のACA-MCA watershed areaにも微細な梗塞巣があることから上肢の不全麻痺、感覚障害の出現も推測した。結果、半側空間失認は、意味づけの低下に感覚障害と不全麻痺、注意障害が重なり生じたものと考えた。その症状に対し、麻痺側上肢を使用し正中から徐々に左に目標物を移しての輪入れ練習を行うという目的動作を行うことで左上肢麻痺の改善と注意の促しを図った。さらに、非麻痺側使用による杖歩行は行わず、両上肢でウォーカーのグリップを握らせ麻痺側も歩行動作に使用させた。また、左空間への眼球運動と頚部の回旋による代償動作を促した。治療場面では左側からの介助や口頭指示を他職種と徹底し、生活場面では、使用する道具の置き場や機材(テレビなど)も左側に配置し、視覚による代償により左空間の視野の拡大を試みた。また、
    梗塞(Watershed infarction)は動脈の狭窄、閉塞による血行力学的機序や全身の血圧低下が主因であるため、廃用症候群は脳血流量の低下を招く原因となるため早期離床を促し、廃用症候群の予防を計画した。以上、3点の要素を含んだ理学療法を行い入院中の11日間線分二等分試験とBr-stageにて評価し経過を追った。
    【経過】発症4日後:麻痺側回りの移乗が行えず、口頭指示による促しを行っても修正できない。5日後:上肢、手指の分離運動はBr-stage3に改善。線分二等分試験にて中央より右側に2.5cmのところに線が引かれる。食事も左側のものに手を付けない。開眼、閉眼ともに第2~4指の判別が難しい。物品の呼称は可。7日後:ウォーカー歩行開始。8日後:線分二等分試験にて中央より1.5cm右側に線が引かれる。Br stage上肢4、手指3に改善。左手指の呼称はほぼ間違えず答えられる(8割程度)。9日後:歩行は安定してきたが「左へ曲がってください。」と口頭指示をしても右に曲がってしまう。手指呼称8割正答。10日後:手指呼称は全問正解。方向転換時右に曲がってしまうことは変化なし。11日後:上肢Br stage5に改善。手指は屈曲のみ分離可。線分二等分試験は中央より1.0cm右側に線が引かれる。線分二等分試験において一週間で2.5cmのずれが1.0cmに改善し、上肢Br-stageも3から5への改善が見られた。
  • 小池 義人
    1974年 26 巻 4 号 200-207
    発行日: 1974年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    According to the synoptic situations the author examined the concentration positions of weather divide during winter months along six east-west orientated valley profiles in Northeastern Honshu. Then the difference of positions and frequencies of weather divide occurring were explained by the influence of surrounding topographic features. Here the weather divide is defined as the easternmost limit of precipitation more than 1.0mm per day along each valley profile.
    Two categories of synoptic situation were adopted: air flow type and wind velocity of 850mb surface at Akita. As the flow types relevant to this research NW, WNW, W and WSW flow types were selected, and concerning wind velocity four classes were set up.
    In each profile the concentration position of weather divide appears in a different way according to air flow type and wind velocity.
    The results are summarized as follows:
    1) Along the profiles having a single watershed appear two or three concentration positions, in general, closely with each other on the leeward slope, and an exception, when the windward massive highland exerts an effect blocking the air flow in a definite flow direction, another concentration position appears between the highland and the watershed.
    2) Along the profiles having main and secondary watersheds (the lower secondary one on the leeside of the main watershed), two or three concentration positions appear in case of NW, WNW and W flow types as follows:
    Without the above blocking effect, they appear near the main watershed and on both slopes of the secondary one.
    With the above blocking effect, they appear near the main watershed and on the wind-ward slope of the secondary one with a few exceptions.
    With the strong blocking effect, they appear on both slopes of the main watershed.
    In case of WSW flow type, the concentration positions appear as follows:
    Without the above blocking effect, they appear only near the secondary watershed.
    With the strong blocking effect, appear no obvious concentration positions.
  • 松浦 旅人
    1999年 51 巻 3 号 179-187
    発行日: 1999/09/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    琵琶湖北岸, 野坂山地の谷中
    2例を対象に, その形成時期および過程に関して地形発達史の観点から検討した。
    国境における五位川流域のL1面構成層下部層は, 現在の流域に存在しない丹波層群起源の巨礫を含んでいる。丹波層群の分布は現在の知内川最上流部に限られている。したがって, かつて知内川最上流部は五位川へと流れ, 日本海へ向けて北流していたことを示す。
    は, 最終氷期後半に生じた河川争奪に伴う流路変更により形成されたものである。すなわち, 知内川最上流部から現在の知内川下流へ南流する現河道が固定化したのは, 2.2~2.5万年前 (AT降下期) 前後の河床高度の上昇に伴うものであり, このことはこの時期における河川の掃流力の低下が背景にあったことが指摘できる。
    については, その形成時期は最終氷期以前に遡ることが明らかとなり, 国境付近の谷中
  • 花岡 尚之, 高倉 伸一
    1987年 9 巻 1 号 1-18
    発行日: 1987/01/26
    公開日: 2009/08/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    Gravity anomalies at the Hohi geothermal field, central Kyushu, reflect the density contrast between the pre-Tertiary basement rocks and the Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Recent volcanic rocks tend to distribute around the areas of local gravity high anomalies. Hatchobaru, well known geothermal field, is located in one of such areas. The basement structures analyzed from gravity anomalies can be calssified into two types. One is active and the other is dormant. The active structures are inferred from common characteristics with active faults, linear features of drainage pattern, or water divide, which are formed through recent tectonic movements. The dormant structures have little in common with above mentioned tectonic features suggesting ceased geologic movements. The tectonic movements which have formed basement structure originated in the Tertiary as the displacement of basement analyzed from gravity anomaly is too large to be accounted for by the rate of the Quaternary tectonic movements. Three gravity basins at Kokonoe, Kujuu, and Shonai have mutually common characteristics such as linear boundary in parallel with each other, steep gradient of gravity on boundary, comparable depth, and similar areal extent, suggesting common tectonic origin, although the only Kokonoe basin has been supposed to have close relation with volcanic activities.
  • *中田 高, 熊原 康博
    2024年 2024s 巻 P009
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/04/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー


    に沿ってチベット高原南部に向って北に流下する氷河が南に流下するヒマラヤ側の氷河によって系統的に争奪される顕著な氷河争奪(Glacier Piracy)が確認した.

  • 髙木 淳二, 村山 顕人, 清水 裕之
    2013年 19 巻 42 号 731-736
    発行日: 2013/06/20
    公開日: 2013/06/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper describes a methodology for finding and defining the planning units applicable to landscape planning. Based on the topographical analysis focusing on basin, this methodology clarifies the sequence of scenery and the structural principle of landscape planning unit. This principle is derived from the analysis of ridge line network which works as unclosed border line of landscape units or the connector of sequential territories of landscape. Simplicity of its analytical procedure helps local people get agreement to the plan and promote collaboration to solve the problems on landscape in their community and with its adjacent communities.
  • Robert E. HORTON, 平田 徳太郎
    1955年 37 巻 12 号 555-558
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2008/12/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岡田 篤正, 高橋 健一
    1969年 78 巻 1 号 19-37
    発行日: 1969/02/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Tamba Mountainland is bordered by fault scarps at its southeastern margin and gently descends nouthwestwards (Fig. 1). Along the western margin of this tilted block, the Takeda, a tributary of the Yura pouring into the Sea of Japan, flows northward and is divided by the lowest watershed in the main divide of Honshu Island from the Saji, the upper part of the Kako flowing southward into the Seto Inland Sea. This wide (about 700 meters) and low (about 100 meters high above sea level) watershed (Fig. 5) suggests that the Takeda and the Yura must have formerly been flowing southward into the Inland Sea. The assumed former river system flowing southward is named Palaeo-Yura-Kako River.
    River terraces along the Yura and the Takeda are classified into five : namely, HitO terraces, Osadano terraces (Oe terraces), Nanryo terraces, Hori terraces and Izaki terraces in the descending order. The deposits of the highest Hit terraces and high Oe terraces along the lower reach of the Yura in the vicinity of Oe Town, are composed of ill-sorted, angular, and coarse-grained gravel beds, not including chert gravels derived from the Tamba Palaeozoic zone in the upper drainage basin of the Yura. The facies of these gravel beds are remarkably different from those of lower terrace deposits and the present river deposits. On the other hand, the high Osadano terraces along the Takeda (Fig. 3-C) consist of well-sorted, round, and fine-grained materials. Hit5 terraces are only distributed in the lower reach of the Yura (Fig. 3-A -B) and disappear upstream. Osadano terraces are widely distributed forming the depositional terraces along the whole stream course and lie buried to upstream of the Takeda. At some places, these higher terrace deposits show characteristic imbrication of gravels transported by streams flowing southward. Other terraces lower than Osadano terraces are approximately parallel to the profile of the present Yura (Fig. 6-B).
    From the facts mentioned above, the writers concluded that the geomorphic development of the Drainage basin of the Yura was as follows :
    (1) The Palaeo-Yura-Kako had flowed southward, consequently to the Tamba Mountainland, through the present courses of the Takeda and the Kako into the Inland Sea.
    (2) Tributaries of the upper part of the Palaeo-Yura-Kako were captured by a river flowing northward into the Sea of Japan after the deposition of Hit5 terrace gravels. Consequently, the divide of the Palaeo-Yura-Kako migrated to the northwestern margin of the Fukuchiyama Basin.
    (3) As a result of successive subsidence toward northwest of the upper drainage basin of the Palaeo-Yura-Kako, lakes and swamps were formed and the Osadano formation was thickly deposited in the Fukuchiyama-Ayabe Basin and in the valley of the Takeda, probably in the last Interglacial age. Finally, the lakes in the Basin spilled over its northwestern margin and rivers flowing northward extended to grow up into the drainage basin. of the present Yura.
    (4) Since then, the lower terraces (Nanryi terraces, Hori terraces, and Izaki terraces) had been formed along the present course of the Yura, caused by the rejuvenations due to the shifting of divide and the lowering sea level in the Wtirm Glacial age.