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4件中 1-4の結果を表示しています
  • 松本 至巨, 尾方 隆幸, 内川 啓
    2006年 115 巻 2 号 221-235
    発行日: 2006/04/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Northern Japanese Alps (Chubusangaku National Park) has experienced a dramatic increase in the number of visitors since the boom referred to as “the Japanese hundred mountains”. The Ushiro-Tateyama Range, located in the northernmost area of the Japanese Alps, provides various alpine landscapes such as cirques, asymmetrical ridges, patterned ground, perennial snow patches and alpine plant communities. Data from 6922 trekkers indicate that the distribution of mountain huts and accessibility to trails control their trekking courses, and that the trekkers concentrate in three mountain areas : Shirouma-mountain area, Goryu-mountain area and Kashima-mountain area. These areas are divided by a landform called kiretto, where a col with steep rockwalls lies along a main ridge, operating as a natural obstacle. Such a concentration suggests that human impacts on mountain geoecosystem occur locally, but intensively.
  • *渡辺 護
    2008年 60 巻 A24
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2008/07/01
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
     飛越高原は岐阜県と富山県の県境に位置し、近年観光などを目的に新しく作られたリゾート名称である。演者は先に、岐阜県側の山之村地域のアブ相について報告したが、今回は富山県側の有峰地域について報告する。とくに、北陸の山間地渓流域で多発しているイヨシロオビアブの高標高地における発生状況について報告したい。  2000年に薬師岳
    のトラップにはドライアイスを配置しなかったが、猪根谷と十郎谷にはドライアイスを配置した。 調査は毎年ほぼ7月中旬から10月中旬まで、ほぼ毎週捕獲アブを回収した。  
    地点(1380m)では5年間の調査で、12種517個体の雌と18個体の雄が捕獲され、アカウシアブが36.2%と最も多く、次いでイヨシロオビアブの30%、キンイロアブの13.2%、トヤマゴマフアブの10.8%などであった。猪根谷地点(1120m)ではボックス5年間で12種14,279個体が捕獲されたが、その97.7%をイヨシロオビアブが占めた。同じ地点におけるマレイズの3年間では15種3,325個体が捕獲され、イヨシロオビアブが82.6%と低くなり、アカウシアブ6.2%、ヤマトアブ5.1%、キンイロアブ2.8%などであった。十郎谷地点(1130m)のボックス4年間では9種3,017個体が捕獲されたが、イヨシロオビアブは81.1%と低く、ヤマトアブが9.8%、アオコアブが6%捕獲された。マレイズではさらにイヨシロオビアブの占有率が42.4%と低くなり(全体数は1,409個体)、アカウシアブが24.6%、ヤマトアブ15.3%、キンイロアブ7.5%などであった。 Key word: tabanid fly, Arimine area, Toyama prefecture, box trap, malaise trap
  • 長岡 久人
    2006年 2006 巻 210 号 2-27
    発行日: 2006/09/20
    公開日: 2017/08/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 丸山 忠愛
    1960年 14 巻 1 号 169-200
    発行日: 1960/05/31
    公開日: 2017/12/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    An oral examination was conducted in the year of 1959 on a total of 5053 school children and pupils consisting of 2503 males and 2550 females, residing respectively in Osaka city, Shimoichi-machi and Totsugawa-mura, the first of these communities representing the big city, the second the small town and the third the rural community in our country. The items studied included Caries Incidence Rate, Average Number of Exsisting Teeth, Number of def Teeth, Number of DMF Teeth, Age of Deciduous Teeth Shedding, Age of Permanent Teeth Eruption and Mottled Teeth Incidence. The data obtained were studied statistically and were compared with data of previous investigators. The results were summarized as follows. 1) DECIDUOUS TEETH Higher values of Caries Incidence Rate, Existing Teeth Number and def Teeth Number were observed in the inhabitants of the rural community, Totsugawa in conparison with the more populated communities. Male members exceeded female members in these respects. The age of deciduous teeth shedding was earlier also in Totsugawa inhabitants than elsewhere, and was earlier in the female than in the male in general. 2) PERMANENT TEETH Caries Incidence Rate and DMF Teeth Number the urban districts showed lower values than the rural district as alike in the case of deciduous teeth. Average number of exsisting teeth was larger increasingly with more populated communities. The femals member showed greater values for the above three items than did the male member. The age of tooth eruption was earlier in the urban communities in the order of Osaka, Shimoichi and Totsugawa, the female member being earlier in this respect than the male member through every districts. 3) COMPARISON WITH OTHER DISTRICTS Greater values were observed especially in Totsugawa district in the numbers of def and DMF teeth, with significant difference being present between the districts compared. The trend toward increasing tooth caries incidence was apparent in every districts examined, regardless of urban or rural, and it was especially noted in the permanent teeth (Fig. 44 to 47). 4) MOTTLED TEETH INCIDENCE These occurred in 9.65% in Shimoichi district, in 2.46% in Totsugawa and in the severity of the disease M_1 degree was most prevalent.