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クエリ検索: "大田路"
4件中 1-4の結果を表示しています
  • 地学雑誌
    1950年 59 巻 3 号 103a-104
    発行日: 1950/06/30
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 韓 柱成
    1992年 44 巻 2 号 115-128
    発行日: 1992/05/20
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    韓国忠清北道における市外バスの路線網の展開とバス会社間の競合を分析した結果, 次の諸点が明らかになった。(1) 道内の運行路線は主要都市, とりわけ清州 (道庁所在都市, 道内の最大の都市) と忠州を結ぶ区間に集中して開設されている。なお, 道南部における報恩・沃川間報恩・永同間には郡内バスが運行されているために, 市外バスの路線は開設が最も少ない。(2) 道間路線の多くは, 道内路線を隣接道の主要都市にまで延長したものである。また, 道外の市外バス会社の道内への乗り入れは, 市外バス会社間の路線譲渡によるものである。各社は路線の許認可取得のとき路線縁故度などにより特定路線について既得権をもっている。(3) 忠清北道における, バス会社間の競合は清州・忠州間では忠清北道の市外バス会社間において, 南部地方では忠清南道の市外バス会社と忠清北道の会社の間で, 北部地方では京畿道・慶尚北道の市外バス会社と忠清北道の会社の間でみられる。これは, 忠清北道の地理的位置, 旅客発生が多い京畿道の市外バス会社の運行路線の延長, 大田の存在, 忠清北道の人口の減少などに基因している。
  • 新野 正之, 木皿 且人, 森 雅裕, 鈴木 一行, 上村 誠一
    2005年 52 巻 11 号 820-825
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2006/04/28
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    To raise the economics of Space Solar Power System (SSPS) that is to supply large energy from space to the ground and is expected for practical application in 20-30 years, weight reduction and improvement of the lifespan need to be sought to reduce transportation costs and life cycle costs. In relation to the SSPS research that has been conducted by JAXA, present report suggests a new vision for material development applying the Japan-developed FGMs concept and proposes some concepts of innovative materials in which the advantages of FGMs are fully utilized.
  • 神田 聖子, 今井 亜湖, 藤倉 純子, Choi Jiyu, 吉本 優子, Chung Sang-Jin, 武藤 志真子
    2017年 11 巻 4 号 335-343
    発行日: 2017/10/25
    公開日: 2018/08/02
    ジャーナル フリー

    We implemented a Shokuiku (diet and nutrition education) program that incorporated an international exchange between 29 Japanese (grade 6) and 20 Korean (grade 5) elementary school students. The learning objectives were for Japanese and Korean students to understand their local food and to introduce it in English. The students underwent four Shokuiku classes between a baseline survey and a post-survey, and lunch boxes, snacks, and event menus served as teaching materials. The fourth Shokuiku class comprised an international exchange using a web conference system. We then compared changes in responses to questionnaires from the two surveys and prepared a matrix table for Japanese students to confirm the degree of learning. The matrix table was comprised of the evaluation by the viewpoints of “foreign language activities” classes presented by National Institute for Educational Policy Research. The effect of the program on degree of learning was assessed after all four classes.

    The results were as follows :

    1) A high degree of learning in terms of interest, motivation, and attitudes towards communication after Shokuiku classes before the international exchange was shown among the Japanese students. The students also understood some differences in awareness of languages and cultures by studying images of both countries’ food during Shokuiku classes on lunch boxes and event menus.

    2) Motivation for studying and attitudes towards spreading Japanese food significantly changed after the exchange among Japanese students.

    3) The Japanese and Korean students were satisfied by the international exchange; in particular, many Japanese students spoke more English than they expected.

    4) Although changes in attitudes among the Korean students towards spreading their local food were statistically unfavorable, their understanding of Japanese food deepened.

    Understanding differences between Korea and Japan enhanced understanding of, and increased motivation for, studying Japanese food. Positive attitudes to classes and satisfaction with the international exchange affected attitudes towards spreading information about food from one’s own country.
