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クエリ検索: "十万辻断層"
5件中 1-5の結果を表示しています
  • 山崎断層東方延長地域
    茂木 透, 西村 進, 見野 和夫, 貞広 太郎
    地震 第2輯
    1985年 38 巻 1 号 57-66
    発行日: 1985/03/25
    公開日: 2010/03/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Geological and geophysical surveys were carried out in the eastward extended area of the Yamasaki fault. In this area, any faults have not been recognized, but many microearthquakes occur.
    From the geological survey, three remarkable outcrops and some topographical evidences which show the existence of the fault were found in this area. The hidden fault was traced by γ-ray and ELF·MT surveys. γ-ray intensity was measured at 12sites. The places where high γ-ray intensities are obtained, are approximately on a straight line in the direction of N70°-80°W.
    The ELF·MT surveys have been conducted in the Yashiro and Sanda regions. The spatial distribution of the obtained apparent resistivities reveals the existence of low resistivity belts along the fault which was inferred from the geological surveys. These belts have a width of more than 1.5km in both regions. The results of these surveys show that this new fault named the Yashiro fault, running from the Fukusaki to the Sanda regions in the Hyogo prefecture, is the eastward extension of the Yasutomi fault that is a part of the Yamasaki fault system. On the other hand, the results of the surveys also suggest that the Yashiro fault extends to the Jumantsuji fault which is one of the members of the Arima-Takatsuki tectonic line.
    The large fault which consists of a series of three faults, Yasutomi, Yashiro, and Jumantsuji faults, bounds this region into two blocks. They show different patterns in each region in the topography, the distribution of active faults and the occurrence of microearthquakes.
  • 三田市西部での最終活動
    西村 進, 茂木 透, 見野 和夫, 山田 治
    地震 第2輯
    1985年 38 巻 2 号 243-249
    発行日: 1985/06/25
    公開日: 2010/03/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Normal and reversed faults are observed at the outcrops of the western part of Sanda City, Hyogo Prefecture. Normal faults which are observed along the Sanda-Yamasaki tectonic line are discordant with the stress e stimated by the character of earthquakes. The results of the measurements of the crustal stress and the mechanism of the micro-earthquakes around these area indicate that the horizontal compressive stress acts in E-W direction around this region. This discordance is solved by the observation of a new outcrops in the western part of Sanda City, where that ground is prepared for housing. The movement of a fault, concealed underground, brings about various kinds of breaks on the loose sedimental layer.
    The magnitude of earthquake occurred around here is estimated as about 7. The age of faulting is also estimated by 14C dating younger than 3340 years old and by the rice field older than 400 years old. This falt might be occurred Harima Earthquake in AD 868.
  • 桂 郁雄, 山田 悦久, 西村 進, 茂木 透, 西田 潤一, 中尾 節郎
    地震 第2輯
    1989年 42 巻 3 号 341-348
    発行日: 1989/09/24
    公開日: 2010/03/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Geophysical surveys were carried out to trace the fracture zones in the Awakura and the Ute areas, the northeastern part of Okayama Prefecture, which borders on Tottori and Hyogo Prefectures. The Yamasaki fault terminates in these areas. The methods employed were ELF-magnetotelluric sounding and γ-ray survey. The trends of low resistivity zones were deduced from the principal axis directions of impedance tensor. The peak positions of γ-ray count rate suggest the location of fault lines at the surface layer. The traces of faults were estimated from the results of the surveys combining with the topographic lineaments. The estimated traces show that the Yamasaki fault sprays westward into several branches. A north-south striking fracture, which is tentatively named the Ute fault, is also estimated along the west side of the Kajinami River in Katsuta-cho. The northern extension of the Ute fault is considered to be linked with the linear array of epicenters between Tottori and Chizu. The Ute fault is a candidate for the boundary of tectonic blocks dividing the Chugoku and the Kinki districts.
  • 西村 進
    1995年 34 巻 6 号 398-409
    発行日: 1995/12/15
    公開日: 2017/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 寒川 旭
    1978年 51 巻 10 号 760-775
    発行日: 1978/10/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    近畿三角帯の北西辺に沿う地質境界である有馬-高槻構造線のうちで,中・東部地域(大阪平野の北縁に沿う)について,断層変位地形を検証し,断層運動に関する考察を行なった.この地域の活断層は東西,または東北東-西南西の走向をもち,断層変位地形の相違から次の3つのタイプに分けることができる. 1) 段丘面・段丘崖を垂直・水平方向に変位させる. 2) 段丘面を切る細長い低地帯を形成する. 3) 山地内を走り山地内の河谷を右ずれ変位させる.
    段丘面・段丘崖の変位量と形成年代の推定値より各断層の平均変位速度を求めた. 1) について,垂直方向に0.06~0.2m/103年,右ずれ方向に0.5~1.5m/103年, 2) について垂直方向に最大0.8m/103年の値が得られた.これらの活断層は,六甲山地の活断層とともに,西に開く細長いクサビ状の分布を示す一連の活断層系をなしている.そして,これらは第四紀後半の東西圧縮に対応していると考えて矛盾のない運動様式を示している.