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クエリ検索: "四郷村" 奈良県
6件中 1-6の結果を表示しています
  • 郷との関係を中心にして
    山田 正浩
    1966年 18 巻 5 号 508-519
    発行日: 1966/10/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 奈良県吉野町の製箸業地域の事例研究
    松井 久美枝
    1984年 36 巻 6 号 481-500
    発行日: 1984/12/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Effects of the oil shock in 1973 which revealed the vulnerability of modern industry in Japan, sparked a reevaluation of‘jiba sangyo’(local industries), which have been shaped by the local capital and labor markets as well as by resources and local traditions in technology.
    The study of medium- and small- industries which agglomerate in local areas has been one of the main themes in industial geography since pre-war times. But recently it has been pointed out that most of the existing approaches have been dealing only with industrial systems in themselves and have not been concerned with regional contexts and locative surroundings.
    This paper examines the formative process of a local industrial region, referring to the preceding industry and the dispersal routes of a new technique.
    The area of investigation is located at the junction of the Yoshino and Takami Rivers in Nara prefecture. The major economic activity in this area had been the production of a traditional Japanese handmade paper from the Edo Period until World War II times. During post-war times the introduction of the technique for making waribashi (splittable chopsticks) made of sugi (Japanese ceder) from Shimoichi Town, which is situated on the north bank downstream along the Yoshino River, gave the first impulse to change to a new industrial region from the traditional Japanese paper making.
    Those who went to master the technique of waribashi and brought back to their home area the knowledge and information of this new industry contributed to the change of local economic activity. After that people who did not have special craft techniques could easily engage in waribashi production because an electric machine was invented to ease production. This invention further encouraged the use of hinoki (Japanese cypress) in addition to sugi and the production of various types of waribashi.
    From 1960 to 1970, the level of waribashi production in this region stabilized, but nowadays some important problems for the future remain. For example, because factories which are situated at small sites on slopes will not be able to extend their activities, most young people are not attracted to succeed to their parents' waribashi production businesses.
    In the face of these problems, the main industrial core is transferring to the flatter and broader areas where factories located later. Hereafter those who are engaged in mass-production of waribashi made of hinoki will hold the key to the continuance and development of this local industrial region.
  • 結核
    1939年 17 巻 2 号 255-269
    発行日: 1939年
    公開日: 2011/05/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 井戸 庄三
    1976年 49 巻 5 号 285-299
    発行日: 1976/05/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    明治22年 (1889) の町村合併で誕生した新町村の名称について,茨城・埼玉など15府県の4,041町村を対象に検討を加えた.新町村名を, A (歴史的広域名称), B (中心地名称), C (合成名称), D (並列名称), E (自然名称), F (社寺名称), G (歴史遺跡名称), H (地形名称), I (狭域名称), J (人為名称)などに類型区分すると, Aが1,277町村で全体の31.6%を占めて第1位であり, Bが1,089町村でこれにっいでいる.以下, J・C・Eの順となり,これら5類型で3,567町村を数え,全体の88.3%に達する.これを府県別にこまかくみると,かなり多彩な特色が認められる.滋賀県は郷・庄名の継承を優先したためAの比率がきわめて高く,福岡県もAおよびBに重点をおいたので,この両県では歴史と伝統に恵まれた新町村名が選定された.これに対して, Cが高率である広島県とJが異常に多い千葉県は,新町村名の選定に関するかぎり,問題の多いケースといえる.
  • 藤田 佳久
    1993年 45 巻 6 号 581-602
    発行日: 1993/12/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this paper is to make clear the process of the diffusion of the Yoshino forestry system during the Meiji Era in Japan.
    The Yoshino Forestry System was based on extremely intensive silviculture: growing seeds in a seed bed, a density of tree planting at more than 10, 000per ha, and pruning and thinning the trees about 20 times during the growing cycle.
    This system was established only in the upper area of the Yoshino River, southeast of Osaka, during the 19th century. This intensive system was formed only relating to the timber markets of Osaka and its surrounding area where the largest markets in the Edo Period were located.
    After the Meiji Restoration, the Meiji government enforced a new tax system which was based on money instead of the former tax system based on payment in kind, and the rural economy could not be developed due to poor economic policies and the wars.
    As a result, each farmer especially in the mountain areas needed cash income. Afforestation was chosen as a method for the development of the rural economy, when the prices for timber rose as a result of the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95), and the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05).
    However, many farmers, outside the Yoshino area, did not know the methods of afforestation. Therefore many local leaders, farmers and some local officers visited the Yoshino area to learn afforestation methods. We can trace many local documents written by such leaders at that time.
    By this process, the forestry practices in the Yoshino area were accepted as the new concept of the Yoshino Forestry System. On the other hand, Shozaburo Dokura, a leader of villages in the Yoshino area, also published guide books on the process of afforestation in the Yoshino area to explain the Yoshino Forestry System techniques of silviculture. He also taught the adovantages of forestry management by silviculture in his lectures, and demonstrated methods of planting trees based on the Yoshino Forestry System in some mountain villages.
    By these activities, the image of the Yoshino Forestry System was solidified, and was supported by many local leaders inside and outside of the Yoshino area. Thus, more than 100, 000 persons visited the Yoshino area in the latter half of the Meiji Era.
    As a result, the Yoshino Forestry System was introduced into public forest sectors managed by each prefecture, county and municipality, and also into private forest holdings managed by individual farmers.
    However, some problems arosed in adopting the Yoshino Forestry System in each moungain area. One large problem was the intensive planting, because this method was supported by much experience in the Yoshino area, where the close connection with the large timber market of Osaka, ensured that various-sized timber produced by thinning could find a ready marcet.
    In this respect, most of the afforestated areas where the Yoshino Forestry System was introduced found their location advantages to be weak compared with the Yoshino area. As a result, many farmers in those areas changed the density of tree planting to the extensive level of 1, 500∼3, 000per ha.
    On the other hand, the Yoshino Forestry System was evaluated highly in its seed growing process. This process furthered the development of forestry in many mountain areas. The seed growing methods of the Yoshino Forestry System were identical to those of rice growing, and allowed choice of good seeds under good conditions. This method also allowed mass production of seedlings and multiplied the area of afforestation. Therefore, this seeding method based on the Yoshino Forestry System encouraged the development of afforestation, in Japan, before World War II.
    However, at the end of the Meiji Eera, the boom of the Yoshino Forestry System ended for general reasons: first, the checking mentioned above, second
  • 武村 雅之, 虎谷 健司
    2015年 15 巻 7 号 7_2-7_21
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー