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クエリ検索: "千音寺"
7件中 1-7の結果を表示しています
  • 2年・文章題
    吉橋 裕治, 後藤 つた子, 山田 丈夫, 生田目 民子, 三盃 フミエ, 山田 拓磨
    1971年 53 巻 12 号 18-
    発行日: 1971年
    公開日: 2021/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 寺本 匡寛, 加藤 航大, 浅香 智也
    2020年 7 巻 57-62
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2023/04/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中村 肇
    2017年 4 巻 127-147
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2023/05/08
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 川瀬 基弘, 市原 俊, 寺本 匡寛, 鵜飼 普
    2018年 5 巻 33-45
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2023/05/08
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 貫入抵抗への練り返し効果について
    山崎 稔, 笈田 昭, 増田 正三
    1974年 36 巻 3 号 391-398
    発行日: 1974年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    No descriptions have been made about the methods of manufacturing artificial soils in most of the reports concerning with them.
    In the preceding tests with artificial soils, the authors noticed that the touch of them was changing while we mixed and stirred a mixture of sand, bentonite and oil in a vessel with hands and that kneading effects would occur in an artificial soil as well as in natural soils by machanical manipulations, We thought that in ordinary soil bin tests, it would be better to use artificial soils beyond their “saturation point of kneading effect”, that is to say, artificial soils should be kneaded to such an extent that no further effects occur. That was the aim of this study.
    A certain strength of an artificial soil can be expressed in equation (1). Cone and plate penetration resistances were selected as Q. Temperature was controlled within 24±2°C. The kneading action given to the mixtures examined in this test covered broad ranges when compared with soil mixing action given in ordinary soil bin tests.
    The following conclusions obtained by this small scale test, in which rather a simple soil preparation method was adopted, suggest the necessity of reinvestigation in the preparation processes in usual soil bin tests at the use of artificial soils
    1) Three kinds artificial soils were manufactured consisting of mould sand, bentonite and cylinder oil 90W. At first, equal quantities of sand and bentonite were mixed in the stirring vessel and after a minute, oil was added, namely, soil A; 9.91%, soil B; 16.12% and soil C; 20.00% in weight ratio. The grades of kneading time were determined by the observation of the test materials while they were being kneaded and are shown in Table 1.
    2) Kneading effects and saturation points were recognized in two kinds of the test artificial soils (Figure g), Penetration resistances decreased (soil A) or increased (soil B) as the soils were kneaded and reached a constant value respectively within about 20 minutes, But, a steady tendency was not obtained in soil C.
    3) A reproducibility of the artificial soil was examined (Table 2), The reproducibility at the surface layer was inferior to those of deeper zones. Though the numbers of repetition of tests were small, we dare to make a statement that in a similitude studies or studies on dynamic behaviours of soil machine system dealing with several percentages of differences of forces, elaborate soil preparing techniques will be necessary before tests. The problems concerning with soil preparation remain particularly in soil C as well as in natural cohesive soils.
    4) Sufficient strength was found in the artificial soils to simulate natural soils covering from sandy barns to cohesive clay concerning with cone index.
  • 水田 義一
    1974年 26 巻 2 号 193-216
    発行日: 1974/04/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the medieval times of Japan, the maps of whole Japan on a small reduced scale were hardly made, but the maps of small areas on a large reduced scale were made in plenty; i.e., the maps which illustrated manors or villages were made with the land survey, the division of manor land, and the allocation of boundary.
    Hitherto medieval manor maps have been classified in view of the purpose of map-making; here, the author, however, tries to classify them into three groups in view of the manner of painting and the art drawing.
    They are as follows.
    (1) Maps-_??__??_, _??__??_, _??__??_. In these maps, only Jôri (_??__??_) siystem district were illustrated, and they are the maps which followed the way of ancient map-making; i.e., they are the maps on the grid pattern. In other words, they are the maps on the exact reduced scale; therefore, it could be said that they are quite valuable materials for the study of histoical geography.
    (2) Pictorial maps-_??__??__??__??_. In manor maps, the appearances of villages were illustrated pictorially, and the purposes of this map-making were evidences for allocation of manor, division of manor land, and allocation of boundary. As for the map-makers, it would be conjectured that they were not the successors of the ancient land surveyors but the painters under the patronage of the lords of manors or the manor officers.
    (3) Diagrams-_??__??__??_, _??__??_. In these diagrams, thematic map data such as the location or the special irrigation systems were illustrated. These diagrams were made when something significant dispute happened between villages, and they hecame evidences of settling the trouble. They were illustrated only with the black lines without any color painting. It would be conjectured that almost all of them were made by the farmers at the villages.
    Among three types manor maps above-mentioned, the author, in this paper, describes the circumstances and the problems in the studies of the pictorial maps of manor.
    There are two features in the expression of manor maps; i.e., first it was painted colorfully and second it was not a plan but bird's-eye view. There are various landacape clement in the contents illustrated in the manor maps; especially the abundant description of the natural and artificial view could be found.
    In the manor maps, however, there are a lot of defects-distortion and exaggeration-because of their pictorial composition. In the contrary, we could find in full detail the matters of boundary lines, irrigation system, and so on, which were the purpose of the map-making. In studying in manor maps, manor maps have been used only for the restoration of Jôri system or of the view of the villages attained.
    These studies have obtained a lot of good results; it cannot but be said, however, that studies in view of the matters of the purpose in the mapmaking are quite few. The remarkable reason why the studies are so few is the lack of the historical materials. Accordingly, I am of the opinion that by field investigations of the manor pictures, the approach to the restoration or the change of political regions such as the formation of boundary in villages is essential.
  • 浅香 勝輔
    1991年 421 巻 83-94
    発行日: 1991/03/30
    公開日: 2017/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, a side view of the present-day crematoria has been investigated, by directing attention to the facilities which had already existed before zones were decided for use inside a city planning area, and by casting light on the problems encountered in the cities having such crematoria. As examples with very interesting characteristics, cities of Sakai and Higashi-Osaka in Osaka Prefecture as well as Nagoya in Aichi Prefecture have been dealt with.