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15件中 1-15の結果を表示しています
  • 岡 直友
    1963年 54 巻 7 号 721-729
    発行日: 1963/07/20
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    The causes of hydronephrosis submitted to plastic surgery in Japan are in majority of cases the stricture and abnormal vessel at the uretero-pelvic juncture (UPJ) (Tab. 2).
    In the cases with abnormal vessel many a clinic in Japan choice the pyelo-ureteral plasty rather than the dissection of the vessel (Tab. 4). As to the technique of plasty Foley's Y-plasty is performed most often with fairly good results (Tab. 3). But it cannot always relieve the impaired hydronephrotic kidney as seen in the world literatures. The simpler method of v. Lichtenberg (Fig. 1), as was performed in the authors own 5 cases (Tab. 7; Fig. 2-4), proves also to be well to obtain good results as far as recovery of the function of the kidney and the upper urinary tracts is concerned.
    To obtain a good result by plasty in hydronephrosis it is essential to establish proper indication for it. For this purpose it was studied clinically on several points: pyelograms, renal function by the method of intravenous pyelography, renal aortograms, open biopsies of the kidney, renal infection and movement of renal pelvis and ureter, before operation, and discussed here. Further, necessities of resection of the dilated pelvic wall was discussed.
    The author has been reached to the conclusion, at present, that in the cases which have E-grade (according to the graduation made by Huzino in the authors clinic) hydronephrosis judged from the retrograde or percutaneous punctuating pyelogram, and in which any calyceal shadow in 60-minute delayed intravenous pyelogram, was displayed, and further when they show any movement rontgen-kymographially in the upper urinary tracts, the plastic surgery is indicative. Of course, the existence of renal infection should be considered. But, it is not wise to abandon plastic surgery because of intensive turbidity (pyuria) of the renal urine. Percutaneous renal biopsy, if possible, may help the selection. Though there is no necessity of resection of the dilated pelvic wall in up to D-grade hydronephrosis, it may promote the improvement (Fig. 7). The technique of plasty would be selected as on prefers. The essentials for the plasty are to recover and insure the smooth flow of urine and not necessarily to make better the cosmetic appearance.
  • 杉浦 弌
    1971年 62 巻 1 号 64-77
    発行日: 1971年
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    Previously Oka, our director, published many papers on the indication of the kidney conservative surgery for clinical hydronephrosis. This is one of the supplemental studies.
    The results obtained were as follows:
    1) The total number of hydronephrosis of degrees higher than C treated in our department during the past 21 years from 1947 to 1967 amounted 296 sides, of which 56 (19%) were markedly infected.
    2) The percentage of marked infection for each degree of hydronephrosis was 13% in C, 22% in D, 37% in E and 50% in F. In short, it was found that the higher the degree of hydronephrosis, the more marked the infection.
    3) Most of the high-degree hydronephrosis with marked infection were found to be caused by aquired diseases (83%). In the latter, there were calculi of the upper urinary tract in 65%. Strictures of UPJ and VUJ were identified in 80% of congenital cases.
    4) As to the results of functional improvement of high-degree hydronephrosis with marked infection after conservative surgery, in congenital cases, considerable improvement was guaranteed. Only slight improvement, on the other hand, was noted in aquired cases. Especially, in those with renal calculi, the results were poor.
    5) For the prevention of infection introduced by nephrostomized tube as well as for the treatment of infection before surgery, the author has devised an indwelling wash method of renal pelvis with excellent results.
    6) Principally the advantage of kidney conservative surgery in high-degree hydronephrosis with marked infection is the same as that for not infected cases. In infected cases with renal calculi, a more cautious postoperative care is advisalle than in not infected cases.
  • 久住 治男, 酒井 晃, 村山 和夫
    1972年 63 巻 8 号 641-648
    発行日: 1972/08/20
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    A clinical observation on 15 cases of hydronephrosis (17 ureters) indicated for pyeloplastic surgery during the last 5 years in the Department is made, and the results obtained are as follows:
    1. In 12 ureters of these patients, a plastic procedure, which comprises separation of the ureter from the pelvis, with excision of the pelvi-ureteric junction, and re-implantation of the ureter into the pelvis (Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty), has been carried out.
    2. Adopting I V P, radioisotope renogram and P S P test as a guide to the degree of improvement in function of the kidney, a “good” result was obtained in 7 of 17 pyeloplasties. In these good cases, the re-implantation methods of Anderson-Hynes and so forth, with excision of the pelvi-ureteric junction, have been carried out. These procedures provided better results compared with the pyeloplasty with retention of continuity between the ureter and pelvis.
    3. In child group, the good result was obtained in a higher proportion than in adult group.
    4. No significant relationships were observed between the degree of hydronephrosis and postoperative improvement.
    5. In the patients whose internal diameter of the renal artery to that of abdominal aorta was less than 20 per cent in ratio, the renal cortex on the nephrogram was found to be of a great unsubstantial thickness. The ratio can be used as a determination factor on the indication for conservative surgery in the management of hydronephrosis.
    6. In 4 cases (31 per cent) of unilateral hydronephrosis, the contralateral kidney, which showed apparently normal excretory pyelogram, revealed a considerable prolongation of excretory phase on the renogram. This would suggest the usefulness of the renogram in the diagnosis of hydronephrosis and assessment of the function of the contralateral kidney after the operation. This is also reminiscent of that hydronephrosis, potentially at least, is a bilateral affliction and conservative surgery is proposed in the management of hydronephrosis.
  • 高安 久雄, 佐藤 昭太郎, 田中 義憲, 桜井 叢人
    1963年 54 巻 11 号 1164-1168
    発行日: 1963/11/20
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 老人ホーム入所例における尿路感染症の臨床細菌学的検討
    猪狩 淳, 林 康之, 村瀬 修
    1975年 12 巻 5 号 291-297
    発行日: 1975/09/30
    公開日: 2009/11/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    最近尿路感染症は老年病領域でも合併症あるいは二次感染症として発生頻度の高い疾患にあげられ, 注目されて来ている 1956年 Kass が尿細菌定量培養法の意義を報告して以来, 多くの報告があるが, いずれも若年者, 妊婦における尿路感染症に関するものばかりで, 老年者についての報告は数少ない. また老年者では細菌尿の頻度が高いといわれているが, 臨床細菌学的に検討した成績も少ない. 著老らは老人ホーム入所例 (主として脳血管障害例) を対象として, 昭和46年より3年4か月間臨床細菌学的見地から尿路感染症の原因菌, 薬剤感受性について統計的に検討した.
    臨床所見あるいは尿沈渣白血球所見より尿路感染症が疑われた尿95件のうち63件 (67.4%) に細菌尿陽性となった.
    分離菌のうち1菌種単独で検出されたのは60.3%, 2菌種以上混合菌は39.7%で, 老人ホーム例は一般病院例より混合感染の頻度が高い. 分離菌別ではE. coli, が最も多く, 次いで Proteus, Enterococcus, Klebsiella の順で, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas の検出率は低かった. なおE. coli は年毎に増加傾向がみられた.
    E. coli の薬剤感受性はKM=CL>AB-PC=CP>CER>NA>SM>TC の順に高く, Proteus の場合はSM=AB-PC>CP>CERの順に良い感性を示した.
    細菌尿陽性例の臨床症状はいわゆる膀胱炎症状を訴える例が多い. しかし全く症状を訴えない無症候性細菌尿例が39.7%にみられた.
  • 今村 一男, 飯島 博, 松井 〓仁, 島 誠一, 中西 欽也, 丸山 行孝, 木地 孝幸, 近藤 常郎
    1964年 23 巻 11-12 号 526-537
    発行日: 1964/03/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Three cases of testicular torsion, not uncommon, occerred on two normal descended testicle and a retentio testis that we experienced recently are reported with some consideration.
  • 石塚 榮一
    1972年 63 巻 10 号 809-832
    発行日: 1972/10/20
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author made a study on the renal function before and after operation of staghorn calculi and similar renal stones in 27 kidneys of 25 patients. The cases were divided into the following three groups: Group I (10 kidneys) were subjected to nephrolithotomy (N-L) with clamping (including 2 kidneys in which extended pyelolithotomy (E-P) was also employed). Group II (14 kidneys) were subjected to E-P without clamping. Group III (3 kidneys) were subjected to N-L and E-P without clamping. Renal clearance (GFR, RPF), serum and urinary electrolytes, Fishberg's concentration (Fishberg), isotope renogram, intra-venous pyelography (IVP) and their correlations were studied.
    The following conclusions were obtained.
    1) Disappearance of gross hematuria was earlier in Group II than in Groups I and III.
    2) Postoperative recovery of renal function was earlier and more complete in Groups II and III than in Group I.
    3) As to the total renal function after operation, there was a tendency that GFR was more improved than RPF in all of the three Groups.
    4) The postoperative decrease of the urinary volume in the contra-lateral non-operated kidney was observed in Group I. On the other hand, this phenomenon was not found in Groups II and III.
    From the results mentioned above, the author is of the opinion that the extended pyelolithotomy is the best operation for almost all patients with staghorn calculi of the kidney.
  • 有田 正俊, 山田 茂, 江間 誠二, 小山 哲, 島田 正, 岡田 圭二
    1974年 24 巻 3 号 240-250
    発行日: 1974年
    公開日: 2010/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    CHDG (chlorhexidine digluconate) 応用による副作用の有無Str. mutansの耐性変異を生ずる可能性の有無を検討し, かつ副作用の少ない応用方法の開発を目的として本研究を行なつた。
    ラットを対象としてCHDGの0.2%, 2.0%水溶液を35日間塗布した成績では, 歯面, 歯肉, 口腔粘膜に異常を認めなかつた。マウスを対象として12mg/kg, 120mg/gk, 180mg/kg, 240mg/kg, 300mg/kgの5種を経口投与した成績では, 12mg/kg投与群は発育良好で異常を認めなかつた。Str. mutans 5菌株を対象として稀釈法によつてCHDGによる耐性獲得の可能性を研究した結果, その可能性は困難であろうと考えられた。小学校3学年生を対象として1週間1回宛1年間CHDGの2.0%塗布または0.2%含漱を行ない, 併せて刷掃励行を指導したところ, 歯面, 歯肉, 口腔粘膜, 舌などに異常を認めなかつた。1週1回の応用によつて歯垢生成抑制効果を認めたが, 成績は後日報告する。
  • 第1編 腎実質縫合法の技術的変遷と腎実質一層縫合法の意義
    福岡 洋
    1977年 68 巻 5 号 440-449
    発行日: 1977年
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    The principle of treatment for staghorn calculi and the indication of nephrolithotomy have been described. In nephrolithotomy, operative technique, especially the method of parenchymal suture, has several variations but there is no convulsive method.
    In 1967, Dr. Taguchi originally designed a new method of parenchymal suture and he has performed it in more than 50 patients with good result. In his operation, closure of the renal parenchymal incision is made with one layer interrupted suture from pelvic mucosa to renal capsule by 2-0 plain cat gut. Hemostatic suture or ligation and the suture of pelvic mucosa are not necessary. Therefore, the operative technique is very simple and the clamp time of renal pedicle can be shortened.
    The ways of renal parenchymal suture in nephrolithotomy were classified into 6 groups. They were:
    1. The method without suture at all
    a) sutureless nephrotomy
    b) wrapping kidney in Oxycel gauze
    2. The method of capsular suture
    a) interrupted or continuous suture of renal capsule only
    b) subcapsular circular suture
    3. The method of interposition of muscle, fatty tissue or others
    4. Mattress suture and its variations
    a) horizontal mattress suture
    b) vertical mattress suture
    c) plate suture
    5. The method of parenchymal suture other than mattress suture
    a) U-shaped suture in margin of renal incision
    b) interrupted suture of renal parenchyma
    6. Anatrophic nephrotomy (by Boyce, W. H. et al)
    One layer interrupted suture of renal wound originally designed by Dr. Taguchi belongs to the group 5-b, but it is considered the simplest and the most advanced technique.
  • 日高 正昭
    1970年 61 巻 2 号 171-192
    発行日: 1970年
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    Chemotherapy plays the most important role in the treatment of urinary tract infections. It is necessary for the effective treatment to classify causative microorganisms and to determine drug sensitivity of the bacteria, and administration of chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of patients with renal failure should be carefully carried out. The author classified 145 strains of the bacteria cultured from outpatients with urinary tract infection at our clinic from January to December in 1966, and examined their sensitivities to 8 of chemotherapeutic agents. E. coli (39.3%) and Staphilococci (11.1%) were most frequently found, and they showed high sensitivity to KM, CL and NF. The results in the present experiment were compared with the results in the experiments described in our 4 preceding reports, and the same tendency in their results was observed.
    CP and KM were frequently used for the treatment of 52 in-patients with renal failure from 1962 to 1966. Nephrotoxicity of KM has been reported by many authors, and therefore; I observed the effect of KM on renal function, clinically and experimentally at our department. Serum concentration of KM in anuric patients persisted at so high level as 33 mcg/ml even at 35th hour after single intramuscular injection of 1.0 gm. 24% in an average of KM, however, was eliminated by hemodialysis for 4 hours from serum whose level was 1 hour after intramuscular injection. Three groups of rabbits were made for the observation of the experiments; 1) normal group, 2) impaired renal function group, 3) infected impaired renal function group, and each group of them was further divided into two subgroups according to dosage of KM, small dosage group (50 mg/kg/day) and large dosage group (300 mg/kg/day). Group 1: In the small dosage group, there was no nephrotoxic effect for 20 days. (Group A) In the large dosage group, the mortality caused by KM was 80% within 20 days. (Group B) Group 2: In the small dosage group, all were survived for 20 days. (Group C) All were died within 12 days in the large dosage group. (GroupD) Group 3: The rate of survival for 20 days in the small dosage group was 75%, renal infections were not cured, however. (Group E) The mortality in the large dosage group was 80% for 20 days, and all infections were cured. (Group F) Occurrence of the renal damage which is degeneration of tubular epithelium, caused by KM is found in individuals in whose serum was accumulated.
    In conclusion, to the accumulation of KM in the serum of the patient with renal failure should be paid much attention in case KM is administered for the treatment.
  • 平田 輝夫
    1964年 55 巻 1 号 25-60
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    To detect the abnormal shadows of renal pelves and calyces in detail, the author applied a high-voltage photofluorographic technique to the upper urinary tract.
    The photograms were taken by 60×60mm serial films using Toshiba X-Ray Apparatus KCD-12F type with rotating anode tube and indirect X-Ray Canon Camera. Some 10 serial films in a patient were taken at 120KV and 70cm distance.
    Films of 63 cases were examined, which consisted of plain films of the abdomen (10 cases), intravenous urograms (17 cases) and retrograde pyelograms (36 cases). And the results are follows:
    1) Owing to the high-voltage photofluorography, bony shadows and intestinal masses became faint without any enema, evacuant or diet restriction.
    2) Because of serial photography, stereographic observation was possible when the position was changed gradually.
    3) On the intravenous urograms, if the kidney function normally, the calyces and pelvis were visualized within 2-3 minutes after the injection in the supine position. When the patient took upright position, the media were excreted from the pelvis immediately.
    4) On the retrograde pyelograms, so-called “emptying times” of the each calyces and the pelvis in the normal kidney were studied. The times of the upper, middle and lower calyces and the renal pelvis were less than 5 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes and 3 minutes in supine position and 2 minutes, 4 minutes, 4 minutes and 3 minutes in upright position, respectively.
    5) Photofluorographic changes in 16 cases of essential renal hematuria were dilatation of renal pelvi-calyceal system (68.7%), reflux of media from renal pelvis to calyces (43.7%), Narath's symptom (43.7%), movable kidney (31.2%), flexion of ureter (31.2%) and sustaind small shadow in one calyx (18.70).
    6) Photofluorographic changes in 14 kidneys of nephroptosis were flexion of ureter (100%), dilatation of renal pelvi-calyceal system (71.4%), Narath's symptom (64.2%), rotation of the kidney (50%) and reflux of media from renal pelvis to calyces (21.4%).
  • 特に腎珊瑚樹状結石症例に対する腎切石術への適用について
    近藤 捷嘉
    1973年 64 巻 11 号 879-897
    発行日: 1973/11/20
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    There were 151 patients of staghorn calculi in our department from 1955 to 1971. Sixty-four cases underwent nephrolithotomy. After April 1968, the continuous pelvic irrigation method was performed on 17 patients after the nephrolithotomy of staghorn calculi. The technique of this irrigation is shown in Fig. 1. The solution used for the irrigation was normal saline 1, 000ml-2, 000ml containing Cephalothin (abbreviation: CET) 1.0g-2.0g per day. The purpose of this procedure is to prevent post-operative complications, such as renal infection, secondary hemorrhage, persistant urinary fistula, secondary nephrectomy, etc.
    Of 47 cases without the continuous pelvic irrigation after nephrolithotomy from January 1955 to March 1968, 2 cases of secondary hemorrhage, 7 cases of persistant urinary fistula and 1 case of secondary nephrectomy were observed. But no post-operative complications were seen in 17 cases with the continuous pelvic irrigation after operation.
    To evaluate the clinical effects of this method, the following studies were carried out. Continuous pelvic irrigation with normal saline containing CET or Gentamicin (abbreviation: GM) was performed for 24 hours on the left kidney of dogs with bilateral ureterostomy. The urinary recovery of antibiotics from the right kidney, the serum level, the concentration of drugs in the bilatenal renal tissue after irrigation and histological influences on both kidneys were examined.
    In group I (normal kidney, CET 1.0g), urinary recovery rate of CET was 0.12% of dosage administered. In group II (experimental Proteus mirabilis pyelonephritic kidney, CET 1.0g), urinary recovery rate was 0.59% of that, which was about 5 times as much as group I. In group III (normal kidney, CET 10.0g) and IV (normal kidney, GM 1.0g), urinary recovery rate was more than that of group I and less than group II. The serum levels of drugs at the end of the irrigation ranged between 0.54mcg/ml and 1.1mcg/ml and the concentration of drugs in the renal tissue at the same time was determined as between 0.36mcg/g and 2.9mcg/g in group III and IV.
    Histological examinations of specimens from the irrigated kidneys showed that the moderate degenerative changes of epithelium of tubules were observed in cases of group III (CET 10.0g) and IV (GM 1.0g), but these pathological changes were not observed in the irrigated kidneys in cases of group V (irrigation with normal saline). It may be possible that these changes of tubular epithelium were caused by the pharmaco-dynamic influence of applied antibiotics, the excessive pressure and speed of irrigation or the osmotic pressure of solution.
    Nephrotomy with or without the continuous pelvic irrigation was performed on the experimental Proteus mirabilis pyelonephritic kidney in dogs, and the courses of these cases were followed up and examined histologically. Group A: the continuous pelvic irrigations with the normal saline containing CET 1.0g per 1, 000ml were done for 24 hours after the nephrotomy of experimental pyelonephritic kidney. In this group, histological examinations of operated kidneys revealed that pyelitis and the wounds of tissues were apparently improved. Group B: the continuous irrigations with normal saline without antibiotics were done for 24 hours after the operation. In this group, histological examinations revealed that pyelitis was improved, but the wound was less recovered than in group A. In these two groups, post-operative specimens showed that the pre-existing infection did not spread into the parenchyma after the operation. Group C: nephrotomies without the continuous pelvic irrigation were carried out. Histological examination revealed that both pyelitis and inflammation in the renal parenchyma were worsened.
  • The Journal of Antibiotics, Series B
    1960年 13 巻 3 号 150-157
    発行日: 1960/06/25
    公開日: 2013/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 玉野 和志
    2015年 66 巻 2 号 224-241
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2016/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー

    本稿では地方自治体の政策形成に対して, 何らかの関わりをもってきた村落, 都市, 地域に関する社会学研究者の経験を検討することで, 政策形成に関与しようとする社会学者がふまえるべき教訓を導き出すことを目的とする. ここでは, 戦後農地改革の評価を行った福武農村社会学から地域開発政策への批判に及んだ地域社会学への展開, 自治省のコミュニティ施策に深く関与した都市社会学者の経験, そして近年の東日本大震災に関する日本学術会議社会学委員会の提言を取り上げる.
    そこから, 社会学者は政策の事後評価に関する地道な調査研究を蓄積することはもとより, 市民がより納得できると同時に, 政策の実施者である政府の意向をもふまえて, できるかぎりのことを模索することが求められることが教訓として引き出される. そのうえで, 政策形成に社会学が独自に貢献できるのは, 時間的・空間的に広がる人と人とのつながりに根ざした当時者の主観的な思いによって測られる, 歴史的・文化的な要因を数値などの客観的な表現で示すことであり, その結果, 人々がより納得できる実効ある政策の実現を可能にし, 民主主義の実質化に貢献することであることを明らかにする.

  • 1960年2月20日名古屋興服産業ピル会議室
    The Journal of Antibiotics, Series B
    1960年 13 巻 3 号 131-149
    発行日: 1960/06/25
    公開日: 2013/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー