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クエリ検索: "四種競技"
3件中 1-3の結果を表示しています
  • 田原 淳子, 芹澤 康子
    2005年 3 巻 18-25
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2023/06/26
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Under revisions made to school curriculum guidelines in 1989, the terms “male and female” (or “boy and girl”) were eliminated from elementary, junior high, and senior high schools, and institutional discrimination on the basis of gender was eliminated. Nonetheless, it is believed that existing gender bias has a significant impact on the behavior of instructors and students. In order to verify this, we conducted a survey of junior high schools in four prefectures to the west of the Kanto region concerning the gender of health and physical education instructors, the percentages of male and female instructors for each sport, and the events held for boys and girls in school athletic meets (sports days) with the intention of determining their characteristics. The research method consisted of a written questionnaire distributed by mail to all public and private junior high schools in Kanagawa, Aichi, Okayama, and Hiroshima Prefectures. The survey was conducted from September to December 2003, and valid responses were received from 634 schools (47%). The survey results indicated that female health and physical education instructors account for about 30% of the total. The results also indicated a strong tendency for female instructors to instruct in dance and male instructors in the martial arts. These gender differences were particularly prominent in the events conducted during student field days. More than 60% of the schools hold events limited to just girls or boys. In track and field events, girls' race events were for shorter distances. Group events also showed an awareness of gender differences, with girls participating in dance while boys participate in cavalry battle games and stunt-type events. The survey results indicated that existing gender bias remains strongly rooted in the field of education.
  • ヒールストライクを有する大学女子中距離選手の場合
    松村 勲, 川邉 健斗, 金高 宏文
    2022年 14 巻 82-96
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/05/29
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    本研究は,ランニング動作の修正が思うように上手く導き出せなかった大学女子中距離選手を対象に,空気圧式体重免荷トレッドミルを用いたトレーニングでランニング動作の修正が可能かを,事例的に検討したものである.本研究の対象者である陸上競技女子中距離選手は,ランニング動作の修正を目的に,空気圧式体重免荷トレッドミルを用いて約5 ヶ月間で25 回のトレーニングを実施した.その結果,空気圧式体重免荷トレッドミルを用いたランニング動作修正のトレーニング実施前後で,jog 時の足関節角度の底屈傾向,および接地時間の短縮と滞空時間の増大の変化,地面反力のヒールストライク傾向からフォアフット傾向への波形の変化, 800 mの自己記録の約4 秒更新といった変化が見られた.それらの変化は,おおよそ対象者自身が空気圧式体重免荷トレッドミルを用いたランニング動作修正のトレーニング実施前に,ランニング動作の修正の狙いとしていた内容であった.以上のことから,空気圧式体重免荷トレッドミルを用いることで,効果的にランニング動作を修正させることができる可能性があると考えられる.
  • 渡辺 輝也
    2014年 59 巻 1 号 297-314
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2014/06/13
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2014/02/26
    ジャーナル フリー
      Taking off too near the bar in high jumping may cause injuries to the ankle or knee of the takeoff leg and make it difficult for jumpers to utilize their approach speed. These results lead to performance reduction eventually but no methodological approach for solving this problem has yet been presented in the relevant literature. The purpose of this study was to propose a new methodological approach for distancing the takeoff point further from the bar when high jumping using the flop technique, based on phenomenological analysis of two coaching cases in which a new training approach successfully solved this problem. The technical problem of taking off too near the bar might not be solved by relocating the starting point of approach run further back. With such a methodological approach, jumpers often feel a sense of “distance,” which automatically makes them extend their stride length on the approach, so that they take off at the usual takeoff point relative to the bar. Additional relocating of the starting point further back, which is beyond the scope of this automatic adjustment of stride length, prevents jumpers from performing the flop technique. The author adopted a new methodological approach during coaching of a female junior high school student who was facing the above technical problem. This methodological approach consisted of four learning steps. The first learning step was to perform the flop technique using an almost straight approach run from a frontal direction in relation to the bar, and the last step was performing the new target technique with a further takeoff point. The other two intermediate steps were to assist this transition. With this methodological approach, she was able to modulate her sense of distance first, and then she succeeded in distancing her takeoff point further from the bar. This technical change also allowed her to properly utilize her approach speed. During coaching of another female junior high school student who faced the same technical problem, the author adopted almost the same methodological approach, so that she also quickly succeeded in distancing her takeoff point further from the bar. Phenomenological analysis of these coaching processes suggested that this new methodological approach can be used for distancing the takeoff point further from the bar when high jumping using the flop technique.